Is it possible to keep ficus in the house: folk signs and superstitions

Is it possible to keep ficus in the house: folk signs and superstitions
Is it possible to keep ficus in the house: folk signs and superstitions

Many indoor ficuses are not demanding for special attention, so they are often bred at home and kept in offices. However, in relation to them, as well as many other plants, there are several signs indicating the advantages and disadvantages of breeding this plant. Moreover, all existing superstitions and signs are so different that it is very difficult to make a choice.

All opinions concerning the described plant were divided into 2 parts. Some believe that ficus has a negative effect on a person, while others are sure that this plant has a positive effect on events in life. If the question arises as to whether it is possible to keep a ficus at home, you should examine all the meanings of the signs and draw the appropriate conclusions.

ficus plant
ficus plant

General information

In houses and apartments, the presence of indoor plants is desirable. Many flowers perfectly purify the air and create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere. They are an indispensable element of the decorative design of any room. However, oftenthe question arises, are all flowers safe? Not all. Among the numerous representatives of the flora, there are plants that emit toxic substances that adversely affect human he alth and life.

Is it possible to keep ficus in the house? The evergreen ficus tree is in rather high demand among florists of various categories (both beginners and experienced). This plant attracts attention with its appearance: rich foliage color on a lush crown, a variety of species and varieties.

The most common and popular are the following subspecies: ficus Benjamin, Robusta, Black Prince, Melanie, etc. Their peculiarity is that they harmoniously complement both home and office decor.

Ficus variety
Ficus variety


This ornamental leafy plant belongs to the mulberry family. Tree-like large individuals perfectly took root in living quarters. They are not at all capricious and are not demanding in care. A little less often in apartments there are tropical ficuses, called ampelous and famous for their rather capricious character.

Ficus is loved by many for its energy that can absorb negativity and give positive energy in return. This plant is long-lived. Their leaves are mostly glossy, and in some species they are very large, reaching a diameter of up to 40 cm. There are many varieties of ficus, but not all of them can grow at home.

Ficus in the house

Keep the plant in the house or give up this venture? First, you should decide on your own preferences. If athe plant was so liked that the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying a pot with it for the home does not leave, you should not give up this pleasure. True, you don’t have to count on violent and lush flowering here. Ficus blooms very rarely, and usually it happens only "in the wild". But proper and good care for him will give a beautiful evergreen lush tree.

Many indoor plants, including ficuses, have been subjected to a fairly thorough study by scientists from research centers. The findings of scientists and florists suggest that plants enrich the air with oxygen and purify it from harmful trace elements.

So, the ficus in the house is not harmful. It's good to keep it too. It is able to absorb phenol, benzene and formaldehyde, as well as other harmful substances that adversely affect the emotional and mental state of a person, as well as his physical well-being. However, eating green leaves (applies to small children and pets) is dangerous to he alth.

As for superstitious people, before buying any houseplant, they should study folk beliefs, bad and good signs about ficuses.

Ficus in the interior
Ficus in the interior

The positive aspects of ficus

Many peoples of the world believe that ficus can be kept at home. This plant, in their opinion, not only cleans the energy at home, but also helps to have children. According to superstitions and signs, Benjamin's ficus is a universal plant that brings good luck. For the people of Thailand, this flower is a symbol. It is generally accepted that the plant is necessary in the house,only it is important to follow some rules:

  1. Best of all, if friends give ficus. By this, allegedly, they wish more joys in life and prosperity. It is believed that a donated ficus will help a person in luck in life.
  2. Ficus "black prince" is most suitable for home cultivation, which has a more pronounced positive energy and brings good news. According to the signs, the ficus in the house relieves the premises of negative energy and helps to increase financial profit.
  3. According to Feng Shui, ficus should be placed in the bedroom, which will help attract not only a happy family life, but will also contribute to the addition to the family.
The benefits of ficus benjamin
The benefits of ficus benjamin

About flowering ficus

Practically all the peoples of the world, except Slavic, are confident in the benefits of ficus in the house.

It is only important to properly care for the plant and treat it like a member of your family. It is important to try to do everything possible so that the ficus blooms. If this happens, it will mean that the requests for wishes were heard and soon everything will be as desired. It turns out that the ficus in the house brings happiness.

This plant is also ideal for offices, as it contributes to the growth of monetary profits. According to beliefs, growing ficus in the office will help to significantly increase the financial condition. There are some statistics, according to which the best financial stability is seen in those enterprises where any kind of ficus grows.

Blooming ficus
Blooming ficus

Negative omens about ficuses

What is this ficus plant? Can you keep it at home? Each plant affects people's lives in its own way. Some contribute to good luck and help in achieving goals. And some of them have a rather negative impact on he alth, personal life and bring negative to the family idyll.

Slavic peoples have their own superstitions regarding ficus. Their values will be completely opposite to those presented above. The Slavs have always believed that the ficus has negative energy and can only bring trouble. In the old days, there was a belief that ficus contributes to the emergence of anger, envy and a desire to quarrel. The signs of the Slavic peoples indicate that this plant brings adversity and is harmful to the preservation of family well-being and procreation. Superstitions have changed slightly over time.

Among the signs that have a negative meaning, there is another not very pleasant one. Ficus drives men out of the house. This means that it will be difficult for a girl to start a family, and men who already live in an apartment will acquire mental problems and lose their peace. Based on the foregoing, each person must decide for himself whether to keep the ficus at home.

ficus benjamina
ficus benjamina


You can keep ficus at home - signs are more important for superstitious people. Although ficus has many, according to popular beliefs, negative qualities, it also has quite important advantages. Purifies the air in the home, ridding it of toxic and harmful substances, creates a wonderful atmosphere, beauty and comfort inhome.

Everyone must decide for himself whether to purchase this plant for keeping in the house or not. It is only important to remember that it is better not to take those varieties that contain poison. It is also necessary to conduct proper care of the plant: water periodically, cut off yellowed leaves and wipe them from dust with a damp cloth. Ventilate the room more often (no drafts).

And about signs, to believe or not to believe in them is everyone's business. However, you should also listen to them and keep an eye on the events taking place in the house.

In conclusion

The important thing is that any plant likes to be treated as well as any member of the family. It doesn’t matter why the ficus was purchased, the main thing is that he takes good care of him and love for him. Otherwise, discord may occur in the family, and trouble may arise.
