When starting repairs in your apartment, you should think in advance which ceiling to choose. This issue is especially acute for the bathroom. Constant changes in temperature and high levels of humidity can adversely affect many types of finishes. A very good solution may be a slatted ceiling in the bathroom. The variety of materials from which the plates are now made makes it possible to decorate the room very effectively. At the same time, it is important that it will not "stand out" from the general style of the bathroom, but, on the contrary, will allow you to create a truly unique design.

Sometimes the rack ceiling in the bathroom is made of aluminum components. They have a special coating that not only protects against moisture, but also allows you to give the surface any desired shade.
But if the price issue is significant for you, then you can make a slatted ceiling in the bathroom using plastic slats. The assortment here is also quite diverse.
Lights are selected depending on the texture of the ceiling. The glossy surface reflects light well, therefore, if you do not need additional glare, then it is betteruse matte slats.
Rack lamellas, presented in hardware stores, have a maximum length of 6 m. The width of the slats can be different. The narrowest - from 5 cm, and the widest can reach 25 cm.
It is worth considering that the slats are rectangular or rounded.

The surface of this building material can be integral or perforated. There are also two types of rack ceilings: open and closed. In the first version, gaps remain when joining the rails; if necessary, they can be closed with special inserts. The closed rack ceiling in the bathroom is made of lamellas, which have additional protrusions in the form of a "tongue". They snap on tightly and require no additional inserts.
When buying a rack ceiling, check the set of fasteners that are needed for proper installation. It is better to purchase the entire list from one manufacturer, so that all elements are guaranteed to be combined with each other.
Rack ceiling in the bathroom can include both main and intermediate panels. It depends on the design you have chosen. The entire surface can be kept in the same color range or have completely different shades. White slats can be combined with chrome or gold color inserts.

Note that such a ceiling can be mounted independently. If suddenly you do not yet know how to make a slatted ceiling in the bathroom, use the information thatcan be found on the Internet. And if she did not help to thoroughly understand the intricacies of the process, invite specialists.
In any case, you should know that tires are used to fasten the lamellas, which are fixed with hangers. Having determined the required height of the future ceiling, they fix the wall corner. To fix the fixtures, it is also necessary to provide suspensions. After the required number of suspensions is placed, we proceed to fix the tires. How many tires are needed is calculated based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling and the distance between them. The gap should not exceed 1 m. After mounting the supporting tires, we proceed to the lamellas. We insert the rails, snapping them into the tires.
If you measured correctly and carefully fixed all the elements, then you should get a very nice ceiling. Well, if all of the above actions are performed by specialists, then you will be able to control their work and give valuable instructions in time, which will undoubtedly improve the quality of work.