Every car owner wants to have a place where they can leave their vehicle and not worry about its safety. Often this place becomes a garage. It seems that a garage made of heavy materials will be more reliable. But this is an erroneous opinion. The frame garage has the same high performance as its heavier counterparts.

Choosing a place to build
Before you build a frame garage, you need to choose the right place. So, here's what to look for when looking for a site to build:
- His disposition. The best convenient option would be to build it close to home.
- There should be no difficulty getting the car in or out.
- The most convenient garage is considered to be 10 x 10 m. But the dimensions of the garage are determined by the owner himself.
- It is strongly not recommended to choose the size of the garage from the dimensions of a particular car. The reason for this is that in the event of a change of car, the garage may be small in size.
The frame garage has a number of advantages:
- It has high strength. That guarantees protection of the car from adverse climatic conditions and other influences.
- Has low thermal conductivity. In cold seasons, the garage warms up quickly enough from various heat sources.
- Low cost.
- Easy installation. That will save on attracting assistants and craftsmen.
- The speed of work is quite high.
- The opportunity to build a frame garage with your own hands.
But there is one thing you shouldn't skimp on - documentation.
How to build a frame garage? Consider below.
We do everything according to plan
Given all of the above, you can start building a frame garage with your own hands. The step-by-step instruction includes the following steps:
- Preparatory work for construction.
- Filling the foundation.
- Types of frames and their installation.
- Building the roof.
- Sheathing and insulation of a wooden frame garage.
- Garage door installation.
- Interior arrangement.
Let's look at each of the steps in more detail. And then the construction of a wooden frame garage with your own hands will not be difficult.

Preparatory work
When the area for the future garage is selected, you can proceed to the first step. The preparatory work for the construction of a frame garage includes, first of all, the collection of documentation. Here is what should be prepared:
- project;
- 3D garage model;
- foundation plan;
- situation plan;
- Scheme of the arrangement of structural elements;
- rafter installation plan;
- roof structure drawings;
- plan for water supply and drainage;
- detailed explanatory note;
- estimate.
After collecting the documentation, you need to collect the necessary fixtures. You can buy them yourself in specialized stores or rent from construction companies.
Given that you can build a frame garage on your own, the advice below is not necessary. But if you're a beginner, or need to build a garage as soon as possible, then a team of two or three experienced people will be just right.
When the previous points are completed, it's time to start preparing the area. Any debris, foreign objects, stones, vegetation should be carefully removed from the territory.
The next item is leveling and compacting the soil. Then the area is marked. For this, stakes and rope will be enough. Pegs must be installed in all corners and the perimeter of the future building.
Next, inside the resulting rectangle, you need to remove a layer of soil about half a meter deep. Thus, the basis for the foundation will be prepared.
Now you need to fill up the sand and gravel cushion. First, we fill in the sand by 10 cm, then lay the geotextile and fill in the crushed stone layer. It remains only to tamp it all down and let it rest for a couple of days.
Foundation and floor
The foundation of a building is an important part, fromwhich depends on the strength of the building. In addition, the foundation often serves as the garage floor.
Depending on the design, the foundation can be of several types. But most often they use either a monolithic foundation with reinforcement reinforcement, or a tape one.
Next, formwork must be installed on three sides of the building. Not four, but three! The next item is the reinforcement of the foundation to increase its strength. For this function, both a special mesh and reinforcement can serve.
Now we need to pour the foundation. It is important to remember that the concrete must be of high quality and fresh.

Before proceeding to the next step, the concrete must dry. This will take three weeks. It is important to monitor the climatic conditions. If the heat is coming, then periodically you need to water it. If rain is planned, then you need to cover it with polyethylene.
To install the floor, it is necessary to cover the entire area with a thin layer of gravel. A reinforcing mesh is laid on it, and then all this is poured with mortar and covered with thin reinforced concrete slabs. Then roofing material is laid and bars with a certain thickness are laid.
Types of frames, their installation
The frame can be made from a variety of materials, but wood or metal profiles are most commonly used.
Wooden frame is low cost, modern design and simplicity. But there is one significant drawback - the flammability of such material.
Metal profile has a number of advantages: reliability, durability,durability, impact resistance. But the weight is heavier, so it may need a stronger foundation.
To build a wooden garage frame, it is recommended to prepare the following:
- For the lower crown of the garage, boards with dimensions of 10050 mm are required, which are treated with a special antiseptic.
- For the construction of corner posts and gates, 100100 mm beams are used. Other rafters, beams and racks are made of boards 10050 mm.
- The distance between the posts of the lower crown should not be more than 1, 2m.
- Longitudinal parts of the structure are best made from timber 5050 mm.
- If the garage is more than 4 meters wide, then it is better to use 10050 mm boards, and not 100100 mm beams.

For the construction of a metal frame, a bent metal profile or rolled metal is used. First of all, you need to lay the initial profile on the foundation and fasten it together with anchors.
The rest of the profiles are fastened together by welding. But you can also use self-tapping screws, although such a mount will be less durable.
When the lower crown of the frame is ready, four vertical posts are mounted in the corners. Profiles are installed with corners outward and welded, additionally fastened with anchors.
The top crown is made of metal profile. It must be welded to the vertical supports. It is on this perimeter that the rafters will be attached.
It remains only to weld the horizontal ribs and vertical posts inintervals.
Installation of the frame takes several days. If the rafters were assembled in advance on the ground, then help is indispensable.
When the frame is installed, you need to proceed with the installation of the roof. For a garage, the roof can be single-pitched or double-pitched. The second type of roof is more difficult to work with, but allows you to equip the attic (or use the space under the roof to store any fixtures or other things).
Installation of the roof involves several stages:
- Production of a truss system for the selected type of roof.
- Sheathing roof slopes or installation of battens.
- Covering with roofing material.
Shed roof has a fairly simple design. But it is important even at the planning stage to very accurately calculate the angles of the roof slope. The exact value depends on the roofing material used, but 15 … 20 degrees is considered the best option. Accordingly, the excess of one wall over another depends on this figure.

Depending on the direction of the roof slope, rafters are attached to the front or side walls. They are made from a board or a bar. The board is installed on the end. All elements are connected at the same distance from each other, using pre-applied markings.
Above the rafters, the details of the crate are attached - boards or sheets of oriented strand board (OSB). The result of this step will be covering the selected roofing material.
The gable roof has a more complex structure. Hence,more time and effort will be required. There can be two options for mounting a gable roof: the rafters are installed on the ground or they are mounted directly on site. The second option is more difficult, since it is more difficult to install individual elements at a height.
Steps for another roof mounting option:
- Use timber, it is necessary to mount ceiling beams.
- The rafters are installed on the sides of the building and supported on a temporary basis with racks.
- The ridge board is attached at the intersection of the rafter legs.
- Next, markings are made for other pairs of rafters. This forms the shape of the roof.
- You need to make the truss system more durable with the help of a crate of boards. Attach them perpendicular to the rafters. Or use sheets of OSB or plywood.
- The final stage is the installation of roofing.
It is important not to forget to install drains on the roof. To do this, you can use a plastic pipe cut in two.
Sheathing and insulation of garage walls
Garage wall cladding means cladding. Various materials are used for this process. It can be eurolining, profiled sheet, facing brick, siding.
For the insulation of the garage, mineral wool, polystyrene foam and sprayed polyurethane foam are usually used. This material must be located between the skin layers, regardless of which side it was mounted on.
Styrofoam sheathing is an inexpensive and easy way to do it yourself,carrying a utility knife. The thickness of the foam board depends on the thickness of the frame studs. The disadvantage of this material is its high flammability.

Mineral wool, unlike the previous insulation, is safer, but it also has a higher price. The disadvantage of mineral wool is the presence of prickly fibers that can damage the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, when working with it, you should use glasses, gloves and a respirator. This material is laid between the frame racks, filling all the available space between the skins.
The most expensive insulation is sprayed polyurethane foam. It can be used for both wooden and metal structures. Special equipment is required for its installation.
It is important to choose high-quality polyurethane foam and it is better to invite an experienced person to work with it.
Gate installation
Gate for the garage in its design are: swing, sectional, rolling and lifting-turning. The simplest and most affordable for do-it-yourself installation, respectively, swing gates. For everyone else, you need to invite a specialist.
Swing gates can be made of either wood or metal. The frame frame is made of a pipe or timber, which are then sheathed with various materials (siding, metal sheets, boards, corrugated board). Optimum width for gates from 2.5 to 4m.
You also need 4 pieces of strong hinged hinges and two more for small doors that open in one of the parts of the gate. And of course, good qualitycastle.
Internal arrangement of the building
This is the final stage. If there is an attic space, it is lined with boards and a ladder is installed. The arrangement of a viewing hole or cellar is also taking place.
In addition, electrical wiring is being carried out. At the request of the owner, water is connected and the issue of heating is resolved.
There are many options for frame garages. Photos of some of them are given in this article.

Also, a video is presented to your attention. From it you can learn more about the construction of a frame garage.

In conclusion
As you can see, this building is an excellent budget solution. But, despite the price and lightness of its design, such a structure will serve faithfully for many years. But under an important condition - all stages of construction will be completed perfectly. Due to its simplicity, it is not so difficult to build a frame garage. The step-by-step instructions described in this article are designed to help a beginner.