How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse

How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse
How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse

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Cucumber is the only food that is eaten unripe. Although it is 70% water, it can rightly be considered beneficial, as it perfectly removes toxins and s alts from the body.

how to grow cucumbers
how to grow cucumbers

Following the practical recommendations below, you can learn how to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse. Since greenhouse vegetables are quite demanding in terms of climatic conditions, the process of growing them for beginners is not easy.

Temperature conditions

For the successful cultivation of cucumbers, you need to adhere to the appropriate temperature regime. So, when planting seeds, the air temperature in the greenhouse should not be lower than + 26 ° C, sharp fluctuations are unacceptable. During growth, the optimum temperature is from 19 to 35°C. You should also take into account the difference between night and day temperatures of 5-6 degrees. If it is sunny outside, the greenhouse needs to be ventilated and the top fully opened. If the weather is cloudy, the temperature in this room should be increased by several degrees. And one more feature: you can grow cucumbers if there are no drafts, and there are also no sharp temperature fluctuations. After all, even if the difference between the air temperature at the bottom of the greenhouse and at a height of 2meters fluctuates within 2 divisions, plants suffer greatly.

grow cucumbers
grow cucumbers

In order to maintain the optimum temperature of the earth, before planting the plants, biofuel (cattle manure or chicken manure) is placed in the holes. The amount of product required per stem is 3-4 kg. In order to increase the amount of biofuel, it is mixed with straw or other waste. As vegetables grow, they are supplied with mineral fertilizers, the first is produced before flowering begins.

How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse and harvest? This is quite possible due to the use of various equipment. In winter (and the seeds are planted in February-March), supplementary illumination with daylight lamps is necessarily practiced to continue daylight hours. In order to maintain a uniform temperature, heaters are installed near the soil, the walls of the greenhouse are insulated with a special film, that is, they make the so-called greenhouse effect. By the way, growing cucumbers in a greenhouse certainly cannot be compared with that in a greenhouse. The greenhouse can be used for seed germination and seedling breeding. Twenty-six-day-old seedlings are planted in the soil in neat rows.


For growing greenhouse cucumbers, special varieties are selected, the most popular for breeding are the following: Manul, Magnificent, April, MOVIR-1, Druzhny. Seeds germinate in about 10 days. Cucumber seedlings are planted in a greenhouse in a permanent place.

While wondering how to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, many inexperienced users startgrowing these vegetables from seeds. In most cases, good germination cannot be achieved, since the seeds need a temperature of 12-15 ° C, and in a greenhouse it is much higher. Seedlings are planted together with a clod of earth at a distance of 60-80 cm from each other. Water well, but do not overwater the plants.

Cucumbers love warm and very humid climates, so keep your soil and air moist. The first time you do not need to rush to water the already established seedlings, because as a result you will get dark and strong stems. Further watering is carried out with warm water as it dries, but excessive drying of the earthen coma should not be allowed.

growing cucumbers in a greenhouse
growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

Ventilate the greenhouse in hot weather, but do not make drafts. Shoots are formed by pinching the side lashes. As the stems grow, the formation of fruits is monitored: 10-15 fruits of the same shape are allowed on one stem, the hooked ones are removed completely.

Watch the condition of the leaves: if they start to turn yellow, remove them, pay attention to the conditions of detention (leaves should remain green).

For pollination, bees are attracted, for this they are specially sprayed with a sugar solution and open the windows on one side of the greenhouse.

If you follow all the rules, you can grow a pretty good crop without worrying too much about how to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse. For experienced people, it is not difficult to do this business.
