Do-it-yourself stove "potbelly stove" for a garage for working off and on firewood. How to make a potbelly stove for a garage with your own hands?

Do-it-yourself stove "potbelly stove" for a garage for working off and on firewood. How to make a potbelly stove for a garage with your own hands?
Do-it-yourself stove "potbelly stove" for a garage for working off and on firewood. How to make a potbelly stove for a garage with your own hands?

Garage room requires special arrangement. This is due to the fact that it stores not only some food, but also a vehicle. It is necessary to make both high-quality interior and exterior decoration, insulation, and to install a heating system. The garage needs a constant optimal temperature. If in the warm season heating of the room is not required, then in winter severe frosts are quite possible, which will lead to some disastrous consequences in the storage of food and the car. Dampness may appear, which over time will cause mold to appear on the walls of the building.

do-it-yourself potbelly stove for the garage
do-it-yourself potbelly stove for the garage

Optimal garage heating system

Today, there are a huge number of heating systems that are effectively used to heat the garage space. Equipment available:

  • factory made;
  • homemade gadgets.

You can use heating systems on water, on solid and liquid fuels, on gas. There are systems that work with electricity. Despite such a wide range of products,made "potbelly stove" for the garage with their own hands was and is very popular. This is the most optimal way to heat the garage, and it will be the cheapest in terms of costs.

Let's dive into history a bit

There was such a device for space heating at the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, the potbelly stove was quite expensive, as it required natural solid fuel - firewood for operation. If earlier only we althy people could afford this equipment, today the stove has become the most economical way to heat any room.

homemade potbelly stoves for the garage
homemade potbelly stoves for the garage

Initially, this type of structure was a metal cylinder. A large metal box was also widely used for its manufacture. Over time, the design began to improve. Fuel has become more affordable, and now such a device can be found both in the country house and in the garage.

Methods of making "potbelly stove"

In addition to the fact that a “potbelly stove” for a garage can be made with your own hands, there is also a factory production of this equipment. Modern manufacturers began to develop such models of "potbelly stoves" that are not only able to effectively heat the room, but also become its full-fledged decoration.

Now the equipment can have not only a non-standard shape, but also various decorative details in the form of forged or cast metal elements on its surface. Everything is only according to the developed unique design of the "potbelly stove".

Types of "potbelly stove" independing on the fuel used

Today, a “potbelly stove” for a garage can be made with your own hands on mining and on firewood. This equipment has certain distinctive features and characteristics. You can make it yourself and one and the other of its kind.

Varieties of the "potbelly stove" design

It's quite easy to make a potbelly stove for a garage with your own hands. To do this, you only need to select its main view.

So, this equipment can be:

  • stationary;
  • improved.

Stationary home-made "potbelly stoves" for the garage are concrete structures. They are used for uninterrupted heating of the garage. They are bulkier and heavier. For their construction, it is necessary to make a foundation. This equipment is able to heat up quite quickly and give off its heat for a long time. The owner can only maintain the temperature in the furnace. There is one, but a significant drawback of such a "potbelly stove". She's too fast and uses too much fuel.

do-it-yourself potbelly stove for a garage drawings
do-it-yourself potbelly stove for a garage drawings

In order to make this structure more economical, it will be necessary to build it from refractory bricks.

A do-it-yourself "potbelly stove" made for a garage of an improved type is a simpler design. It is constructed from metal and has several departments:

  • firebox;
  • ash department.

Also for convenient and efficient use of thisThe equipment has a removable cover. As a rule, cast iron is used for good heat transfer in the manufacture of potbelly stoves. It has excellent heat dissipation. An obligatory element of this design are metal legs, which ensure the normal circulation of air masses under the equipment.

What is this equipment made of?

Quite often, homemade "potbelly stoves" for the garage can be made using metal gas cylinders. This is the most common type of equipment, which is economical. At its cost, an empty gas cylinder will be several times lower than sheet metal, from which "potbelly stoves" can also be made. Simple metal boxes are also widely used in production. They can be of different sizes, and for more efficient heating of the room, instead of one chimney, additional ones are welded to the structure, providing optimal heating of the room.

do-it-yourself potbelly stove for a garage on working out and on firewood
do-it-yourself potbelly stove for a garage on working out and on firewood

Stages of making a homemade potbelly stove

The construction of this heating equipment consists of several stages. You need to consider its size and determine what it will be made of. Next, a drawing of a potbelly stove for a garage is drawn up. It indicates not only the parameters of the entire structure, but also the amount of material used for its construction.

Quite easy to makeDo-it-yourself potbelly stove for the garage. The drawings of this equipment are compiled independently. You can also seek the help of specialists.

Then the structure is welded and refined.

What do you need to make this equipment?

Many are wondering how to make a potbelly stove for the garage on their own. There is nothing difficult in this. To do this, you need to choose the best material option and special equipment.

So, for the construction of this equipment you will need:

  • gas bottle;
  • metal sheets;
  • metal pipes;
  • welding equipment;
  • Bulgarian;
  • utility tools.

Homemade potbelly stoves for the garage can also be made using metal barrels.

do-it-yourself potbelly stove for a garage at work
do-it-yourself potbelly stove for a garage at work

The process of making a potbelly stove

So, the work process begins with the marking of a metal cylinder or barrel. In order for the stove "potbelly stove" for the garage to give off heat well, you must initially choose its size correctly. The optimal parameter of the cylinder will be 50 liters. As for the wall thickness, they should be at least 2-3 mm. If the walls of the structure are thinner, then the stove can “lead” during the combustion process.

drawing of a potbelly stove for a garage
drawing of a potbelly stove for a garage

It is necessary to mark on one side with a marker where exactly the door of the firebox and blower will be located. The size of the firebox should be such that it can freely accommodate firewood with a diameter of 10 cm. As for the size of the blower door, it can be any. The most important thing is to be able to properly clean the equipment from residual combustion products.

The height of the blower is at least 3-4 cm from the bottom of the cylinder or barrel. The firebox is placed at a distance of 5 to 10 cm from the blower.

On the reverse side there is a place for welding a metal pipe for distributing heat throughout the room. Its size must be at least 100 mm.

After that, the lid of the cylinder or barrel is cut off with a grinder. Using the same tool, the firebox and blower doors are cut out strictly according to the marks made. The cut off lid of a barrel or cylinder is used to create a special platform that will serve as a partition between the ash section and the firebox. Inside this site, holes are already being made for mounting the grate.

Further, metal corners are welded inside the barrel at a height of 2 cm from the door of the ash department. It is on them that the platform will be installed.

Grates for the "potbelly stove" can be made independently. For this, small reinforcement (10-12 mm) is used. And you can buy ready-made devices of this type.

Further work goes to the outer surface. There, hinges for doors are welded in the cut holes. The most important thing in this is that the doors close tightly, and the smoke that forms during the combustion process does not enter the room.

Then a lid for the potbelly stove is cut out of the metal sheet. A hole is made in it for the chimney pipe. If during weldingsmall gaps formed, then they can be treated with asbestos. Similar work is carried out with a pipe that provides space heating.

stove stove for garage
stove stove for garage

After the installation of all the components of the "potbelly stove" is completed, the seams are cleaned with a grinder.

Then the stove needs to be installed in the garage in a safe place. It should not contain any combustible mixtures or liquid fuels to avoid the ignition process. Next is the kindling of the equipment. With its help, leaky connections are determined in the system. They are eliminated. After that, the potbelly stove is ready for use.

During the construction of this equipment, it must be remembered that it must be operated only in accordance with fire safety requirements.
