Is it possible to keep an orchid at home: signs and superstitions

Is it possible to keep an orchid at home: signs and superstitions
Is it possible to keep an orchid at home: signs and superstitions

Signs and superstitions have recently received much attention. They did not pass by and avid florists. Among lovers of home flowers, an active debate has begun about whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home? It should be noted that the opinions of experts and amateurs are completely different in this regard, and the signs are extremely contradictory. Which of them to believe and which not - it is up to each individual to decide.

The story of the orchid

Orchid is the most beautiful representative of the most ancient flowers. The first mention of her dates back to the seventh century BC, but experts are ready to say that in fact this beauty appeared much earlier. For quite a long time, it was she who was considered one of the symbols of purity, perfection, beauty and harmony.

In the past, this flower was intended only for the elite (owners of some talent or outstanding appearance). The guys presented it to their beloved, thus expressing their admiration for her and thereby showing that their thoughts are absolutely pure.

is it possible to keep orchids at home signs and facts
is it possible to keep orchids at home signs and facts

Recently, people are allmore interested in questions:

  • What kind of flower is an orchid?
  • Can I keep at home?

The signs associated with her interest them no less. These superstitions, in particular, are more related to the difficulty of artificial breeding of this plant. Some signs come from personal experience accumulated by our ancestors.

Orchid is an energy vampire?

Those who were interested in the question of whether it is possible to keep orchids at home, omens and superstitions almost led to the idea that this flower is a real energy vampire. The plant feeds on the vital energy of those who live with it under the same roof. Even the famous Feng Shui teaching tends to support this theory, although it often takes the side of plants and favors a large number of them in a person's home. However, is it really so?

is it possible to keep an orchid at home
is it possible to keep an orchid at home

The culprit is the pollen of some varieties of orchids, which not only has a strong calming effect, but even lulls a person. As a result, the plant was credited with the magical properties of an energy absorber.

Orchid - plant-husband

If you ask in depth whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home, folk signs will definitely say that it is a kind of husband. However, this statement is not entirely correct. The fact is that an orchid is really a female flower, bringing true benefits only to the beautiful half of humanity. It is able to enhance femininity, attractiveness andother qualities possessed by the representatives of the weaker sex. But the negative impact on men lies primarily in the fact that they become very tender and even effeminate.

orchid is it possible to keep signs at home
orchid is it possible to keep signs at home

Experts do not recommend keeping orchids in rooms where males live. It is better to place these plants in those rooms where they spend a minimum of time.

Can I keep a Phalaenopsis orchid at home?

Now the Phalaenopsis orchid is becoming quite popular. Is it possible to keep such a flower at home? Almost everyone who has looked after this beauty for their indoor flower garden is interested in this question.

Negative signs associated with these plants do not prohibit their breeding, but only impose some restrictions on it. You should not keep orchids in the bedroom, since it is at night that most plants are active. You also need to minimize the contact of men in the house with orchids. And in no case should they decorate men's rooms and offices.

What does Feng Shui say about orchids in the home?

In general, Feng Shui is quite favorable to any plants in the house, including orchids, but they need to be bred taking into account the above wishes. This will avoid the negative impact and make this plant a real decoration that brings joy to its owner.

is it possible to keep orchids at home signs and superstitions
is it possible to keep orchids at home signs and superstitions

A very controversial orchid plant. Can you keep it at home? Signs andsuperstition often says otherwise. But at the same time, purity and innocence make you put on the scales all the pros and cons. As practice shows, nothing bad happens to those who have acquired this flower. However, it must be properly looked after and in no case should diseases and fading be allowed.

Orchids can become real healers for the fair sex. They return youth, good mood and even he alth. In addition, a flower can enhance feminine qualities and character traits. Positive energy in the house can also be attracted with the help of this green friend. The color of the buds is of no small importance, because each of them can influence others in different ways.

Orchids are protectors

If you still doubt whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home, then it should be noted that it sometimes becomes a real protector of its owners. If a person comes to visit who has negative thoughts against you or wants to do evil, then the flower will certainly drive him away, causing him to feel unwell. Explicit or secret enemies who visited your home, where the orchid stands, will eventually feel a headache, anxiety, or other negative conditions.

Is it possible to keep orchids at home: signs and facts

Presumably the orchid does not have a negative effect on its owner, but it all depends on the color of the flowers of the plant. It is he who can be decisive in the event that you make a difficult decision: to start or not to start an orchid.

phalaenopsis orchid is it possible to keep at home
phalaenopsis orchid is it possible to keep at home

According to signs, red and purple flowers help in the fight against laziness. If a woman decided to get rid of negative habits or went on a diet - this choice is just for her. A plant of this color activates willpower and will contribute to the achievement of success in the plan. If for some reason you have been putting off a certain task, then the red color will help you to tackle it resolutely.

For those who still doubt the question of whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home, one more argument can be made in favor of this plant. Yellow orchids not only contribute to an increase in material we alth, but also help in overcoming the steps in the career ladder. The same can be attributed to flowers with an orange color. They encourage an active lifestyle.

Orchids of white and pink color can help to find inner harmony. This is the ideal solution for those who see the world only in black colors, as well as for individuals who are prone to become depressed.

is it possible to keep an orchid at home folk signs
is it possible to keep an orchid at home folk signs

Orchid - a plant that is ideal for any woman. It will help protect against the negative energy of others, and emphasize the inner beauty of its owner. However, this flower, like any other plant, needs careful care and attention.
