Yellow lupine (Lupinus luteus): photo and description, planting and care

Yellow lupine (Lupinus luteus): photo and description, planting and care
Yellow lupine (Lupinus luteus): photo and description, planting and care

Among the huge variety of representatives of the flora, there are interesting plants of the legume family with a unique unpretentiousness - the genus lupine, numbering more than 600 species. One of the subspecies of the culture, yellow lupine, is very popular with gardeners and agricultural technicians, due to its special qualities and wide application. We will consider it in more detail in this article.

Lupin yellow. Description

An annual plant widely distributed in nature, also known as "wolf beans". Homeland - Mediterranean countries. The ability of lupine to grow on any soil and rapid reproduction leads to the fact that the plant can be seen even in abandoned areas. Grows everywhere: in Africa, California, Sahara, Chile, Peru. Perhaps that is why it was considered a weed for a long time.

Lupine palm leaves
Lupine palm leaves

The plant with good foliage and branchy lower part reaches a height of 60-90 cm. The aerial part consists of an upright stem and alternate leaves. Leaf plates of dark green color have 9 leaves with a narrowly elongatedbase, outwardly resemble a fan and are covered with thick hairs on both sides.

The inflorescences of lupinus luteus are elongated, different shades of yellow, exude a strong pleasant aroma. Flowers on short stalks. The growing season lasts an average of 95-105 days. The flowering period lasts more than a month. As they mature, the flowers transform into hairy pods with dark-speckled white-pink seeds. The root is taproot, can grow up to 2 meters in depth. In open sunny areas it responds with rapid growth, although shaded places for lupine are not a problem. It is resistant to Fusarium and is practically not attacked by natural pests.

Lupine yellow
Lupine yellow

There are annual, biennial and perennial varieties, herbaceous and shrubby. All species are similar to each other: flowers in the form of candles, palm leaves. With rare exceptions, they differ in the structure of inflorescences.

Varieties of yellow lupine

There are hybrid types of lupine for different types of use, bred as a result of selective selection. Universal grades include Prestige and Reliable. Demidovsky, Peresvet, Academichesky-1, Narochinsky are characterized mainly by grain use. New varieties of yellow lupine are resistant to many diseases and can be cultivated in one place for 3-5 years.

Using lupine

The plant is widely used in agriculture for quick cultivation of the soil, in ornamental gardening and is especially valued in agriculture. Lupins are sweet and bitter. While sweet varieties with a high protein content are used as animal feed, bitter ones are used as fertilizer.

Silage harvesting
Silage harvesting

Annual lupine is considered the best green manure crop and is specially grown as a natural fertilizer that improves soil structure, which naturally leads to increased fertility. A powerful root system increases soil drainage, and beneficial bacteria living on the roots reduce its acidity and enrich it with biological nitrogen.

During the period of the greatest growth of green leaves, fodder varieties of lupine are used for ensiling for animals. In fish farms, fish are fed with lupine seeds.

In some countries, lupine beans are used as food as a snack, mainly in pickled form. And roasted seeds are a great substitute for coffee beans.

Also used in the manufacture of cosmetics and medicines, in the manufacture of soap and medical plaster. The stems are used to make decorative items, and the straw is used in the pulp and paper industry.

yellow lupine flower
yellow lupine flower

Lupin breeding

The plant is propagated in several ways: seedlings, seeds and cuttings. When planting seeds, you should adhere to a distance of 30 to 50 cm between rows and a depth of 4 cm, if the soil is heavy, deepen by 2-3 cm. With proper soil preparation, seedlings appear in 12-14 days.

For growing lupine seedlings, pre-prepared soil from a mixture is usedsod land, peat and sand in equal proportions. Seeds are laid to a depth of no more than 2 cm and sprinkled with a thin layer of peat on top. The container is covered with a damp cloth and cleaned in a warm place. After two weeks, the first shoots can be observed. After the appearance of the first pair of leaves on the sprouts, the seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place.

In the spring, a basal rosette is cut out at the base of the stem at a 3-4-year-old bush. In summer, after flowering is completed, lateral shoots are suitable for cuttings, which are formed in the axils of leaf plates. After the roots appear on the shoots, and this happens within a month, they are transplanted to a permanent place of cultivation. Such a flower blooms in the first year.

yellow lupine pods
yellow lupine pods

When planting with seeds or seedlings, you can get pink or purple flowers, but you can get white color only by cuttings, which makes it possible to preserve the native color of the plant.


Plants are completely unpretentious in growing and can grow on any soil, but in loose soil, like any flowers, they will grow better. They do not like acidic soils and strong shading. Although lupine can withstand drought, it needs moderate watering during root formation, flowering and bud set. It is advisable to prepare the landing site in the fall. Planting material is planted in early spring, in April: seeds, seedlings and cuttings. It is possible to plant lupine in October, before winter, then the lupine will bloom in the summer. Seeds can grow already at a soil temperature of 4-5 degrees. Withstand even a slight drop in temperature. At the same time, lupine plantings should be mulched.

Collecting seeds

To prepare high-quality planting material, it is important not to miss the collection time. Lupine seeds begin to be harvested as soon as the pod has dried up and turned yellow. It is advisable not to allow the moment of cracking of the valves, since when ripe, the pods usually coil up and scatter light, flattened beans on both sides at a distance of up to 20 meters.

yellow lupine seeds
yellow lupine seeds

Weight of 1000 pieces of seeds - within 150 grams. The pods of some types of lupine are not prone to cracking, so they are plucked selectively as they ripen. After harvesting, lupine seeds are cleaned of various weeds, dried and stored.


The main care for lupine seedlings is to control weeds. Ornamental perennial species require a little more attention for normal growth and beautiful flowering. Like any plant, it needs regular moderate watering, without excessive dampness, so as not to provoke the development of root fungus. It is necessary to loosen the earth after watering, make sure that the root neck is covered with earth. After flowering, the lupines are pruned and the seeds are collected. With a large number of leaves and flowers, the stem must be tied to a support so that the plant does not break in wind and bad weather. Perennial varieties for the winter are sprinkled with peat or sawdust to protect against frost. After 3-4 years of flowering, such plantings are completely renewed. Timely top dressing, weeding and watering - that's all that is requiredfor this beautiful plant in its own way.

Nutritious supplements

Although lupine itself serves as a fertilizer, but in the first year in autumn it is desirable to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to the ground, and in the second year - complex mineral fertilizers. There is no need for nitrogen fertilizers, since the tubers of the lupine root system are able to accumulate nitrogen on their own.

Lupine yellow inflorescence
Lupine yellow inflorescence

Annual lupine itself has the ability to give nutrients to the soil, this becomes possible when the green mass is plowed into the ground when fully ripe. Cut biomass only after decomposition is the fertilizer that will subsequently be easily absorbed and saturate the soil with humus and organic matter.

Diseases and pests

Like any culture, decorative lupine can be subject to diseases and pests on flowers. When buds are formed before flowering, the plant may be attacked by aphids and May beetles, which eat away the flowers. To avoid this, the soil is sprayed and planted with insecticidal preparations.

Bacterial diseases can be avoided by following the basic rules of cultivation:

  • treat seeds before planting;
  • observe crop rotation;
  • lupine grows well after cereals;
  • do not plant in the same place for 3 years and near other plants of the same legume family.

For all its beauty, usefulness and undemanding cultivation, lupine deserves due attention. He will not only be the bestgreen manure for the soil, but also a real decoration of any site, flower bed or park area.
