Among domestic plants with decorative and healing qualities, celosia is far from the first place in popularity, however, the unique qualities of the flower are highly valued by professional gardeners. In the circles of Russian floriculture lovers, scallop celosia, which is also called a velvet flower or a cockscomb, is most widely used. First of all, the plant is distinguished by unusual inflorescences, which can have different shades. Although the decorative qualities of celosia are best revealed in the summer, under the right conditions it is possible to grow it in the winter. In addition, the velvet flower is able to produce a healing effect in the fight against certain diseases.
General information

Comb celosia can be attributed to annual plants. It has upright growing green stems with a ribbed surface and ovate leaves with pointed endings. Unlike the stem, the leaves of the scallop are smooth, and the shade can be not only green, but also dark purple. Paniculate inflorescences are formed by miniature flowers of different shades. By the way, a variety of juicy andsaturated colors is one of the main decorative advantages that comb celosia has. The height of the plant is 30-70 cm, allowing them to decorate both small home gardens and outdoor flower beds. The flowering period lasts from mid-summer until the start of frost. The seeds remain viable for 5 years.
Place to land

Since the birthplace of celosia is the southern countries, it is desirable to grow it in a sunny place that is protected from the wind. Slightly acidic and loose soil is preferable, but with special preparation a good result is also possible in heavy soil. In the second case, a little sandy component should be added to the soil layer, which will ensure the looseness of the earth. In addition, comb celosia reacts well to humus, and on any type of soil.
If you plan to land in open ground, this should be done in the summer - in early June. Especially this rule applies to young or non-acclimatized seedlings. In conditions of the slightest frost, the plant dies. But this does not mean that planting a flower is contraindicated in winter. It all depends on the conditions that can be created indoors. The only thing that prevents the full development of celosia at this time is the lack of sunlight.
Temperature conditions

If the cultivation is supposed to be at home, then the optimal temperature in the room will be 18 ° C. At the same time, 14°C isacceptable lower limit. Oddly enough, scallop celosia, which is grown outdoors, is less demanding on temperature conditions and is able to tolerate higher rates. Although the boundaries of negative readings on the thermometer remain relevant in this case. Ventilation conditions must be taken into account. For example, if the temperature exceeds 25°C, then the room must be ventilated.
Growing from seed
Celosia is recommended to be grown from seeds, as propagation from cuttings is not able to provide the very aesthetic properties for which this plant is loved.
The optimal time for sowing is the end of March or the first days of April. A week later, the "cockscomb" sprouts. It is not necessary to sow densely, it is better to observe intervals of 3 cm. Seeds are scattered on moist soil, and then covered with a film, which is removed a week after the first shoots are found.
Growing seedlings

This method is recommended for more experienced gardeners who are familiar with the care requirements of comb celosia. Growing from seeds does not provide for special measures in the process of flower growth, but seedlings can give a satisfactory result only if the seedlings are carefully cared for. Among the mandatory care measures is to ensure the protection of fragile young seedlings from the sun. In the household, a newspaper is usually used for this purpose, with which young scallops are temporarily covered.
Plantingseedlings are produced in a flower garden or in a flower bed with a certain step. For example, if it is planned to plant large varieties, then the gap should be 30 cm, and if dwarf celosia - 15 cm. But in most cases, scallop celosia is initially planted in one container and goes through the first stage of growth and development indoors. When the plant grows up, it should be dived into a pot up to 8 cm high. But it is best to initially plant the seedlings in separate pots - if transplanting into open ground is planned in the future, this approach will eliminate possible damage to the root system.
Care and feeding

The main problem in caring for the scallop cockerel is the need to create greenhouse conditions. Breeders have bred many cold-resistant forms of the plant, but they also give the best decorative effect only in optimal thermal conditions. It is important to note that comb celosia, which is grown and cared for on a balcony or in a home garden, is also very demanding. Firstly, access to the sun should be provided, and secondly, water supply should be regulated. It is not necessary to fill it, but it is necessary to moderately supply the roots with moisture.
In fertilizer and top dressing, celosia is unpretentious. The best choice would be a dosed supply of phosphorus-potassium liquid fertilizer. Conversely, nitrogen top dressings are not recommended, as they contribute to enhanced growth of green mass. If celosia dwarf scallop is grown, then the leaves with such nutrition will completely overshadow the inflorescences. Also to saveA he althy and flowering type of scallop should regularly inspect its leaves and remove dried flowers.
Protection from diseases and pests

One of the most dangerous pests of celosia is the aphid, which infects both leaves and shoots. Aficides effectively help in the fight against it and other insects. The common problems of fragile young seedlings include the black leg - to prevent this disease, watering should again be controlled. It should be done early in the morning and only on sunny days. The plant is sensitive to weather phenomena, watering procedures can be excluded on cloudy days.
If scallop celosia has nevertheless undergone the development of a “black leg”, you should loosen the soil, cover it with ash and minimize watering. The fact is that insufficient drainage or excess water can cause the development of fungal diseases. In addition, iron deficiency is dangerous, which leads to an increase in soil pH and leaf chlorosis. Preparations with chelates (a type of iron compounds) will help to cope with this disease of celosia.

The main motivation for people who decide to get scallop celosia is, of course, a decorative role. The plant looks attractive both as part of a flower arrangement in a flower bed, and as an independent decoration on a balcony. It is also one of the species widely used in the preparation of ikebana. To do this, florists cut the flowers before the formation of seeds and dry them incool dark place to keep their shape and color.
Famous for celosia and healing qualities. In folk medicine, it is used as a means to strengthen vision, treat blood diseases, to eliminate worms and heal ulcers in the oral cavity. The plant is of greatest interest in the circles of specialists due to its ability to fight cancer and diabetes. In particular, the use of celosia scallop leaves in diabetes mellitus as an ingredient for salads, soups, side dishes, etc. is common. There is another, more effective recipe that involves the use of dry cockscomb leaves. For cooking, you need 2 tbsp. l. dried leaves and 1 cup of boiled water. Leaves are filled with water and infused for about 30 minutes. The intensity of taking such a tincture depends on the disease and its severity.