Wood burning stove. How to make a wood-burning sauna stove with your own hands

Wood burning stove. How to make a wood-burning sauna stove with your own hands
Wood burning stove. How to make a wood-burning sauna stove with your own hands

With the approach of winter and the cold outside, being in garages and utility rooms is becoming less and less comfortable. And the owners of dachas and country houses also face the problem of heating. Therefore, the problem arises of heating with the help of such a fairly common type of fuel as firewood. If the stove is made of brick, it will need to be constantly heated in order to maintain the temperature in the room at a certain level. The potbelly stove requires a lot of fuel, but it can hardly be called efficient.

Long burning wood stove
Long burning wood stove

Modern approach

Heating a summer house or a country house can be done in various ways, but air heating can be considered one of the highly efficient methods. Its essence lies in the fact that in the lower part of the building there is a special air heater, whichdistributes heat throughout the building by means of an air duct network, returning cold air to the heat source. Such a system can be equipped with various devices that allow to increase its functionality at times. However, installing such a complex heating system in a home can be quite expensive, so you can use an option such as a long-burning wood stove.

Tested by time

This device can be called a descendant of the classic version for space heating, which has proven effective and reliable for many centuries. A long-burning wood-burning stove allows you to efficiently heat a room without any extra effort and cost. This is the best solution if you need to keep the room warm for a long time without additional heating. Such long-burning wood-burning stoves need to be heated only once every few hours. At the same time, the intensity of heat release remains at the proper level, and at the same time, there is a saving of firewood.

Do-it-yourself wood-burning stove
Do-it-yourself wood-burning stove

Advantages and disadvantages

Wood-burning long-burning heating stoves are characterized by a number of positive qualities, among which the most significant of them can be noted:

  • Due to the simplicity and reliability of the design, a long service life of up to 40-50 years is guaranteed. Especially when it comes to cast iron samples, which are almost not subject to corrosion, and are also able to withstand temperature fluctuations and long-term thermal stress.
  • Similarthe stove can be easily installed in any room, regardless of its style, as it has an aesthetic appearance.
  • Fuel availability. At the moment, for many regions, wood serves as an inexpensive raw material, especially if the heater is not used constantly, but only a few weeks a year.
  • Wood is an environmentally friendly material, so a long-burning wood stove does not become a source of environmental pollution, and when using softwood firewood, the atmosphere in the house will be filled with a useful coniferous fragrance.
  • Thanks to the technology of long burning, it is possible to significantly increase the efficiency - up to 85-90%, while fuel consumption will be reduced.

The disadvantages of such heaters are the lack of automation, so they are unable to work without regular supervision. A long-burning wood-burning stove needs a high-quality chimney, which will constantly be exposed to significant heat during operation. The mandatory presence of a pipe excludes the use of such devices as autonomous heating systems in multi-storey buildings.

Wood stoves for baths
Wood stoves for baths

Working principle and design features

Depending on the model, the long burning wood stove can be equipped with a convection heating system or a water heat exchanger. The simplest models make the room warm solely by heating the air in contact with the heated body. Deviceslong burning use the appropriate technology, which is based on the release of pyrolysis gas from firewood. For this, the furnace firebox is divided into a pair of separate chambers, which are connected by a burner. In the first chamber, the wood itself is burned, and in the second - wood gas. The device of the furnace - regardless of its design - implies the obligatory presence of an ash pan located directly under the firebox. It collects the residual products of combustion in the form of ash and ash, which are poured into it through a grate in the bottom of the firebox. Opening the ash pan in most stoves allows you to regulate the air supply to the combustion chamber, which affects the intensity of fuel combustion. By the same principle, you can independently make wood-burning stoves for baths.

Long burning wood stoves
Long burning wood stoves

Basic mounting rules

Given that the metal case of the device is subjected to intense heat during operation, it should be understood that the oven should not be installed near objects that can ignite from thermal exposure. It is necessary to leave a free space of 20-30 centimeters to any of the surfaces. The floor and walls in the area of installed heaters would be best equipped with screens that repel heat. It is important to pay special attention to the chimney. The subsequent operation of the furnaces, as well as their service life as a whole, depends on the quality of the pipe used.

Long burning wood burning stoves
Long burning wood burning stoves

Assembling a homemade long-burning stove

For you to workyou will need a channel, pipes and a steel barrel of 200 liters. A do-it-yourself wood-burning stove can be made by analogy with the Lithuanian Strupov stoves: in a steel barrel, you need to cut out the upper part, and then carefully align the sharp edges. Next, in the top cover of the container, a hole should be made for the chimney, the diameter of which should not be less than 150 mm. This is the only way to ensure complete removal of combustion products. Another hole is made here, designed for an additional pipe that serves as a source of air intake, which makes the combustion process as efficient as possible. Now a cover is installed in which a hole for the blower pipe is made. Such a system allows you to load a lot of fuel at once. As a boiler, you can use not only a barrel, but also any other metal container.
