Dracaena comes from tropical Africa. The bush consists of a straight stem and a rosette of narrow and stiff leaves. In young specimens, the leaves stick up, but as they grow, they become drooping. This plant, which looks like a palm tree, is popular due to its exotic appearance. In room conditions, it can grow up to 15 years. This plant can often be found in offices and government agencies, but many are afraid to settle it in their apartments. This article tells you if you can keep dracaena at home and how to care for it.

What does Sander's dracaena look like - the most popular variety for decorating a room? Outwardly, it resembles bamboo and is sometimes sold in flower shops under the name Lucky Bamboo. But dracaena has nothing to do with real bamboo. Graceful plant up to90 cm with a densely leafy stem. Pointed leaves up to 20 cm long with a white or silver-gray border. Easily tolerates lack of light indoors, but blooms very rarely indoors. Dracaena Sandera is often used by designers to create group flower arrangements and arrangements and for planting in terrariums.

Dracaena Fringed
Got its name from the border around the edges of the leaves. The most common form of dracaena Marginata with a red-violet edging. Curved leaves up to 70 cm long, do not form flowers at room conditions. An adult plant resembles a palm tree, its lower leaves fall off, and the upper ones form a spectacular dense bunch. Dracaena Bordered reaches a height of 2.5 meters. The plant is capricious to the conditions of detention, it is necessary to carefully select a place for it, otherwise the leaves may fall off, and growth will slow down.

Dracaena Canaria
This variety is also called the dragon tree. In the wild, the plant reaches a height of 20 m, and in room conditions it grows up to 1.8 meters. This variety has a thick trunk, spreading crown, consisting of hard dark green leaves. In good light, the foliage takes on a reddish tint. Dracaena Canary grows very slowly. Unlike other varieties, it can be grown in a cool room, and taken out to the balcony in summer.

Dracaena Deremskaya
In room conditions grows up to 3 meters. The trunk is thick, lignified, bareas the leaves grow, which gradually die off. Long dark green leaves with veins, broadened at the base. Not a very popular variety in indoor floriculture, as the plant reaches a very large size and can rest against the ceiling.
Dracaena Recurved
The trunk of the plant is weak, can branch into several thin parts, so support is required for cultivation. Olive-colored leaves up to 16 cm long taper at the ends. A capricious care flower grows slowly, at home it does not live for a long time and dies.
Dracaena: signs and superstitions
There are many beliefs associated with this plant. Many still do not know if it is possible to keep dracaena at home. To believe in certain signs is a personal matter of a person. However, before buying a flower, you should familiarize yourself with some signs and find out what the dracaena brings to the house.
It is believed that planting this flower at home can contribute to material well-being. It helps to find happiness, love, therefore it is recommended for couples. The plant cleanses the room of bad energy and maintains human immunity at the proper level.
Dracaena helps to cope with depression, stress, improves mood. Her presence in the house helps to cope with difficulties, indecision and tune in to a serious, difficult business.

One of the most common signs is related to the fact that this plant must be present in the house of unmarried or unmarried people. Dracaena contributes to the fact that a person will soonwill find his love and another owner will settle in the house.
A plant in a couple's house is also some indicator of a relationship. If the dracaena grows well, does not get sick and does not dry out, then everything in this family is in order. If family quarrels are frequent in the house and relations only worsen, the dracaena will begin to wither, and may die completely.
According to popular beliefs, dracaena as a gift to a lonely person contributes to the fact that he will soon be lucky in love, that he will find his soul mate, and comfort and prosperity will reign in the house.
Dracaena flowering at home is a rather rare phenomenon, therefore signs and beliefs are also associated with it. It is believed that if this plant blooms, then this will lead to great success in financial affairs or a quick career take-off.
The death of a plant that was just recently fragrant does not just happen by chance. This may portend the death of a family member.
In general, dracaena is recommended for shy and insecure people. This plant helps them cope with complexes, gives them determination and a desire to defend their rights.
Plant care
Dracaena is considered an unpretentious plant, caring for it will not cause much trouble, but some rules should still be followed. The plant needs moderate light, it must be protected from direct sunlight. When growing, some are faced with the problem of why the tips of the leaves dry in dracaena. This happens if it is exposed to direct sunlight.
A flower can grow even whenlow light if it has dark green leaves. Variegated forms require more lighting, otherwise they will lose their color. Diffused light suits them much better.
Dracaena loves moisture, the intensity of watering depends on the age of the plant, the volume of the pot and the time of year. In summer, it is watered two days later with water at room temperature. Half an hour after watering, the soil layer is loosened. So that the leaves of the dracaena do not dry out, spraying with warm water is necessary during the hot period.

In winter, the plant enters a period of hibernation, it is enough to water it once a week. Not everyone knows why dracaena leaves fall, but this is due to excessive moisture. If you water the plant often in winter, then its roots rot and the leaves fall off. There is such a rule here - it is better to water less than pour. The intensity of watering is increased, if only the flower is not far from the central heating battery.
Feeding plants is carried out only during the period of active growth, it begins at the end of March and ends at the beginning of autumn. Twice a month, the dracaena is fertilized with special products that can be purchased at flower shops: "Rainbow", "New Ideal" and others. The dosage is written on the package. Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to keep dracaena at home, does it cause allergic reactions in households? The plant can be fearlessly placed in your apartment, it is absolutely harmless.
Flower transplant
Flowers are sold in a temporary pot, after purchase, the plant must be transplanted to a permanent place. It is advisable not to do this immediately, but to allow the flower to adapt to new climatic conditions. After a week, it can be transplanted into a permanent pot.
The root system of the dracaena is strong, but care should still be taken when transplanting. It is better to purchase soil in a store; they use special soil for palm trees. It is necessary to put a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, then lower the plant with a clod of earth there and carefully cover it with soil. After planting, intensive watering is required.
Any flower grows over time and needs to be transplanted, otherwise its growth slows down or stops completely. Dracaena has a powerful root system, which eventually becomes crowded in an old flowerpot.
An adult plant is transplanted into a new flowerpot with a capacity slightly larger than the old one. A plant with an earthy clod is carefully removed from the old pot and placed in a new one. When transplanting an adult plant, the Zircon growth stimulator is used. It must be diluted in water and watered the plant after transplantation.
Do not think about whether it is possible to keep dracaena at home. Experienced flower growers have long fallen in love with this spectacular plant, which with its exotic appearance will decorate any interior, and will not cause any harm to the household.