We can say that fifty percent of the energy produced heats the air. The sun shines regardless of the season, but its energy is simply underestimated. Although solar heating at home is a good idea that many scientists around the world are working on.
Autonomous heating systems have several advantages: there is no need to do excavation work, especially since it is very expensive today. And maintenance of a traditional highway will cost even more. An autonomous system will be able to quickly resolve this issue. Solar heating is characterized by simple installation and quick commissioning. In many ways, bureaucratic issues that are associated with the licensing system are eliminated. Dependence on city networks is completely excluded.

The most common today are solar systems. Their significant disadvantage is the impossibility of accumulating heat and using it at other times. The difficulty lies in installing a large capacity to store the generated energy.
Solar heating is divided into active and passive.
Passive absorb and accumulate solar energy in parts directly in the installed structure, using additional devices. Builders in many countries specifically make thick walls for energy storage. In our time, such projects have already been developed, where the wall faces south, is painted in a dark color (preferably black), the front part is finished with glass. The air between the glass and the wall is heated and set in motion. This creates a warm air gap.
Active in their work use a collector and devices that convert the sun's energy into heat.

Solar heating with warm rays can heat not only the water for the shower, but also heat the whole house. This is very convenient.
It is possible to make solar heating with your own hands. To do this, it is necessary to paint the outer wall or roof, which is facing south, in a dark color. Make a frame of wood along the desired perimeter, approximate size - 5x8 cm. On the painted surface, place a dark pipe with a diameter of 8-30 mm, made like a coil, with a distance between turns of 10-15 cm. A metal pipe can be replaced with a black rubber hose. This will be a DIY collector.
Next, you need to glaze the frame around the entire perimeter. This can be done with ordinary window glass. If the wall on which the collector is installed is cold (there is no insulation), then the collector should be insulated from the inside. Next, place the water tank above the frame made (for example, in the attic). Now we make a passage for the water. We connect the hose outlet from the top of the collector to the top of the tank, and the bottom one to its bottom. If this system is connected tohot water supply, solar heating will heat running water.

The clear advantage of this heating is that the house does not require rebuilding.
You should consider where to apply solar heating. It won't cost much. Above is the simplest version of the heating installation.