The modern consumer is forced to look for alternative forms of energy, as traditional types of fuel become more and more expensive. That is why an increasing number of people choose such a device as a long-burning boiler. If you use a system based on regeneration fuel for heating, you can get a high efficiency factor, as well as a significant degree of safety for the environment. Due to the fact that solid fuel is a conditionally renewable resource, it should not rise in price in the near future.

A modern long-burning boiler meets the requirements of a fairly wide consumer spectrum, which is why they are usually divided into systems for industrial and domestic use. This type of equipment has certain advantages. The solid fuel boiler of long burning stands out well against the background of other heating solutions. Thesedevices are autonomous, affordable, and also use cheap fuel. The choice of fuel depends only on the preferences and capabilities of the user. For this reason, such devices are in demand in areas where it is difficult to connect gas or electricity. The long burning boiler at the moment can have a different design and capabilities, and the fuel itself, which it uses, provides an incredible thermal effect, while being offered at a low price.

Devices of traditional design are equipped with a temperature sensor that controls the placement of the air damper, depending on the temperature to which the coolant has been heated. Too high a value causes the damper to close, and too low a value to open it. On one load, such a boiler can burn for 2-6 hours. The disadvantage of such systems lies in the low efficiency, as well as the almost complete absence of the ability to adjust the temperature.

The second type is a long-burning boiler that runs on peat briquettes, oil products, brown coal, wood, coke. The name of the device usually contains the type of fuel that it uses. Long burning wood boilers are slightly different from universal systems. Their main difference is in the equipment of the combustion chamber: the first case involves the use of heat-resistant elements that improve the combustion of wood, as well as the use of a different method of air supply. Such devices present quite highrequirements for fuel, that is, its quality, and also require compliance with a certain cyclical operation.
Another variety is long-burning boilers, reviews of which are most often positive. These systems work on pellets, and their equipment includes bunkers. Such devices operate on wood gas, which is released by firewood at sufficiently high temperatures. This type of equipment has the highest efficiency, but the cost of such equipment is also quite high. The choice of a particular type of boiler depends on your preferences and capabilities.