In order to keep their property intact, people are ready to install even the highest quality locks. On this issue, residents do not like to save. In addition to locking systems, sensors, electronic type systems and video surveillance cameras are installed. The simplest among the quality mechanisms should be called a combination lock.
Electromechanical locks are installed both in the entrance, and in the office, and so on. The main thing is to choose the right model, to understand which one was created for which premises.

Reliability of the lock
Before you learn the intricacies of choosing such a device, it should be noted what it all started with. The first hinged products of this type appeared in antiquity. They bear little resemblance to modern versions. In addition, built-in models are more popular. But they all have a common merit. It is impossible to open them with a master key, since there is no keyhole. In addition to this plus, it is necessary to note the excellent design, as well as the presencea special code that allows you to open the door. Symbols can only be known to those whom their owner entrusts. The mechanical combination lock device is quite convenient.
Thanks to these qualities, this type of lock has won the love of people in many areas of life, from use in ordinary residential premises to industrial warehouses and workshops.

Comparison of code and conventional devices
Among mechanical devices, it should be noted the presence of mortise and overhead options. But they got the same drawback: they can be opened with a duplicate key or master key. Therefore, not all options can ensure the reliability and safety of property.
However, mechanical combination locks have appeared on the market. They received more advantages: they perfectly tolerate low and high temperatures, high levels of moisture and mechanical hacking. Plus, you don't need a key to open and close the door.
At the moment, combination locks have received many modifications. They are divided into mortise and overhead, can be cylinder and level. There are also electromechanical locks.
The difference lies in the methods of closing the door. Quite often similar locks are used in safes. During opening, the lock makes a click. Everyone should understand that it depends on the design of the system. Under the circle on which the symbols for input are located, there are disks. If the first digit is entered correctly, then the clove moves to the second number. Then the person will hear a click. Such models of locks have an increasedlevel of security, they are very often used for safes.
Another type of castles - having several circles. Often these can be found on suitcases and on bicycle cables. The design, unfortunately, is not as reliable as the previous one. Why? It has no more than 1 thousand combinations. If the burglar has decent experience and calls himself a professional, then it will take him no more than 15 minutes to open such a lock.
Among mechanical combination locks, there are also digital ones. They do not have clicks, but they have their drawbacks. If the code is repeated for a long time and does not change, then the keys are erased, so the hacker does not even have to think about what characters are used.

Selection criteria
Before you buy a lock, you should consider what degree of protection is needed, in what conditions the device will be used (street / indoor) and understand what budget is allocated. Only after clear answers to these questions can one already imagine approximately what model a person needs. This should be retracted from. First of all, it is worth deciding whether a mechanical or electronic option is needed.
If you need a mechanical combination lock on the gate, then you can use the digital version.

Combination locks are made in many countries. And if a person decides to purchase such a remedy for himself, you should familiarize yourself with the most high-quality working factories. Reviews show what customers likethe following companies: Russian "Sirius", "Mettem" and Chinese Master Lock. Their differences lie in the cost of the models and in the available functions.

If you need to buy a simple and high-quality option, then you should choose Mettem. It will please you with a light and comfortable design. You can install a lock from this manufacturer on any door. The main thing is that its thickness should not exceed 50 mm.
Locks have a code panel and about 1 thousand character codes. The control has two rows of numbers, which are located in a horizontal position. For a domestic buyer, this option is considered the most familiar and almost standard. You can buy it for 1 thousand rubles. Therefore, this choice is the most successful and affordable. Often they install this combination lock on the entrance.
If you need to buy a high-quality and more functional lock, then "Sirius" will fit perfectly. You can buy such a device for 3 thousand rubles and more. The price is quite justified by the design and beautiful case. The latter is either gold-plated or chrome-plated. Therefore, the price of a combination lock is quite adequate.
This lock is installed on any canvas. There is a fuse, so the reliability of an increased level. The manufacturer also has cheaper models without it.
The Chinese manufacturer has an extensive product range. His locks are used as additional protection. Buyers recommend paying attention to the lever type. He does great withmany tasks, has a mechanism of special plates. Their number and complexity determine the time that attackers will have to spend in order to open it. There can be about 2.5 million combinations. Therefore, it will be quite difficult to open the lock.