Each of us takes a shower or bath every day. And if in Soviet times all baths in apartments were the same, today the market allows you to experiment. All kinds of shapes and a variety of colors make it possible to create a truly cozy atmosphere in this secret room. But the most important point is to correctly determine the size and volume of the bath when buying.
Types of bathtubs
One can talk endlessly about the varieties of plumbing. All bathtubs can be conditionally divided according to several criteria that are worth evaluating before going to the store.
- The size and volume of the bath. How to determine it, you will learn a little later.
- Shape.
- Color and design.
- Material from which the tub is made.
- Bathroom color scheme.
- Functional.
Each of these parameters can affect the final choice, because a bath is bought once and for many years, which means it must be comfortable, safe, durable.

Cast iron bathtubs
Everyone remembers the old bathtubs that were installed in Soviet apartments. Heavy cast iron construction on closed legssliding doors-shields or just a curtain.
Modern cast-iron bathtubs are still relevant. They store the heat of water for a long time, serve for decades, are more silent due to the thickness of the walls, but, as a rule, are 2-3 times more expensive than analogues. The volume of a cast-iron bath depends on its size and depth. If we take standard samples measuring 150x70, then their average volume is from 152 to 169 liters, depending on the depth. The only pity is that cast-iron bathtubs do not shine with a variety of shapes.

Steel baths
Unlike their heavy counterparts, a steel bath is more convenient to transport and install. Yes, and it warms up during filling much faster, because the thermal conductivity of steel is better than that of cast iron. A steel bathroom is easier to update if necessary, as well as to pick up accessories. And the price for such a model is very acceptable.
It is impossible to remain silent about the shortcomings of a steel bath. Unfortunately, the water in it cools quickly, and if you drop something heavy, dents and scratches may appear. But with proper operation and careful attitude, this option remains the most profitable of all.

Acrylic bathtubs
Not so long ago, this type of plumbing appeared on sale. It is worth noting that acrylic baths quickly found their place in the market and are gaining popularity every year. In fact, this is a plastic container, securely reinforced by reinforcement. The quality of an acrylic bath depends precisely on the number of layers of threads.
Unlike steel, these bathtubsmore heat-intensive, and weigh several times less than cast iron, which makes them an excellent option for any apartment. In addition, the range of acrylic bathtubs is very large: many variations of shapes and colors, sizes and positions. Another plus is the ease of maintenance. Even if you slightly damaged the surface, you can easily get rid of the flaw with sandpaper. So if you are looking for just such a model, it remains only to determine how much bath you need. Acrylic bathtubs come in capacities from 140 to 250 litres.

Bathroom for a small space
Repairing a small room, be it a bathroom or a bedroom, is always a challenge. It is necessary to fit everything you need, while creating the illusion of spaciousness. Therefore, choosing a bathroom for small spaces is a special matter. Of course, I would like the volume of the bath to be larger, especially if you like to soak in warm water for several hours after a hard day's work. But this is not always realistic.
It's worth mentioning right away that a cast-iron bathtub is not suitable for a small room. Firstly, it is quite bulky in itself and will create the effect of tightness. And secondly, cast-iron bathtubs are available in standard sizes and shapes, which is not very appropriate in your case. But acrylic and steel baths are ideal, as their range is very diverse. You can choose a small classic, corner, round or even seated. The main thing is to know exactly the volume of the bath. How to determine it, now we'll figure it out. It's actually not hard at all.

How to determine the volume
As a rule, in stores, price tags indicate not only dimensions, such as height, width and length, but also the volume of the bath in liters. This indicator is important for many, because the larger it is, the more the monthly payment for water hits the pocket. If for some reason the bath volume is not indicated on the rating plate, ask the consultant to show the passport for it. The manufacturer always indicates the exact figure without fail.
If we talk about online stores, then the volume of the bath in liters is not always indicated there. But it’s not difficult to calculate it yourself, just remember the school mathematics course and find three basic quantities: length, width and height. According to the classical formula, we multiply these figures, and they are always indicated in the product card, and we get the volume of the bath in liters. For example, your bathtub is 170 cm long, 65 cm wide and 42 cm high. Convert m decimeters and multiply: 17x6, 5x4, 2=464, 1 cubic decimeters or liters (1 dm3=1 l).
The situation is a little more complicated with non-standard bathrooms, in which different parts differ in size. But again, a school math course will help. Consider the example of a rounded model, one part of which is 55 cm long, and the second is 65 cm. The height of the bathroom is the same - 45 cm. We calculate the area of \u200b\u200ba semicircle, translating centimeters into decimeters for convenience: 3, 14x5, 5x6, 5: 2 \u003d 56, 1275 dm2. We multiply the resulting number by the height of the bath: 56, 1275x4, 5 \u003d 252 cubic decimeters. We translate into liters and get the volume of the bath -approximately 250 l. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the calculations. Now you can easily choose the right tub for your bathroom and save on water!