Today almost everyone uses gas. With its help, people cook and heat food. Most gas stoves have a special protection system. But still, there are times when unforeseen situations arise.
The smell of gas most often indicates a gas leak. This situation is extremely dangerous for people's lives. Therefore, you need to know if you smell gas, where to call. Also, in such a situation, you can not hesitate. You must immediately seek help from emergency services to prevent a possible explosion.
Let's consider the main reasons that lead to such situations and what needs to be done if they occur. And also find out the phone number of the emergency gas service from the mobile.
Causes of gas leakage
Gas is a volatile substance. It moves very quickly through the pipes, as it is under pressure. If any cracks appear, then it immediately penetrates the room.

It is possible that a person, simply because of inattention, can forget to turn off the burner. It also happens to the elderly and drunk people. In this case, the gasquickly penetrate into the entrance or other apartments through the ventilation. It's good if the neighbors are at home and have time to call the emergency service. Otherwise, it can lead to sad consequences.
Gas accumulates very easily in any room. At the same time, it is not visible, but it is well audible by its characteristic smell. In this case, you need to urgently call the emergency gas service. How to do this, we will learn further.
What should I do?
Despite the fact that everyone uses gas, you can just get poisoned by it. But the biggest danger to people lies in the possibility of its fire and explosion in the room. Such a situation can lead not only to the loss of property, but also to the death of people.

If you smell gas in an apartment or house, then you should:
- shut off all gas appliances;
- open windows and doors in the house;
- call emergency service;
- report this situation to neighbors;
- leave the premises and wait for the arrival of emergency services.
Such actions must be performed by every person who is faced with this situation. Of course, most people may not want to leave the premises. But in this case, you need to remember that a person's life is at stake. Therefore, you should leave it with children, parents and pets to a safe place. And so calmly wait for the arrival of the emergency service.
It is important to understand when it smells of gas in the apartment, where to call? Consider the answer to this question.
Phone numbers for calls
Dialemergency services from a mobile phone is the easiest. After all, today almost all people use such phones. Subscribers of MTS, Rostelecom and Megafon need to dial 040. But subscribers of Motiva and Sky Link need to call 904 from a mobile phone. Beeline subscribers should dial 004. You also need to remember the hotline number 8 (495) 660-20-02.

It should be remembered that the number of the rescue service is one for subscribers of any mobile operators - 911. The city emergency number is 04. In Moscow, you need to call 104, and in the region - 112. Calls to this number are free, and they are available at:
- lack of money in the account;
- SIM lock;
- no SIM card.
It's best to keep the phone number of the gas service in your contact list. Of course, it is desirable that you never have to call here, but every person should have this number. After all, no one knows what might happen to him.
During the call to the emergency gas service, the person will be instructed. There are cases of erroneous calls, and this should not be forgotten either.
What not to do?
If you smell of gas, now it's clear where to call. But you also need to know that there are things that are forbidden to do.
If there is a similar smell in the room, you can not:
- smoking,
- turn on electrical appliances,
- use fire.
This means that if you smell gas in the apartment, you cannot turn offlight and call the neighbors at the door. It is better to knock on them or call a mobile phone.
You cannot do all this, as the gas is highly flammable. And this, in turn, can lead to an explosion. Therefore, you should always be aware of such things and be careful about your actions.

Now, when it smells of gas, everyone will know where to call and what not to do.
Today, gas is an economical type of fuel. That is why many people use it. If you know about all the precautions, then you can live your whole life in peace and not worry about leaks. But still, if an unforeseen situation comes, there is no need to lose control over yourself. In this case, you should act quickly.
When the room smells of gas, you need to know where to call. In addition, you should remember what to do is strictly prohibited. You also need to remember about simple attentiveness. When leaving the house, you need to check if the stove is turned off.
Such simple recommendations that were given in the article will help each person to cope with many difficulties.