Types of foundation for the house: choose the best option

Types of foundation for the house: choose the best option
Types of foundation for the house: choose the best option

If you want your house, which you are going to build on the purchased site, to stand for more than a dozen years, not squint, crack or simply collapse, each stage of construction must be taken carefully. Particularly carefully you need to approach the issue of laying the foundation, because it is on it that all subsequent ones will be installed

types of foundation for the house
types of foundation for the house


Choose the base

Depending on what kind of building you plan to erect, as well as on the type of soil, the type of foundation is selected. Types of foundation for a house are classified according to several criteria: depth, configuration and installation method. Depending on the type of soil, the foundation can be deep or shallow. According to the configuration, the bases are divided into tape, columnar, pile and slab. According to the installation method, they are monolithic and prefabricated.

We select the design

Based on how your future home will look like, you need to choose the appropriate base. If the bearing elements are only columns (framebuilding), then the optimal foundation will be columnar or slab, depending on the soil on which the structure is located. The most suitable types of foundation for a house with a combined type of structural scheme are tape; possible use

types of foundation for a private house
types of foundation for a private house

piling, if the bearing capacity of the soil leaves much to be desired. Obviously, if we are talking about a building with a frameless (wall) system of loaded elements, then a strip foundation should also be used, placing it directly under the load-bearing walls.

Choose the depth of the foundation

How deep your future foundation will be is influenced by factors such as the type of soil itself, the presence of groundwater and its depth, seismic activity in the area and, of course, the future building itself. The types of foundation for a house are determined by the combination of all these factors. If the upper layers of the soil are not sufficiently reliable, it is necessary to deepen the base so that it rests on harder rocks. If we are talking about a building with a basement, then, as a rule, strip buried foundations are used. However, if the basement is not provided, and the deep foundation

types of foundation for a house
types of foundation for a house

doing is unprofitable, a combined design is used: a strip base mounted on piles with a grillage.

Installing the foundation

Another detail by which you can classify the types of foundation for the house is the way it is made and installed. The strip foundation, as well as the column foundation, can be prefabricated and monolithic. For prefabricated, the base structure is assembled from prefabricated reinforced concrete blocks of various sizes, manufactured at the factory. Since these blocks and pillows have certain dimensions, their number and location must be selected according to the parameters of the walls and columns. There are also types of foundations for the house, which are poured directly on the building site. To do this, formwork of appropriate dimensions is installed, reinforcement is installed and concrete mortar is poured. Before erecting walls, it is necessary to wait a sufficient amount of time for the concrete to fully harden and shrink. Different types of foundations for a private house have their pros and cons, so when calculating, you need to take into account all the factors that affect the stability and reliability of the building, and also make the construction cost-effective.