In fashion magazines devoted to architecture and construction, you can see how trends change in exterior decoration. Instead of the traditional calm color for facades, more and more people are choosing rich, deep and dark ones. And one of the reasons why houses are built from dark building materials is practicality. These projects seem very gloomy, but when viewed from a different angle, the perception of shades and colors changes - the perception becomes completely different. For those who want to break stereotypes and stand out from the crowd, we suggest considering dark brick houses. This is what we will cover in our today's article.
Modern architectural trends are changing, there are plenty of opportunities for bold experiments. Most of the young professionals in the finishing andconstruction works are increasingly using dark colors and shades. These projects are becoming popular and in great demand. Today, such projects are gaining more and more popularity. Consider the main advantages of dark brick houses.
So, the building will stand out very much from the rest of the houses on the street. In this way, a special refined taste can be emphasized. In addition, the dark facade will look modern and unique.

Take a look at the photo of the dark brick house: even from it you can see how modern this dark facade looks. It is stylish and elegant. The house attracts the eye, and can also surprise with the saturation and depth of hue.
Since the dark brick has a high heat capacity, it is able to accumulate and transfer heat. In such a house it will be much warmer in winter. In winter, the rays of the sun, although they have reduced activity, warm the surface. A dark brick house will save on energy for heating.
Traditional white brick is boring and banal. But dark is a new word in facade decoration, a fresh design idea, a novelty from architects. The dark brick looks very noble. Immediately there are associations with elegance, special sophistication. The dark color gives the exterior a unique charm.
Walls can become voluminous, original, with texture. In general, dark looks advantageous and expensive compared to light counterparts.
There are a huge number of options and ideas for the facades of houses from darkbricks. It is worth trying to consider different types of masonry and the possibility of combining materials. Do not be afraid to implement the most daring ideas. Also, do not give up experiments - this is an interesting experience.
A dark brick house will attract and accumulate heat in itself - this is both a plus and a minus at the same time. Inside the cottage with rich tones of the walls in the summer it can be a little hot. But this minus can be easily eliminated by air conditioning systems, although this will require certain costs. However, only the most basic and used rooms can be additionally cooled in this way. Utility rooms are not used so actively, they are located more often in the depths of houses. Therefore, they are practically not subject to heating. But still, if you live in the southern region, it is worth foreseeing the presence of an air conditioning system. This will make your stay more comfortable.

Brick dark facades are an impractical solution. So, even minor pollution and dust will be noticeable on them, which is practically unrealistic to see on a light brick. In addition, a rich tone will instantly expose and unfavorably emphasize various defects - scratches, chips.
While the dark brick has not yet become so popular, its assortment on sale is not as wide as we would like. This limits the choice. It is sold far from everywhere, the choice of design is practically absent. But manufacturers are ready to make anything to order, including dark bricks.
Usually creating the exterior and interior design for any private home starts with design work. To get a competent project, you need to decide which of the buildings will also be on the territory. Additional household items can greatly affect the appearance of the facades of the house. For example, if there is a garage, a sauna, a bathhouse or something similar on the site, then a dark brick house can become the main accent that will effectively stand out from everything else. In this case, all other household buildings should be lighter in comparison with the facade of the house. It is allowed to perform finishing operations not only with the use of bricks, but with the use of other materials, interesting effects can be achieved. Plaster and wood work well too.
Size matters, and the dimensions of the building should be known in advance. In the construction of small one-story buildings, a dark color for decoration is used quite often. Thus, country houses are often decorated. If there are several floors (for example, 2 or more), if there is an attic, then a rich tone will also be relevant. But the facade can turn out to be a little gloomy, in which case you can try the idea of \u200b\u200ba dark brick house with white seams. So the design of the building will be more contrasting and unique. How it looks in reality can be seen in the photo below.

Design Features
To get the result of a building that will be stylish and harmonious both outside andand internally, when developing a design, only one direction in architecture should be used. If the interior decoration is already done in one of the styles, then the exterior of the house should match it. It also happens that in various styles it is not supposed to use dark finishing materials - this does not mean that the idea should be immediately abandoned. It is possible to build light brick houses with dark details.
Looking through the numerous projects of houses, take into account the lighting and location. If the building is located on a flat area, under the open sun, then dark-colored facades can look bright and catchy. If the house is in the shade of trees, then the advantages of dark facades are easily emphasized by the selection of even darker and deeper shades (up to black).
Decoration of facades with dark bricks
First choose the main color. An excellent choice is brown brick. The masonry takes the form of a chocolate bar. In addition, dark brown brick houses can be associated with dark precious wood.
But there are plenty of other colors too, such as deep dark green. You can get a building that looks like a real emerald. It is also worth paying attention to deep wine and burgundy colors. Another option is black. It may seem gloomy, but with proper use of dark brick facing, the house becomes like a diamond.

Next define the facade style. Each architectural direction has its own laws. For those who are not with these lawsfamiliar, there are already finished projects. Even if the dark brick does not fit in, then experienced architects will solve this problem. The result is a beautiful building.
Timeless classic
The classic dark brick house suggests a simple way of masonry. Dark tones are diluted with light ones - also basic. Roofs in such buildings are most often simple gable. There are also more original solutions - use dark brick for the main construction, but make the seams in the masonry white.

Using contrasting colors will keep the house from becoming too gloomy, and even vice versa - white seams will make the structure stand out despite the dark base color.
Scandinavian touches in design
This is another option. In order to emphasize the features of Scandinavian architecture, designers suggest using decorative finishing bricks with imitation of natural stone. Dark colors will be very appropriate in this case.
English style dark brick facade
English architecture is already a more complex masonry and a more complex combination of colors. For such buildings, it would be ideal to make a transition from a deep and rich dark color to light shades. This solution will allow you to get a special illusion and play of light. An important attribute of such an idea is a tiled roof, which is very consistent with the English style. Ideal for the home - maroon facing brick.
Japanese cottage style
Dark colors can becomean ideal choice in Japanese-style house projects. The brick itself can imitate rough stone. This will help create a special atmosphere. A dark brick house with white elements is a great solution. You can use and combine brown, sand, gray colors.
When choosing exactly the Japanese style, you need to remember that the main role here is not only the color of the facade. The design of the roof is important. The style suggests that it will be of complex shape, with several tiers. Its decor must be made strictly in Japanese traditions.
Useful decorating techniques
Looking at photos of dark brick houses, you can see not only traditional classics and ordinary brick houses, but also original buildings, when creating which architects used interesting and unique ideas.

Thus, if complex brick laying technologies are used, the facade gets a special texture, as well as the effect of versatility. Naturally, all this is only visual.
It is worth experimenting with colors - let them be the most extraordinary. All walls of the house should not be dark and plain. It is permissible to combine different colors included in the same gamut. This way you can get interesting color effects.
Modern dark brick can imitate natural stone. The quality of the brick and, accordingly, the imitation is at its best.
It is not forbidden to play on contrasts. The facade of the house should also have light details that will look bright and unusual against a dark background. Can createvarious types of seams, highlight windows and attics.
If there are other buildings on the territory, then this can also be profitably used. For example, you can create a whole ensemble in which several colors are very harmoniously combined. This idea will not only give freshness to the facade, but also make landscape design more interesting.

In numerous photos in magazines and among examples of work done by young modern architects, you can see houses made of different materials. You can also use this idea: for example, a brick is perfectly diluted with plaster, wood, metal, stone. A photo of a dark brick house can be seen in our article. But the facade should not be overloaded, a combination of two materials will suffice.
Most people think simply. They build standard white or red boring houses. To dilute such a cottage village, it is worth building a multi- or one-story house of dark brick. The building acquires an original and unique design.