If you have a garage, then you must have thought about how to make its interior warmer in winter, so that you can do car repairs. This issue is especially relevant for the inhabitants of Russia. Such a device should require a minimum amount of fuel and be efficient. Some designs are inconvenient because they require constant monitoring or maintenance, and also have a rather low efficiency. All this comes with additional complications.

The best solution to the problem would be a garage oven. This unit can not be called complicated, so you can do it yourself. The device will differ in the duration of burning. Recently, solid fuel stoves and boilers have become quite popular, because the process of their combustion is delayed for a long time. This indicates that heat will be generated almost continuously.
Such equipment can run on different solid fuels, namely:
- wood;
- charcoal;
- pellets;
- wood waste;
- sawdust.
If you make the oven yourself, then heating the garage will not require large expenses. A garage oven has many advantages. It does not require constant filling of fuel, the process is practically automated, in addition, the actual combustion in the furnace is replaced by smoldering. One bookmark of fuel is capable of providing long-term operation from 5 to 20 hours. For such long periods of time, automation is not required.
Such long-burning garage ovens can be converted to work on pressed wood chips and sawdust. The scope of such devices is quite wide. They can be used even in a country house, equipped with a water circuit. The device will combine two types of heating - water and conventional stove.
Some observations
If we compare such a furnace with a boiler, it can be noted that the first device will ensure uniform distribution of heat throughout the rooms and will guarantee efficient heating by heating the body. The disadvantage of the furnace may be that the cessation of the combustion process is accompanied by cooling of the radiators. But the stove itself will radiate heat for a long time, so it, together with a water circuit, is more preferable for heating than a solid fuel boiler.

If we compare a conventional oven with one that has a water circuit,the latter has a serpentine. Sometimes it is installed in the furnace, but this option cannot be called the safest for organizing heating. Sometimes the coolant boils, which provokes the destruction of the coil. A reasonable solution would be to install this part of the device in the chimney cap.
This option is suitable for efficient heating, as the efficiency increases. The organization of heating is best done at the time of designing the garage. So you can create a model of the furnace, the design features of which will correspond to the layout and area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
Preparation of materials and tools

Before you start making a garage oven, you need to prepare. First you need to choose a place where the work will be carried out, because they are accompanied by the formation of dirt. You can work in the workshop or in the yard under a canopy. There must be sources of electricity nearby if you plan to use electric welding. You will need a 200-liter barrel, but its volume and size cannot be called fundamental. Even a small gas cylinder can form the basis. In this case, it is better to use a container of 27 liters. If you reduce this indicator, then the stove will turn out to be low-power, and it will not be enough to heat even a small room.
The Garage Oven will not be craftable without the following materials:
- steel pipe;
- metal channel;
- red brick;
- sheet steel;
- reflector;
- materials forsolution.
Some tools
To work on metal you will need a hacksaw. Make sure you have:
- mallets;
- axe;
- hammer.
You will also need measuring devices, as well as a building level, a plumb line and a tape measure. If you plan to supplement the oven with masonry, you should purchase or find a red brick. It will be needed in an amount of about 50 pieces. The reflector is optional. Prepare the electrodes for the welding machine. You can replace a mortar of cement and sand with a ready-made mortar.
Assembly Method
If you want to make a garage oven from a cylinder, then the first step is to prepare the body. The upper part is cut off from the barrel or cylinder. In this case, you can use the grinder or autogenous. Any other cutter will do. These works should be carried out as accurately as possible, because the bottom will be needed in the future.

If neither a barrel nor a gas cylinder was available, you can make a furnace from a small piece of pipe, but it must have an impressive diameter. The bottom is welded to this part. To make it, a circle is cut out of a piece of sheet steel.
Working with metal
Drawings of ovens for the garage, which you can find in the article, should help you in carrying out the work. You can also draw up a diagram yourself. At the next stage, it is necessary to cut a circle from the steel sheet, the diameter of which will be slightly smaller than the inner diameter of the pipe, barrel orballoon. In the same circle, another circle is cut to install the pipe. It is better if its diameter is 10 cm. A piece of a small pipe is welded to a cut steel pancake. Sections of the channel prepared in advance should be welded to the bottom of the bottom. They must be measured in such a way that they pass inside the barrel. They will press down on the fuel as it burns as the pan goes down.
The length of the pipe that is welded to the pancake should be 20 cm more than the height of the main element. Now you can start building the cover of the future furnace. At this stage, the cut off part from the barrel will come in handy. Otherwise, you will have to cut a blank from a metal sheet. Holes are cut in the lid for a small pipe.
In the barrel, which formed the basis of the stove for a wood-burning garage, you need to cut a hatch for laying firewood with your own hands, after which a door is welded into this place. You can purchase it or make your own. A handle must be welded to the door. Below, another door with smaller dimensions is installed, which will be necessary to remove coal and ash.
Working on the foundation
Looking at the drawings of furnaces for the garage, you will definitely understand that there is a foundation in such structures. It must be capital, because during the operation of the device the metal will heat up. The design does not have a large mass, even taking into account the brick lining. However, it is impossible to install a wood-burning garage stove on a non-refractory or fragile base. The foundation will be a slab. There is no need to deepen it, because the weight of the furnace is small. You can lay out the slab even in one brick, covering the surface with mortar.
Stove chimney
A wood-burning garage oven, like any other, has a chimney, through which the device will get rid of combustion products. For this, a metal pipe is used, the diameter of which is 15 cm. You should not increase this parameter. The pipe is welded on top or side.
The straight part of the chimney must be longer than the diameter of the casing. Although it is possible to bend the chimney, it is not worth bending pipes more than 45˚. This also applies to the use of many different segments. The chimney should have as few bends as possible before leaving the room.
Furnace in development

A garage oven for mining can also be made from a cylinder, which is pre-cleaned of the contents. A heat exchanger with an air swirler and a fan can be connected to the housing. Freon bottle can be used as a container for oil. The volume of the case should be about 50 liters, while the wall thickness is 5 mm. The internal section is 100 mm.
There should be a partition between the two chambers. For this, a 4 mm sheet of metal is used. Evaporation will occur from the oil reservoir, you can take the brake disc as a basis. Oil will flow through the pipe to the evaporator. Part of the pipeline should be located above the ball valve; for ease of installation, the element can be made flexible. You can stop the fuel supply using a balltap.
For the swirler, use two metal corners that are welded together. Such furnaces for heating the garage are the best fit. This is especially true if you have an abundance of used oil. In order for the heated air to circulate around the room, a heat exchanger should be installed. It is a 100 mm pipe, which is located inside the housing, between the flue pipe and the burner.

To hold the flame, a metal pad should be welded, which will be located at the top of the heat exchanger. The blank is cut from 4 mm steel sheet. The duct fan will provide forced air supply. It can be made automatic with hot glue. A homemade garage oven will have a swirler. It is necessary in order to keep the heat better. This element is placed inside the pipe. The design will consist of 2 welded steel corners, the shelves of which are cut and unfolded in the form of blades.
Which stove to make gas

Natural gas burns very quickly and generates a lot of heat. Brickwork will not be able to immediately perceive and transmit such a flow to the room, because a device of this type has an instant effect. The brick oven acts as a heat accumulator. Metal furnaces are suitable for gasification, because their efficiency increases with gas.
If you want to gasify the old furnace, thenbrick construction must satisfy certain conditions. For example, it should not have a large furnace part and massive masonry, so the Russian stove immediately disappears. In addition, the device must be made according to the channel scheme, have a developed smoke circulation system, like Swedish or Dutch devices.
Making a gas oven
Gas oven for the garage will consist of the following items:
- thermostat protective housing;
- sealed chamber;
- chimney.
The body will protect the contents. It will be possible to stop the gas supply with the help of a fuse, which may become relevant during attenuation. A system operating on wood does not have such an opportunity. The thermostat will be responsible for the thermal properties. The safety of people will depend on the integrity of the camera.
Before building the furnace, you will need to build a foundation. Its construction begins with a foundation pit. Its bottom is located below the freezing line of the soil. At the bottom, the width should be slightly larger than the main recess. This approach will eliminate the hassle of moving the soil. The bottom is covered with sand, which is watered and well compacted. The next layer will be the battle of brick and stone. The layer thickness is 20 cm. Once you have covered the rubble, you can install the formwork, reinforcing cage and pour.
May be based on brick and gas burner. You will need:
- galvanized steel sheet;
- sand;
- clay;
- chimney pipe;
- burner;
- mineralwool for insulation;
- decorative overlays;
- heat-resistant steel sheet;
- automatic control box for burner.
Before starting work, it is necessary to install a protective wall that will prevent fire in the bath. To do this, you can use a brick cut in half. It is laid on a sand-clay mortar. For laying the base, the brick is immersed in cold water for a few seconds, after which it can be laid on the mortar. A bituminous base acts as a waterproofing layer.
Rows are laid out in a checkerboard pattern. In the third row, a blower door should be installed. It is attached to the base with steel strips. In the fourth row, a well is made for the grate. Holes will need to be cut into the bricks to provide room for the thermal expansion of the metal.
In the sixth row, you need to fix the door for the blower. In the seventh row, a grate will be installed. The next row is the installation of a partition for the chimney pipe. Tank channels cut into the fourteenth row. To do this, a recess is made, where the tank will be inserted after.
For a distribution wall from the 15th row, the bricks are laid out in half. From the 15th to the 18th rows, the material is laid out to decrease. The 19th row will be the place where the vapor release door will be installed.
In the 20th and 21st rows you will have to lay the strips for the container, which are laid out with bricks. The chimney begins to form from the 23rd row. Its size is selected according to the room. From the side of the street this part of the furnacemust be insulated with mineral wool. Above the ridge of the roof, the pipe should rise by 1 m.
The wood-burning garage oven can be made from brick, sheet metal, a barrel, or a gas bottle. You can use the materials that are at your fingertips. For example, in the absence of a barrel, you can use the brick that was left over from the construction of the main house. If you do not have the funds to purchase a ready-made structure made in a factory, you can easily make a long-burning garage oven that does not require constant human supervision.