There is not a single courtyard or park where you will not find such an element as a garden bench. This item fit into the exterior for a long time, while often remaining unnoticed. If you remove benches from the park, then it will turn into a well-groomed grove, and if you leave the garden without benches, it will seem completely empty. It is worth saying that the garden bench performs a number of very specific functions.

First of all, it can be considered as a piece of garden furniture. The garden bench simultaneously serves as a decoration of the garden, while being also an accent or focus. That is why it may well correspond to various styles. Sometimes convenience is preferred to beauty. For example, benches a la modern, which are lightweight and sophisticated, do not do their job very well, since a large person will not be able to sit on such furniture for a long time.

The shop allowsorganize the space of the site, performing the functions of a composite element. Trails and paths usually lead to it. Taking into account its location, they form places for recreation, as well as decorating the territory with plant elements. If a road suddenly appears on your site, leading simply to nowhere, then a bench for a summer residence can complete it.

Shops are made from quite a variety of materials. They can be metal, wooden, plastic, combined, stone, turf. The latter may represent a part of the ground cut in a special way or a structure that is lined with turf. It is clear that the materials can be warm or cold. Cushions are required for stone or metal benches.
If you decide to make outdoor benches yourself, then you need to remember certain rules. To prevent stagnation of rainwater on the seat, it is required to provide holes or slots in it through which it will drain. This rule applies to stationary benches of all types, except for turf and stone. If we are talking about a portable structure, then the bases at its legs should be as wide as possible in order to maintain stability and not pierce the lawn.
The garden bench is constantly becoming more modern and attractive. It can be given different shapes and sizes, making a real masterpiece of landscape art. Now it is not difficult to give the garden plot a cheerful atmosphere. Sometimes for this it turns out to be quite sufficient to paint a wooden bench insome bright color. If such dynamics get boring, you can always take up a brush and paint of a different color. Some areas abound with boulders, which can also be quite useful. From them you can lay out a bench. For comfort and beauty, it is proposed to use decorative pillows. You can surround the trunk of a large tree with a bench, making it the perfect place to relax in the summer heat.
It should be said that these are not the only decoration options. Here it is important to show your imagination in order to implement some unusual solution.