Land improvement is similar to housing renovation. You cannot end the process, you can only pause for a while, and then continue. A personal estate, like a living organism, requires constant attention from the owners, investment of money and considerable work. The issue is of particular relevance when it comes to domestic buildings. After all, they should have a decent appearance, be distinguished by convenience, reliability and small investments. The construction of frame sheds allows you to solve the problem of combining good results and savings.

Frame technology is gradually replacing standard construction methods from domestic open spaces. And this is quite reasonable. New techniques have become widespread in the construction of residential buildings, cottages, garages, baths. This technology has no alternative in the field of sheds due to the following reasons:
- Practical. The frame shed, if necessary, can be disassembled, moved to another placeand install again.
- Simplicity. No construction equipment is required to install the frame parts of a small structure.
- Speed. Assembly is carried out much faster compared to the construction of materials such as logs, timber, bricks, foam blocks.
- Savings. To create walls, the number of materials and elements is significantly reduced. Due to the fact that a frame shed with a shed roof is light in weight, a columnar inexpensive foundation is quite suitable for it.
Among these benefits is convenience. Such a structure can be easily adjusted to personal wishes and economic needs. It is possible to change the configuration or add it.

What is the convenience of a pitched roof
The support of the truss system of pitched roofs is located on the upper trim of the building, which acts as a Mauerlat. In the standard version of the arrangement of such roofs, rafters are laid separately on walls with different heights.
The slope, which is necessary for the removal of precipitation, is provided precisely by the difference in the height of the walls. But the shed roof of a frame shed is not always done in this way. It can be arranged on the walls of the same level when installing roof trusses, which outwardly resemble a right triangle. A long leg of the form is fixed on the harness, the hypotenuse acts as a rafter leg. It is also possible to create a cantilever frame over one of the walls. In this case, the frame plays the role of a support forrun on which the rafters are based.
The slope of the total roof surface directly depends on the selected material. Basically, gentle structures with an angle of less than 8 degrees are created. For sheathing, a material of a rolled polymer, bitumen or polyurethane foam type is used.
Roofing iron without profiles and profiled special sheets are used for single slope systems with a slope of less than 25 degrees. If compliance with the architectural overall ensemble is required, the laying of piece material is allowed. It is worth remembering that with a decrease in the angle, the likelihood of stagnation of precipitation and moisture ingress into the roofing base increases. Such wetting of the elements of the roof system leads to early failure.
A light frame shed on skids has one indisputable advantage, which is that it can be rearranged without problems and located anywhere in the garden. For example, it can be used for periodic storage of pumping units next to a pond or pool in the summer, and after the end of the season, become a firewood warehouse near the house.
In order to systematically rearrange the structure, skids are made of wood. If there is no need for transportation, depending on the characteristics of the available soil, the shed rests on concrete blocks with a small depth or a reinforced concrete slab.
Create a frame barn with your own hands and provide a shed roof of the simplest kind under the power of an owner who has only little knowledge incarpentry.

DIY frame shed: step by step instructions
The structural part consists of a frame fixed on two parallel skids made of timber. The internal space of the frame is also filled with pieces of timber. The elements are connected with self-tapping screws or special nails. The most important places for reliability are duplicated by steel corners. The runners are reinforced with several screws. Each bonding point must be indented from the edge of the workpiece to prevent splitting of wooden parts.
The future floor is a plywood sheet, the diagonals of which are measured before being fixed on the frame. Size matching required. If this condition is not met, the errors are corrected, and then the sheet is attached. It is not necessary to tighten all the fasteners too much, as this can ruin the plywood. Taking into account the presence of a doorway, an additional strapping is arranged on the sides of the floor.
The wall studs are fixed with temporary braces. Fixation with corners is added after specifying the parameters with a special tool. All available types of racks are connected at the top, above the opening, with a board nailed on top. This is the sloped top piece of the bottom rail.
The creation of another wall is carried out in the same way, but without the need to take into account the opening for the door. Racks are cut to the required dimensions and sawn from the top side. For greater convenience, in both cases it is better to cut before installation. With absenceto be sure of the correct cutting, it is worth leaving a small margin, and sawing after fixing.
The side walls are made in the form of a frame with a central post in the middle. The extreme parts of the frame are reinforced with corner posts.
Cutting board is used in cutting rafters. It is applied from the end to the installation site and defines the gash line.
The rafters are placed exactly above the rear and front axle racks. Self-tapping screws or nails are used for fastening.

Exterior decoration
Sheathing is carried out with a tongue-and-groove board or profiled sheet. Then a board is placed along the perimeter of the top of the walls so that the end of the previous element covers the edge of the previous one. To cut all the details, you must first try on.
The lathing is mounted using moisture-resistant plywood, the cutting of which should take into account preliminary fittings.
A waterproofing continuous coating is laid on the lathing of a sloping roof. Strips of material are laid from the bottom up, so that the seams end up facing against the flow of rainwater. Waterproofing is laid with an overlap of 15 cm. A roofing material in the form of a flexible tile is laid on top of it.
The doorway at the end is framed with wooden jambs, the door itself is hung after installing special hinges.
Such a frame shed with a shed roof, built by hand, is great for the outer parts of downhole units,rooms for household tools, play facilities for children. An economical version of the base frame involves fixing by driving reinforcement into the ground. Metal rods are hammered through holes made in the frame, or next to the base, followed by fastening to it with metal plates.
Stationary option
Despite the fact that such a frame shed has a larger size, there is no need to fill a monolithic or strip foundation. It will be quite enough blocks of high-quality concrete, arranged in three rows. But this does not mean that you can forget about digging a pit (trench) and appropriate preparation. Such work can only be avoided if the site is used for construction, rolled and carefully leveled during active use.

Frame shed: step-by-step instructions for creating a foundation
When building on an unprepared space, it will be necessary to completely remove the vegetation and soil layer and dig a pit, the depth of which should be 20 cm more than the freezing level. The data can be found in the list of standards, while it is important not to forget about the type of soil. Next, the bottom of the pit is carefully compacted, covered with a layer of gravel-sand mixture and poured with lean cement by 10-15 cm.
After the concrete hardens, the foundation pit is marked out for the construction of foam concrete or brick pillars. During the construction of supports of the required type, anchors are laid in order to subsequentlyfix the frame shed in place of its lower strapping.
Rooferoid cuttings are laid on the poles to prevent the wood frame from rotting. Now the stage of creating the fundamental foundation is considered completed and it is possible to engage in further construction.

Required to check the accuracy of the construction of support pillars. To do this, a board is placed flat on a number of pillars and the spirit level is verified. If there are errors, they must be corrected by mounting board trimmings on the top of the posts. Control refinements are carried out by placing the board along short and long rows.
The base element is placed on a columnar, pre-leveled foundation. If no anchors were laid during the creation of the pillars, then the beam is applied already in place and points for mounting holes are marked. A frame is mounted on top of the timber, filled with ordinary logs. They are laid on the floor of OSB boards, boards and dense plywood. It is necessary to leave gaps of 2-3 mm with the expectation of linear thermal expansion.
In accordance with the dimensions, the front wall is mounted and fixed with temporary braces, then the side and rear ones. When the correct cutting is performed, the result will be the construction of a frame barn with walls of the same height. Otherwise, you will need to build or file. If there is any doubt about the fidelity of the work, the walls can be assembled in separate elements that have a small margin in length. Then the top of the racks is fastened with the help of lateral temporary strapping. Existing remnants after construction are cut off at the upper boundary.
The upper harness is mounted in two rows on the ends of the racks. In the case of using a side temporary board for leveling, it must be removed. The stationary strapping is laid so that the joints of the row below are blocked.
A cantilever frame is assembled from small racks, the top of which is sawn at the required angle to create a slope. The slope must be set in advance by drawing the roof diagram in the form of a standard right triangle.
A rafter template is formed from the board, the workpiece is applied to the installation site. It is worth remembering that the length of the rafters should be provided with a rear and front overhang.
The rafter legs are cut out, placed over the racks and fastened with metal corners. A continuous crate with waterproofing material and a roof covering are mounted on them: special profiled steel, metal tiles, etc.
After the do-it-yourself frame shed is ready, it is sheathed with siding or other suitable material.
Next, a door jamb is formed, a door with a lock is placed. From the inside, with the help of a grid, the cantilever frame is closed.
Truss trusses for slope
In order to build a do-it-yourself frame shed with a shed roof, truss ready-made systems are used to ensure safety and ease of execution. The main activities for the production of modules are carried out on solid ground in a calm environment.
In stores are presentedmetal or wooden trusses that only need to be placed and fixed on the roof. But this will slightly increase construction costs.
With self-production, it is easier to monitor the accuracy of dimensions and immediately eliminate defects on the spot than to connect, build up or saw off something at a height. The quality of the structure is noticeably increased due to comfortable working conditions.

Advantages of using roof trusses
A frame shed with a shed roof made of truss trusses has the advantage that the spacer from the triangular closed module does not pass to the walls, which negatively affects such load-bearing structures. So, the spacer is distributed in the truss itself without transferring the load to the building.
But this method is not ideal. It is used when creating buildings with a small area, since without additional elements, rafter triangles can cover spans of no more than 7 m, and no more than 24 m with support in the form of struts.
Trusses are mounted on a frame, the walls of which have the same height. Everything is extremely simple. Modules are made of wood according to pre-set sizes. The hypotenuse of the modular triangle becomes the rafter leg, in some cases it can be a supporting element on which the rafter is laid. It acts as a floor beam. The functions of the running frame, consisting of the end elements of the trusses, are performed by a short leg.
Requires a drawing with calculations beforehow to build a frame shed and start making triangles from rafters. If a truss is being drawn up for the subsequent fixing of the rafter on the hypotenuse, then the triangle is removed without taking into account the overhang.