Wooden houses with a flat roof: interesting ideas, features and recommendations

Wooden houses with a flat roof: interesting ideas, features and recommendations
Wooden houses with a flat roof: interesting ideas, features and recommendations

The space of a country house is largely limited to standard hipped roofs that form an attic or attic. At first, the problem was solved by using attic floors. However, the development of technology and the advent of waterproofing made it possible to build houses with a flat roof. Typical projects of such a dwelling are offered by most developers. The unusualness of these buildings is fully justified by the architectural features and practicality.

Flat roof benefits

typical designs of houses with a flat roof
typical designs of houses with a flat roof

A well-equipped area on the roof of the building can be used for various purposes, depending on the wishes of the owners. However, the main goal remains to protect the house from precipitation, ensuring the durability and reliability of the building.

Benefits of flat roof house designs:

  1. Easy and quick installation. The construction of the roof does not require the creation of a crate and the use of lumber, it is carried out in one plane without insurance and scaffolding. This approachallows you to save resources, finances and time.
  2. The flat roof structure is strong, durable and requires little maintenance. A long service life is ensured subject to the technology, the features of flat-roof house projects, and the competent arrangement of gutters.
  3. High level of thermal insulation.
  4. Ease of installation and maintenance of additional equipment.
  5. Exquisite design of the flat roof facades, completeness and clarity of lines.
  6. The possibility of equipping the roof for various purposes - recreation, sports or hobbies.


The main disadvantage of a horizontal roof is the risk of leakage. Snow that has fallen during the winter during melting can destroy the walls of the house, which is typical for an improperly installed roof. When performing all work according to the technology, there will be no such shortcomings.

The second minus is the accumulation of snow on the roof, which will have to be cleaned manually if exits to equipped sites are planned. Accordingly, you can only trust the construction of houses with a flat roof to professional developers with a good reputation, providing a guarantee for the work performed.

Projects of houses and cottages with a flat roof

flat roof house designs best ideas
flat roof house designs best ideas

The flat roof configuration is not only original, but also functional, and there are a huge variety of its types. All of them are divided into two categories: operated and non-operated. Each of the subspecies can be performed according to the traditional,classical or inversion technology.


They are built not only to protect the house, but also to increase its usable area. Their surface must be flat and solid with a slope of up to five degrees, necessary for the flow of water. Preference is given to projects of wooden houses with a flat roof of an exploited type largely due to their additional functions.


Do not need a rigid insulation and base for waterproofing, which simplifies their construction. On the roof, as a rule, walkways and ladders are placed to evenly distribute the load. This type of roof is cheaper to build, but has a shorter service life compared to the exploited options.

Design differences

flat roof house design benefits
flat roof house design benefits

A flat roof consists of several alternating layers of hydro, thermal and vapor barriers. A feature of the planning of flat roof house projects is that such dwellings have additional layers of roofing that increase strength.

Under the classic flat roof is often meant soft. A feature of its design is the external location of the waterproofing layer. The bitumen-containing component provides softness to the coating. The disadvantage of this solution is the constant exposure of the upper layer to temperature changes and ultraviolet rays.

Their impact is especially devastating during the period of frost, when at night the temperature drops below zero, and during the day it rises. Over time it leads to destructionwaterproofing and moisture from precipitation on the concrete base of the roof and walls of the building.

Inversion, or lightweight flat roofing was developed taking into account the mistakes of the classical one. The inversion of the layers of the structure significantly increases its service life and preserves the condition of the waterproofing coating. When creating such a roof, the concrete base is initially treated with insulation, on top of which a layer of hydrophobic insulation is placed with a coating in the form of paving stones, gravel or crushed stone. The insulation of an inverted roof is of such high quality that you can lay paving slabs on it or lay out a lawn there.

Roof Projects

flat roof house designs
flat roof house designs

Before building a wooden house with a flat roof, first of all, its type is determined - exploited or unexploited. They differ not only in design and operational features, but also in cost: the first option requires the construction of a reinforced foundation and load-bearing walls that can withstand the weight of reinforced concrete floors.

The purpose of the project is to calculate the loads on the building and determine the amount of building materials needed. Design helps to plan the execution of work. For its implementation, professional specialists are involved.

Design stages

Project activity is divided into several stages:

  • Drafting a sketch of the building. Designers receive from the developer the linear parameters of the object and a list of materials, after which they calculate the weight of the building and the impact onfoundation load. This allows you to correctly determine the snow and wind loads that are added to the total weight.
  • Calculation of load-bearing structures. Includes determining the number of beams, their length and section to create a crate.
  • Plan-scheme. It indicates the main structural elements and their location.

Wooden houses with a flat roof are designed in various styles, but high-tech is considered the most functional. The building can be small, designed for a couple, or it can be an extensive cottage with several terraces.

With the exception of the architectural and construction project, specialists usually order a work plan that takes into account all the features of the house. This allows you to determine the total cost of housing being built.

What counts in the plan

archiline wooden house with flat roof
archiline wooden house with flat roof

Despite its apparent simplicity, flat roofs on modern frame houses are built from various elements, the selection and installation of each of which requires compliance with certain nuances:

  • Connection nodes. Areas where vertical and horizontal planes intersect - chimney walls, sides, ventilation and others. Connections of junction nodes must be completely sealed and carried out in compliance with all technologies.
  • Eaves. They protect the walls and blind area of the house from moisture flowing from the roof, and give the building an architecturally finished look. The width of the cornice varies from 0.5 to 1 meter, depending on the climatic conditions of the region where you live.
  • Drainage funnels. Are intended for removal of the water accumulating in low sites of a roof. On average, one funnel is installed on the roof for every 0.75 m2 area.
  • Flow vanes and aerators. Structural elements designed to remove water vapor generated inside the coating.
  • Lightning rods. They are made in the form of vertical lightning rods or a horizontal grid.
  • Drainage. There are two types - external and internal. The first type is simpler in terms of design and operation and much cheaper.

Best Flat Roof House Design Ideas

When choosing a building project, not only its architecture and dimensions are taken into account. Particular attention is paid to floor materials, roof construction and the possibility of increasing the usable area at its expense. The best flat roof houses are:

  • high-tech style;
  • one-story;
  • two-story;
  • cubic;
  • wooden etc.

Two-storey high-tech house

flat roof house plans
flat roof house plans

The high-tech building project involves insulated walls built from ceramic blocks and aerated concrete. A two-storey house with a total area of 150 m22 is designed for the installation of a flat roof of the exploited type.

The project is lightweight and compact, suitable for families with children. Belongs to the average price category.

The upper space is divided into two parts, one of which houses the technological equipment. house facade designa flat roof can combine textured finishes with smooth walls.

Single-storey house

The project of a compact one-story Archiline wooden house with a flat roof, ideal for small families. The warmth and comfort of a home can be achieved through panoramic windows, south-facing living spaces and underfloor heating.

The slope of the roof of several degrees ensures the runoff of melt and rainwater and allows you to safely walk on the roof. The exploited type of roof increases the usable area of the building. The long service life of not only the roof, but also the building is provided by a PVC membrane and a monolithic ceiling. To emphasize the area of the premises and give the building a modern look, thanks to a flat roof.

Two-storey large house

Modern construction technologies are aimed at building reliable, high-quality and warm houses for a large family. With proper installation of a flat roof, its thermal and waterproofing, it is possible to increase the usable area of the building. Monolithic ceilings and aerated concrete walls keep the heat in the house.

Despite the fact that the buildings erected according to this project have a significant area, due to the flat roof they look more neat and light.

Cubic houses

projects of houses and cottages with a flat roof
projects of houses and cottages with a flat roof

Cubist-style square houses with flat roofs look stylish and inviting due to the absence of tall hipped roofs.

Two-story houses of this type are often equipped with corner glazing and attractattention due to unusual architecture. The cubic style is emphasized by a flat roof, which is a continuation of the entire building. Such houses are being built from sandwich panels, which provide strength and thermal insulation of the structure as a whole.

Wooden two-storey houses

The use of exclusively modern materials is not always preferable, as many choose timeless classics - wooden houses with a flat roof. Such buildings are not only environmentally friendly, but also aesthetically pleasing.

Two-story houses are built from high-quality timber and have no less heat and waterproofing than similar buildings made from modern materials.

When to choose a flat roof house

Flat-roof house projects are characterized by conciseness, aesthetics and efficient use of free space. This type of roof allows you to significantly increase the usable area of \u200b\u200bthe building. Houses with a flat roof are chosen if the listed criteria are preferred. During their construction, the main thing is the choice of a professional developer with good reviews, able to comply with the technology and draw up a correct project, which will take into account not only the wishes of the customer, but also other nuances of construction.
