What is a search magnet? Manufacturing materials and design

What is a search magnet? Manufacturing materials and design
What is a search magnet? Manufacturing materials and design

The properties of magnets have been known to mankind for a long time, but thanks to the development of industry, they were widely used only at the end of the 19th century. Along with production tasks, ferrimagnetic materials are also used in everyday life. One of the interesting, and most importantly, profitable ways is the search for metal objects. Before finding out what a search magnet is, you need to know its main characteristics and properties.

what is a search magnet
what is a search magnet

Materials of production

Most practical magnets are artificial alloys. Natural materials, in particular magnetic iron ore, do not have the required properties. They have small indicators of tearing force, susceptibility to rapid destruction as a result of mechanical stress. Therefore, for industrial purposes, ferrites are often used, which are placed in a magnetic field during the manufacturing process. Their service life can be calculated in decades, and without loss of operational properties.

Unlike commercial designs, home magnet designs are simple. Due to their small size, they are often used for their manufacture.neodymium alloy - N-Fe-B. To improve the mechanical strength and reduce the cost, iron and boron are added to the composition of the material. The result is a neodymium magnet, the search potential of which is still being revealed.

DIY search magnet
DIY search magnet

Their scope is wide:

  • Furniture industry - door stoppers.
  • Security systems - in combination with sensors.
  • Calculation of angular velocity or angular position - used together with a Hall sensor.
  • In search and archaeological expeditions.

For private use, there was also a rather interesting niche. In regions with a rich historical past, you can make a search magnet with your own hands and engage in practical archeology.

Safety measures

Not many people know that certain rules must be followed to work with magnets. In most cases, large models have qualities that can harm both humans and vehicles.

search magnet finds
search magnet finds

Therefore, the following security measures should be followed:

  1. Prepare a special container, the material of which is not magnetic. It can be wood or thick-walled polymer. Place a warning sign on the surface.
  2. For the normal operation of electronic devices, the minimum distance from the magnet should be 10-20 cm.
  3. Force fields have a negative effect on the operation of the pacemaker.
  4. The space between the magnet andmetal should be free. Failure to do so may result in injury due to pinched limbs.


For prospecting, it is necessary to carefully consider the design and take into account the specifics of operation. It is not enough to take the finished product, fasten it to a strong rope and go to the fields in search of treasure.

neodymium search magnet
neodymium search magnet

If you need to make a search magnet with your own hands, then a drawing is first drawn up. It indicates the overall dimensions of all elements, the material and method of their assembly. By following this simple step, many mistakes can be avoided. For example - if one part of the magnet must be open, then do not take into account the method of attaching it to the protective casing.

The best option - the protective shell completely repeats the shape of the product. In this case, the likelihood of damage during transportation or during the search process is reduced.

Before manufacturing, it is necessary to determine the technical characteristics, which directly depend on the overall dimensions.


With an increase in the linear dimensions of the magnet, its performance increases. Depending on the task, you should carefully choose, as the cost of various models can range from 30 to 300 dollars.

Holding weight, kg

Magnet weight, kg

Diameter, mm

Height, mm

300 1,2 96 18
400 1, 4 106 18
600 2, 2 140 30

But what is a search magnet without the proper gear?

Body and lift elements

Protective shell is made of durable material. The best option is turning a steel billet followed by galvanizing. Such a product will become a reliable protection against mechanical damage, and thanks to the surface layer it will not corrode for a long time.

Construction of neodymium search magnet
Construction of neodymium search magnet

Methods of fixing the magnet in the housing can be varied. But the most popular and practical are:

  1. Production of a closed structure with a screw cap. Its tightness makes it possible not to be afraid of the harmful effects of water, even sea water.
  2. Fixed with epoxy glue.

You can make a search magnet with your own hands in other ways. The main thing is to observe safety precautions and take care of the reliability of the entire structure.

For lifting, a strong cord is usually used, the breaking force of which should be at least three times the weight of the hold.

Practical application

search magnet finds
search magnet finds

But what is a search magnet without interesting finds? Thanks to its specificproperties, it can be used where conventional metal detectors fail - in the aquatic environment. With proper skill, you can carefully explore a large area of the river bottom in a day. Given the vast historical past of almost every region of the country, there is sure to be a unique copy from the past centuries.

But don't indulge yourself with the thought of getting rich soon - the findings of the search magnet are varied and not always of value. It is required to literally shovel the mouth of the river to find something worthy of attention. Therefore, before starting a mini-expedition, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the history of the region in order to increase the likelihood of a successful “catch”.
