Thanks to combinational protection algorithms, the functions of all protective products can be improved. Their ergonomics are liked by many buyers. All mechanical systems are performed at the highest level. This concept is often used in special devices for the safety of machines. At the same time, conventional anti-theft systems are supplemented by control modules. Often such devices are used to protect private buildings. The combination lock on the door can be found in every city in any country.
How does the locking system work? Its mechanical control is controlled by a panel set. Due to this, the operation of the device will be convenient and as safe as possible. However, such devices also have their drawbacks. What are they?
In the article we will consider the general characteristics of devices. How to install, how to change the code combination, and which model is considered the best?
Mechanism device
Mechanical combination locks, the price of which is quite adequate, have the simplest design. It consists of components that work under the influenceelectronics. The basis is latches, springs, levers, clip and pins. Other solutions can also be found on the sales market - non-standard models. You need to know what are the differences between electronic and mechanical products. What is their difference? It lies in the fact that the former have special combinations in the controller. And mechanical options store the required sequence in the form of the correct arrangement of the above parts. When a person presses the button, a shift occurs, and the latch releases the clip.

Varieties of models
A mechanical combination lock is often installed on the door. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between the consignment note and the hinged type. Mortise systems allow you to maximize the reliability of the design. The knots of the described castle will work as one and harmoniously. Due to the design, the mechanism can be installed in the door, respectively, the gap is completely eliminated. The lock panel will remain on the front side. It is on it that data is entered - the code.
However, there are those models that received a different installation method. This situation is inherent in mechanisms with an overhead type. Often, such systems are used in cases where a mortise installation method is simply not possible. For example, often according to this scheme, a lock is installed on a gate. In such cases, the mechanical unit and all its components are outside. Therefore, the level of security will be lower. However, there is an advantage - installation work is as easy as possible. After all, a mechanical combination lock on the door will install mucheasier.
As mentioned above, there are mounted models. They are mobile and do not need installation. Any chain or loop serves as a constipation. The main thing is that they are strong and reliable.

Installation work
Before you begin to install a mechanical combination lock, you need to outline the fixation point. How it's done? On the canvas, you need to make a selection with grooves, and make room in the niche for the location of the latches. In order to cut wood, it is better to use models of saws (jigsaws) on a battery or wired options. Then the process of installing the lock will be easy. Thanks to this solution, the opening can be more accurate.
It remains to install the lock and the bar of constipation. The last place should be marked on the box. The correct dimensions must be observed. There should be no more than 5 mm between the bar and the end of the lock itself. You can find out what the value for a particular model should be from the instructions for it. After installing a mechanical combination lock, you need to check its performance. First, this is done with the door open, then - closed. If the latch enters the niche correctly and without difficulty and easily exits, then the installation has been carried out correctly. When buying a mechanical combination lock, the instruction is included. Therefore, all installation details can be found in it.

Recommendations for use
While working with combination locks, you need to maintain their working condition, constantly monitor them. Why is it soimportant? The fact is that conventional lever and cylindrical systems do not have such a fine work of all elements. An ordinary consumer will be able to keep the lock in working condition with a lubricant. There are also special tools. They are used to process clips and bolts. If you do not have the desire or opportunity to use such products, then you can use ordinary engine oil. If you follow this rule, then the castle will be able to serve for a long time without any failures and repairs.
Even though all models should be serviced differently, they all have a common configuration and therefore the same recommendations. For example, you should not open the door while typing characters.

Installing and changing the code
Combination can have multiple characters. Their number depends on the model of the castle. As a rule, the code contains 3 or more characters. In order to change it, you need to remove the screws and the spring block, the lever. Coding is done by changing the lever parts in the structure itself. This is how secrecy is achieved.

The most popular is the mechanical combination lock "Mettem". It does not break during operation, is able to last for a long time, and also allows you to ensure the safety of residents of an apartment or house. On the Internet you can read many reviews about such a device. They are all positive.
The price of a combination mechanical lock starts from 4 thousand rubles. Behindthat kind of money can buy a quality product.