Long-burning wood-burning boilers: selection rules

Long-burning wood-burning boilers: selection rules
Long-burning wood-burning boilers: selection rules

A wood-fired boiler is a great solution for a modern lifestyle, given the periodic increase in the cost of energy resources. Some five years ago, few people were interested in how such boilers work, but now more and more people are interested in the possibility of installing such a device in their home.

If you do not yet have a long-burning wood-fired boiler for your home, then you can either upgrade the one you have, while getting quite acceptable efficiency, or buy a new model. It will work efficiently and economically and will allow you to recoup all investments in a short time.

coal fired boiler
coal fired boiler

Fuel price

Besides the fact that a wood-fired boiler will help you save your money, it also helps to save the energy resource of the planet. Installing such an installation helps to take care not only of your family budget, but also of the entire environment.

The price of wood-fired boilers must also be taken into account, based on its further operation, so it is worth knowing the price of fuel. If youif you are interested in the current cost of fuel for this heating system, you can look at the numbers:

  • Firewood for heating boilers. A cubic meter of firewood costs between $30 and $50. For the heating season, a small building needs about 12 cubic meters.
  • Pellets. This is a relatively new type of fuel, but it is very popular. Numerous waste wood is sent to the press and the resulting raw material is sold for $ 100 per bag. There are 40 kilograms of pellets in a bag. It is worth considering that heating systems for such fuel give an efficiency of 95%, which is very impressive. Using such fuel will allow you to recoup all expenses in 1.5 years.
  • Gas is a very expensive fuel these days, costing around $8 for the first 200 m3. If you exceed the norm, then the tariff for the use will almost double. Thus, for a building of 400 square meters for the entire heating season, you will have to spend approximately $ 3,000.
  • Coal. Its cost varies from 130 to 240 dollars per ton. It all depends on the brand, among which anthracite has the highest price. A small house needs about 2 tons of fuel for the entire heating season.

As you can see, solid fuels are much more financially efficient than electricity or gas. Related to this is the fact that it is for firewood and coal that most heating boilers are calculated. Pellets are certainly considered the most profitable solution, however, they do notavailable everywhere.

Advantages of classic boilers

burning wood in a cauldron
burning wood in a cauldron

Before you buy a boiler for heating a house with wood, you must also understand what its strengths and weaknesses are.

Why not use traditional boilers? Nowadays, modern models of wood-fired boilers have practically no competitors, since classic installations that work on the principle of constant combustion, like fireplaces and stoves, have a number of significant drawbacks.

  1. Low performance indicator.
  2. High consumption of raw materials.
  3. Weak energy intensity.
  4. Short-term heat generation.

The technical indicators are also not particularly impressive when compared with modern installations:

  • Power. For classic models - 7-50 kW, long burning - up to 100 kW.
  • Working time. Direct burning - 4-6 hours, long burning from 24 to 144 hours;
  • Temperature readings. Classical installations - 60-70 °С, modern - 70-80 °С.
  • Raw materials for heating. Direct burn models only support wood and charcoal, while long burn units work with all wood waste as well as charcoal.

Moreover, outdated boilers certainly need constant attention. It is periodically necessary to add new fuel there, remove accumulated ash and other residues. Without careful control of such boilers by the owner, it will quickly begin to fade or, not at all for the better, burn out andfails.

The cheapest fuel for a solid fuel boiler is still considered to be firewood. If you combine this raw material with a fuel unit, then the owners will certainly receive a tangible advantage from such a choice. It is also worth noting that the installation of any model of gas boilers, taking into account all the inherent bureaucratic red tape, such as registration, preparation of permits, project development and much more, will be equivalent to buying a modern model of a boiler that runs on solid fuels.

The main advantage that a wood-fired boiler for a private house has is that the cost of each unit of thermal energy received will be significantly less than for any other types of fuel.

How do modern boiler models work?

boiler on wood
boiler on wood

The structure of this device is based on the restriction of oxygen access, due to which the fuel decays very slowly, releasing gas. It burns out after extraction, which helps to increase the efficiency of the entire device.

By their design features, wood burning boilers for the home can be divided into three categories:

  • Equipped with an extended firebox. Air enters in portions immediately into the combustion area. Thus, one load burns out in about 8 hours.
  • Top burning. The difference between this model and the classic type lies in the direct installation of the burner - arson is carried out from top to bottom, which results in an optimal solution that ensures long and uniform burning.resource. Moreover, with this method of combustion, the fuel inside does not burn out as quickly, which makes it possible to give off more heat.
  • Pyrolysis models. Such devices are considered the most effective, as they have two working chambers in their structure. The first is the loading bay located at the top. Firewood or other fuel, such as pellets or briquettes, must be placed in it, after which it is set on fire. As soon as the fire becomes even, pumps automatically start, which partially draw out oxygen. There is a process of smoldering followed by the release of gas. The smoldering area is separated from the common loading compartment thanks to the air distributor. It allows you to provide the necessary time for you to operate the boiler. The interval between downloads varies from 8 to 24 hours. The second chamber is the final combustion zone, it is located at the bottom. This area of the furnace is responsible for the combustion of the gas that has formed inside, and increasing the overall efficiency. Gas enters the chamber through nozzles. To ensure the most efficient result, fans are installed here. They blow air evenly. All soot and other heavy residues of raw materials are also burned here. The combustion temperature inside reaches 1000 °C.

The resulting smoke does not harm the environment, because it does not contain any harmful components.

The advantage of this solution

wood burning boiler
wood burning boiler

Even if you do not know which long-burning wood boiler to choose, you will certainly get a lot ofbenefits of this solution:

  • Excellent performance for each model. On average, it is 90-95%, which is a real record for such devices.
  • It is possible to set automatic download. Fuel enters the burner without manual intervention. This feature is certainly indicated in the technical data sheet.
  • Energy efficiency is no more than 650 °С. This temperature can be achieved through proper operation.
  • Safety for the environment. Even carbon monoxide burns inside the furnace.
  • If necessary, you can smoothly change the intensity of combustion.
  • There is an automatic remote that can report possible problems in the system. However, this functionality is not present in all wood-fired boilers.
  • The water temperature level is adjusted. Such a solution will be relevant for wood-fired boilers with a water circuit.
  • Compact and thoughtful system. The entire structure takes up very little living space.
  • Easy to use. This also applies to the installation process.

Disadvantages of the solution

Classic and combined wood-fired boilers have several disadvantages worth mentioning:

  • It is necessary to have a special room where fuel will be stored. Boilers are extremely sensitive to the moisture content of the fuel used.
  • If you have chosen a model without automatic fuel loading, then you will have to load firewood and other raw materials yourself.
  • Some models may not haveautomatic temperature setting. You can first read the instruction manual, it comes with the product.

If you want to install a conventional or wood-fired water boiler for your home, then you also need qualified help from a specialist to help you choose the right model.

Varieties of boilers

boiler in the house
boiler in the house

There are a large number of different models of solid fuel boilers. They may have their own characteristics and unique features that can influence your decision. Moreover, the price of a wood-fired boiler for the home also depends on this.

Cast iron model

oven in the house
oven in the house

Cast iron boilers can be equipped with manual or automatic filling. It is worth noting that manufacturers are increasingly calling devices with automatic bookmarking stations. The presented devices for heating contain a complete automation unit and controllers in the form of a system of temperature sensors. The fuel in such a system is not only firewood, but also coal. The combustion process proceeds from top to bottom.

Device specifications:

  1. Material - cast iron.
  2. Duration of burning from one bookmark - 24 hours from firewood, 144 hours from coal.
  3. Fuel: coal, firewood, briquettes, pellets and other wood waste.
  4. Efficiency - 90%.
  5. The power of the device starts from 9 kW.


  • excellent efficiency indicator;
  • simple working mode, fuel loading is rarely needed;
  • you can choose different fuel options;
  • material has a long service life of 50 years; for example, steel can last about 10 years.

Cons of the device:

  • great heaviness;
  • difficult installation due to heavy weight;
  • high cost of goods.

The price of wood-fired boilers depends most of all on the brand of the product. The average cost starts at $1,200.

Pyrolysis boiler

Such upgraded versions are also called gas generating boilers, equipped with two working chambers. They make it possible to burn not only fuel, but also the gas that is released during combustion. The combustion process lasts until the temperature reaches 200 ° C. Next, the damper is closed by air distributors. After that, only smoldering and burning of gas occurs. The device is highly efficient.

Key device parameters:

  1. Material - alloy steel, thickness of which is 8 millimeters.
  2. The burning time of one bookmark is from 6 to 24 hours.
  3. Fuel is waste wood and firewood.
  4. The efficiency of the device is 95-98%.
  5. Power indicator - from 50 kW.

Dignity of Choice:

  • high efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • high efficiency;
  • no harm to the environment.

Cons of the solution:

  • The need for electricity for a wood-fired heating boiler. Oxygen is supplied by fans.
  • High pricegoods.
  • Efficiency of the device depends on the moisture level of the fuel (the maximum allowed parameter is 35%).

Price starts at $1,800.

Long burning boilers

Can be equipped with top ignition or provide slow burning thanks to the extended firebox model. These are versatile models that can be used to load a variety of kindling materials.

Main qualities:

  1. Material - high temperature resistant metal, steel and cast iron.
  2. The burning period of one bookmark is from 6 to 12 hours.
  3. Fuel material - predominantly used wood waste and firewood, but there are models designed for coal.
  4. Efficiency - 90%.
  5. Power level - from 10 kW.

Advantages of this model:

  • easy installation and easy operation;
  • excellent efficiency;
  • easy way to download;
  • low cost compared to other options.

Minus model:

Combustion releases carbon monoxide into the atmosphere

Prices range from $500 to $700.

How does the dual camera work?

Devices for long burning can get the maximum amount of heat from the fuel due to the presence of two working chambers. Inside one of them, the process of fuel combustion occurs, when all the released raw materials from gas and other combustion components, such as ash, are burned in the other.

Combustion waste can be incineratedin different areas of the device, depending on the model. It can be up, behind or down. Nevertheless, the absolute classic is precisely the lower combustion.

By the type of fuel used, such boilers are universal. A variety of wood waste, such as compressed wood, peat or coal, can be sent inside the firebox. The main requirement for raw materials can be called dryness. Wet fuel reduces gas production and the efficiency of all heating, because some of the stove power will go just to dry the fuel.

Most often, the firebox is loaded to the maximum, as much as the volume allows. Ignition is carried out, the doors are closed. The oxygen supply is additionally regulated by a special sensor. After one working cycle, only a small handful of ash will remain at the bottom.

Advantages of indirect heating

heating boiler
heating boiler

Devices that have the function of heating water in a special boiler or heat exchanger are very popular among consumers. After it can be used for various household needs. Such devices are equipped simultaneously with two working circuits that heat the house and heat water, a heat exchange component and a water jacket.

The system for heating water works according to the storage boiler scheme or according to the flow scheme. It all depends on the actual installation model. The larger the volume of the boiler, the greater the supply of warm water from the owners themselves. Thus, it is possible to solve two problems at the same time - to obtaina heated house with hot water, as well as significant savings in energy costs.

Auto feed

An important part of such boilers is the installation for automatic fuel loading. This module is available on all pyrolysis boilers that work with pellets or coal. The system practically does not require human intervention. Everything is carried out automatically: raw materials are supplied, ignition takes place, after which all the ash is removed from the furnace area. Nevertheless, the presence of such automation makes the boiler dependent on electrical power, because working fans are needed. It is also more expensive than manual download devices.
