Tongue-and-groove blocks - types, characteristics, scope and method of application

Tongue-and-groove blocks - types, characteristics, scope and method of application
Tongue-and-groove blocks - types, characteristics, scope and method of application

Sufficiently popular in our time are such building materials, in the production of which natural components are used, which are durable, reliable and easy to use. One of them are blocks tongue-and-groove. Each product has a rectangular or trapezoidal groove, with the help of which the walls are quickly and reliably erected. They are used in the construction of both load-bearing walls and inter-apartment or interior partitions.

tongue-and-groove blocks
tongue-and-groove blocks

Types of tongue-and-groove blocks and their characteristics

According to the method of application, tongue-and-groove blocks are divided into two types - wall and internal.

The first ones are used for the construction of load-bearing walls, their structural material is cellular concrete. Such products have heat resistance, frost resistance, fire resistance. Wall blocks do not require additional reinforcement and have good sound insulation.

Blocks tongue-and-groove internal are intended for construction of interroom partitions. They are made on the basis of a binder.component - gypsum with the use of special additives. Gypsum gypsum blocks are produced standard and moisture resistant. They have a solid or hollow structure, various sizes and a rectangular shape.

Moisture-resistant (hydrophobized) blocks can be used in rooms with high humidity (bathroom, toilet). This product has such a quality as maintaining optimal temperature conditions. These products are made of environmentally friendly materials and are absolutely harmless to human he alth. They are non-combustible materials and are also a good insulator. The most popular are blocks with dimensions of 500x250 mm, 667x500 mm and a width of 80 mm or 100 mm.

tongue-and-groove gypsum blocks
tongue-and-groove gypsum blocks

Advantages of gypsum blocks

The main advantages of gypsum tongue-and-groove blocks include:

  1. Presentable appearance. Products do not require mandatory finishing. Immediately after their installation, you can paste or paint the surface.
  2. Easy installation. The blocks are easy to glue. Due to their light weight, you can lay them yourself, without outside help.
  3. Easy to use. Gypsum blocks are well sawn, cut, planed.
  4. Eco-friendly material. Products are non-toxic, odorless, do not affect human he alth.

Scope of tongue-and-groove blocks

The main purpose of gypsum blocks is the construction of interior partitions and other non-bearing structures. They are used in anypremises, regardless of their purpose. These products are non-toxic, fireproof, odorless, non-conductive and meet all safety requirements. There are tongue-and-groove blocks, the price of which depends on many factors and can vary, from 190 rubles per 1 pc. and higher. The material is often used in the construction of preschool institutions, schools, medical institutions, residential buildings.

tongue-and-groove blocks price
tongue-and-groove blocks price

Installation of plaster blocks

Before mounting, tongue-and-groove blocks are subjected to 48-hour adaptation in a working room with normal humidity and air temperature above 5 degrees. Installation of partitions from these products is carried out after the completion of the construction of load-bearing structures and enclosing elements. They are installed on the finished floor screed. Blocks are laid with a groove up or down on a special adhesive (it is desirable that the manufacturer of glue and blocks be the same) with alternately overlapping joints.

To ensure strength, the partition should be fixed to the supporting structures rigidly. Installation is carried out using dowels. The gap formed between the ceiling and the upper row of blocks must be sealed with putty. To increase the level of sound insulation to the ceiling and walls in contact with the partition, it is worth sticking an elastic gasket 3-5 mm from bituminized felt or cork.
