It is unlikely that anyone will doubt the importance of welding. They are used in all industries. Advanced welding machines allow you to make incredibly strong and stable joints, and experienced welders make the seam even and reliable. But it is not necessary to be a qualified specialist in order to do welding work with your own hands at home. A simple inverter, a little bit of theory, and you can proceed. Let's talk about it.

Some general information
An excellent welder is one who is fluent in welding equipment. In order to be able to make high-quality welded joints, it is not at all necessary to graduate from any educational institution, it is enough just to constantly practice. In principle, here, as in any other business, it is important to try and learn from your own mistakes. In general, to carry out welding work with your ownhands at home is not only interesting, but also useful. If you wish, you can make crafts, weld a car and much more. However, not everything is as simple as it might seem. It is necessary to be able to choose the right welding mode, speed, electrode type, etc. important details. All this directly affects the quality of the welded joint. Before proceeding with the work, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the theory. Let's start with the simplest.

Safety information
Welding equipment is not a toy for children, this must be understood. Even an adult should approach the inverter fully armed.
- First, you need to have overalls. The fabric should be dense, protecting exposed areas of the body. In addition, you are working with high temperatures, so the material must not ignite on the body.
- Second, take care of your hands. Buy special gloves, as in the process you will need to hold hot fittings. And doing it with bare hands is, shall we say, painful.
- Do not work in wet areas or where there is contact with water. We know from school that water and electricity are incompatible.
- Well, the last requirement is the purchase of a mask. The retina of the eye during welding is subjected to serious stress, take care of your eyes. Masks usually come in different types and vary in price. Of course, pleasure is not cheap, but it is a must.
Do-it-yourself welding: instructions
Getting your first experience, do not use those details that you still need. Find somewhere in your garage a piece of metal that you do not need. This is just what is ideal for the first welding work. Get a bucket of water and put it close to you, a little later you will understand what it is for. By the way, cooking on a wooden workbench is prohibited, as a fire may occur. Place the ground clamp on the workpiece and thread the cable into the holder. After that, set the current power. This parameter must match the diameter of the electrode.

One of the most crucial moments has come - setting fire to the arc. Before you begin, place the electrode at an angle of 55-60 degrees with respect to the workpiece. Slowly run the electrode across the surface, and when sparks appear, press the electrode against the workpiece and pull it back until a gap of 0.5 cm appears.
Rules for working with the electrode
If you did everything right, the arc will ignite. Do not forget that a gap of 0.5 cm must be maintained during the entire working time. If the electrode gets too close or too far away, then the quality of the seam will be much worse than it should be. As for the speed of movement of the electrode, it largely depends on the metal being processed and its thickness. In most cases, it must be done slowly. If sticking occurs, it is eliminated by a slight swing to the side. Do-it-yourself body welding work performed (VAZ-2106 if you take, for example) requirestable arc, the length of which will be at least 3-4 mm. In this case, a reliable seam is obtained.

Technology details
You need to know that there is welding with direct and reverse polarity. Straight polarity is when a positive pole is connected to the workpiece. And the opposite, respectively, is negative. During welding, the metal electrode melts, resulting in the formation of drops of electrode metal, which are connected to the workpiece. The edges of the latter also melt, a weld pool appears, from where the resulting slag comes out to the surface of the seam. The weld pool can be of various sizes. It depends on the welding mode, workpiece, current strength and other characteristics. In most cases, its width is 8-15 mm, the depth is 6 mm, and the length is up to 30 mm.
It should be remembered that as a result of the melting of the electrode, gases are formed that protect the seam from oxygen and impurities. Slag also contributes to the removal of harmful inclusions. In general, do not forget to advance the electrode to the weld as it melts.

Do-it-yourself car welding
A car is an expensive technique. And, since the body is in most cases metal, it often requires welding work. For example, the bottom is rotten or the beam is torn off. All these problems can only be de alt with by welding. If you are doing body workwelding work, then remember that the key to success is maintaining and moving the arc over a given area of \u200b\u200bthe surface at the same speed. It's not easy, but with time you'll get the hang of it.
Moving the arc, in case body welding is done by hand, can be carried out in 3 main directions:
- Progressive movement of the arc along the axis of the electrode. In this way, the required distance from the workpiece to the welding arc can be effectively maintained.
- Longitudinal movement along the axis of the welded seam. This method is necessary to form a thread welding bead.
- Transverse movements - used to obtain a seam of a given width.
A note to every welder
Every future specialist should be able to use all three directions described above to achieve the desired results. Experienced welders often independently determine the trajectory of the electrode, in each case individually. The main requirement during the execution of work is the complete penetration of the edges of the parts until the required amount of deposited metal is formed.
It often happens that the electrode burns out to the very base of the holder. In this case, you need to stop welding and replace the electrode. After this, work can be continued, but it is advisable to first remove the resulting slag.
When a seam breaks, a depression is formed at its end, called a crater. It is necessary to resume work at a distance of at least 1 cm from the crater. In general, all do-it-yourself welding work(it will be crafts or something more responsible) must be carried out according to existing technology. It is hardly necessary to invent a bicycle.

Setting up the welding machine
Before you get started, you need to take care of the proper setting of the equipment. To choose the required current strength, just look at the package with electrodes, on which everything is indicated. But the polarity (direct or reverse) you will need to choose yourself.
For a beginner, there is no significant difference. But if you conduct a survey among welding specialists, you will hear approximately the same answer: use straight polarity to work with thick-walled workpieces or when cutting. But for a greater depth of the weld, the reverse is well suited. However, few people will notice a significant difference between the poles, looking at the finished seams, so do not bother yourself with the poles at first and connect the classic straight polarity. After that, you can safely start doing welding work with your own hands. You will find a photo of the perfect seam that you should get in this article.
About the advantages and disadvantages of manual welding
You, as a future welder, must understand that in any business there are pluses and minuses. In our case, a huge plus is that you can do small repairs at home on your own. Need to weld the car body? It's not a problem for you. You just need to find a suitable type of electrode, after which you can safely proceed towork. By the way, manual welding is characterized by a wide range of welded metal grades. This is possible due to the large selection of electrode types. In addition, do-it-yourself semi-automatic welding can be performed in conditions of limited access, which sometimes plays a decisive role.
As for the shortcomings, they also exist. The main one is that the quality of the seam largely depends on the qualifications of the welder. In addition, electric arc welding is less productive and more expensive than other types. There are also harmful emissions (gases) during operation.
A few more details
So we talked about how do-it-yourself welding work is done. Welding the gate, creating your own craft or making a quality connection will no longer be a problem for you. Of course, no one guarantees results on the first day. Here you need to constantly train, preferably on fittings that will not be used. Pay special attention to the preparatory work and the first start-up of the equipment. To do this, you need to use the correct current. The speed is determined along the way.

Welding is not an easy thing, but anyone can cope with it. This is not an aircraft industry, and mistakes can be made here. Although it all depends on what and how you plan to do. For example, when designing autonomous water supply and heating systems, it is advisable to hire specialists to perform welding work. Although if youalready have the proper experience, why not? Try to do everything yourself. So you can save a significant amount and gain precious experience. In the future, welding can become not just a hobby, but even a very profitable job. But everything takes time and constant training.