How to care for suede shoes in winter correctly?

How to care for suede shoes in winter correctly?
How to care for suede shoes in winter correctly?

The popularity of suede shoes is easy to explain - it's beautiful. And although the practicality of many inspires doubts, suede does not lose its relevance. Perhaps the opinion of the recognized trendsetter, Coco Chanel, plays a role here, who assured that suede items in the wardrobe testify to the delicate taste of the owner. However, a completely logical question arises: how to care for suede shoes in winter, if the weather conditions are very severe? Will it harm expensive boots or elegant ankle boots?

how to care for suede shoes in winter
how to care for suede shoes in winter

Problems of suede shoes in winter

Absolutely safe weather for suede shoes is a dry period, which is almost unrealistic in urban conditions. Even if frost reigns, roads and sidewalks sprinkled with s alt and special chemicals turn into a rather caustic slush. That is why suede shoes for the winter may not be the best option - it can be too insulting to throw away an almost new pair because of an irrevocably damaged appearance.

Thin suede boots can easily pass moisture, stains from stubborn dirt remain on them,whitish stains from s alt and reagents. However, this does not mean that suede is suitable only for rooms and the rarest warm, dry days. With the right approach, even elegant and delicate-looking shoes can serve for a long time, delighting the owner.

proper care for suede shoes
proper care for suede shoes

How to choose the right pair of shoes for the street

Despite the possible difficulties, many fashionistas choose suede boots, caring for them is perceived as a natural price for an elegant appearance and comfort. However, in practice, the buyer may encounter the fact that insufficiently qualified sellers in shoe stores call suede all the fleecy materials from which shoes or boots are made. Of course, due to inexperience, nubuck can be confused with suede, these materials have a certain similarity, but at the same time they are seriously resistant to external adverse conditions.

Perfectly shows itself in the process of wearing combined shoes with leather inserts in the most "strategic" places subject to friction. If instead of the thinnest delicate suede there are oiled nubuck inserts on the toes, then the appearance will not suffer, and the practicality of the pair will increase significantly. At the same time, even very delicate fully suede boots will last a long time if you properly take care of their commissioning.

care for suede shoes at home
care for suede shoes at home

Preparing boots or boots for winter

Natural untreated suede easily absorbs water, and this is perhaps its main drawback. Before putting on new boots or suede shoes, it is recommended to carry out an initial treatment with water-repellent compounds. You need to buy a spray for primary treatment in specialized stores, and cheapness is a sign of unambiguously low quality. Three thorough treatments will be required before the first exposure to the street, and after each application, the vapor must be completely dried in natural conditions. Don't put your boots on the central heating radiator, it will only hurt your shoes.

After triple treatment with a water-repellent agent, the question of how to care for suede shoes in winter, if it does not disappear, then definitely becomes not so acute. It is recommended to stock up on special tools and compositions for the care of natural suede. You will need a brush, hydrophobic spray, a can of paint to match (useful for touching up), spacers, which are best for drying suede shoes or boots, or heating liners for drying wet shoes.

care for suede shoes in winter
care for suede shoes in winter

Selection of special suede care products

Most often, in good shoe stores, they immediately offer to choose the appropriate care products, and the recommendations of experienced consultants can be trusted. However, in some cases, you have to look for shoe cosmetics separately. You can definitely trust such brands as Salamander, TARRAGO, Twist, Saphir, Master, Kaps, Tradigo Giovanni. Before purchasing, check with the seller whether one or another type of shoe cosmetics can be used for your shoes - tooiled (greased) nubuck needs a separate care line.

At the moment, the correct care of suede shoes is to follow simple rules: pre-treatment, dry cleaning only, careful care of wet material. If you properly dry suede boots, they will last a long time, retaining their elegant appearance.

suede shoes for winter
suede shoes for winter

Proper drying of suede shoes

If winter shoes are already wet, despite the impregnation with water-repellent compounds, then before cleaning the delicate suede from dirt, you need to dry it. Otherwise, you can only rub the stains deeper or damage the soft, fleecy outer layer. Timely care for suede shoes in winter begins with drying. It is not necessary to place the injured boots or shoes near the heater, it is enough to stuff them with paper, old newspapers or paper towels. You can insert special spacers, lower special dryers into shoes - they emit low heat, sufficient to dry and not destroy the adhesive bond.

Only after complete drying, you can start cleaning suede. Therefore, it is better to have several pairs of winter shoes so that you do not have to spoil your elegant boots in a hurry.

Methods for dealing with dirt stains

After the boots or boots are completely dry, you can begin to remove dirt. It is easiest to get rid of winter slush and melted snow in a dry form - with light movements you need to shake off the dirt. To do this, it is better to use a special brush or drysponge. Only artificial suede can be washed with water, natural suede can suffer. Sometimes it is useful to hold the boots over the steam for several minutes, then even stubborn stains can be removed. Not bad help special erasers, similar to stationery. Many people are interested in how to care for suede shoes in winter and at the same time not waste too much time. However, if preventive measures have not helped, the only way to clean suede is as described above.

suede boots care
suede boots care

How to remove s alt stains from suede

The most unpleasant phenomenon that spoils the appearance of suede shoes is whitish stains from s alt and chemicals that are sprinkled on the streets. You can give your shoes to a shoe shop, but not everyone provides a professional cleaning service for expensive shoes. It is cheaper to care for suede shoes at home, with improvised means. If it was not possible to get rid of white stains with the help of special cleaning products, then you can tint the surface. For this, a coloring spray for suede is used.

Should I buy winter suede shoes?

Despite certain troubles associated with maintaining an attractive and well-groomed appearance, fashionable suede boots or ankle boots do not lose their relevance. It's an elegant piece of clothing that speaks of good taste, while the level of comfort in a quality suede shoe is not the least of the deciding factors.

Before you add a new thing to your wardrobe, it is advisable to know in advance how to care for suede shoes in winter. Then it will be possibleimmediately take into account the troubles and decide whether you are ready for such sacrifices for the sake of fashionable boots.
