Geranium: is it possible to keep at home, the benefits and harms of geraniums in the house

Geranium: is it possible to keep at home, the benefits and harms of geraniums in the house
Geranium: is it possible to keep at home, the benefits and harms of geraniums in the house

Geranium, or pelargonium, is an unpretentious flowering plant, which is difficult to find equal in beauty and prevalence. Previously, it adorned every window sill, and only in recent years its popularity has noticeably decreased. People choose tropical lianas, monstera and orchids, cacti, throwing away boring flowers that are familiar to everyone since Soviet times. In addition, many generally began to wonder if geranium is harmful, whether it is possible to keep this plant at home. Let's figure it out together.

can geraniums be kept at home
can geraniums be kept at home

For the soul or for the good

In fact, each flower has its own aura, characteristics and influence on others and on the energy of the house where they grow. Geranium is no exception. Is it possible to keep this flower at home, you need to ask our grandmothers. They will tell you about how wonderful properties it has. His presence contributes to the restoration of positive home energy, which will also affect the condition of the household.

Opinion of the older generation

Folk wisdom has been formed over the centuries, so you need to listen to those whoreceived knowledge directly from folk herbalists. They can tell a lot and will definitely advise you to buy geraniums at home. Is it possible to keep a flower at home, which is a home healer, a magical plant and a real amulet? Of course, it is possible and even necessary. However, it should be borne in mind that the properties of this plant are diverse, it can bring both benefit and harm.

geranium in the house signs and superstitions
geranium in the house signs and superstitions

Why geranium

Of course, today we understand that its properties are not due to mystical features at all, but to its chemical composition. Let's take a closer look at what an ordinary geranium is. Is it possible to keep this plant at home, you can determine based on the individual characteristics of your household. Knowledgeable people say that it helps to cope with any disease, from the common cold to cancer. It should be noted that absolutely all its parts are useful: these are flowers and roots, as well as leaves. They contain phenols, sucrose, glucose, and starch, as well as vitamins, carbohydrates, pigments, phenolcarboxylic acids, and more. Let's now see how this can be used for the benefit of human he alth.

geranium for home good or bad
geranium for home good or bad

Useful properties

In fact, listing all of them is almost impossible. However, our goal is to determine whether geraniums for the home are good or bad? Therefore, let's look at how the properties of this plant affect the human condition. First of all, it is able to provide antiseptic,bactericidal and antiviral action. That is, the plant disinfects the air and protects your household from many diseases. In addition, it can be used for healing that few people know.

geranium benefits and harms in the house
geranium benefits and harms in the house

Healing properties

We will continue the conversation about how geranium is useful in the house. This flower helps to normalize blood pressure, for this it is enough to attach a leaf to the wrist. The plant stimulates blood flow and normalizes the heart rhythm. Geranium can be used to treat acute respiratory infections and colds, for this you can use tincture or freshly squeezed juice. The plant also helps with otitis media, for this, simply fold the sheet and put it in your ear. The flower helps with osteochondrosis and sciatica, it can be used for insomnia and migraines, chronic fatigue and toothache, treatment of indigestion and purulent wounds. So, in case of any misfortunes, it is very convenient to have a pot of pelargonium at home.


A lot of conjectures are connected with this moment, and some call this plant a healer, while others, on the contrary, a vampire. Let's try to find out what geranium is in the house. Signs and superstitions are one thing, but folk wisdom, which has been noticing the properties of various plants for centuries, very unequivocally says that geraniums should be in every home. First of all, because it has a vigorous and active energy. Where it grows, there is no place for despondency, aggression and squabbles. Therefore, from the point of view of bioenergetics, it is a real keeper of the hearth, tranquility and peace. It teaches to treat what is happening with humor, and to other people - with respect and goodwill. This plant is believed to protect your home from evil spirits.

what is useful geranium in the house
what is useful geranium in the house

Choose color

There are a lot of varieties of this plant, and the benefits and harms in the house also depend a little on what color the geranium blooms. So, red geranium is a powerful source of vitality. It can give you a huge supply of internal energy. People in whom it grows are less likely to be stressed, almost never lose heart. Red geranium cures household members from chronic fatigue and overwork, laziness, as well as most fears.

The talisman of lovers is pink pelargonium. This is a great gift for a person who seeks to find a soul mate or, conversely, carefully keeps the created happiness. Girls used to carry pink geranium flowers in pouches to attract their betrothed.

Not everyone likes the purple color of the petals, but this plant fills the human soul with spirituality. Violet flowers distract from worldly affairs and daily fuss. Under the influence of her energy, a person is able to delve into the spiritual sphere.

White geranium is a symbol of pure love and fertility, it is customary to give it to brides on their wedding day. If a couple intends to conceive a child, then they are advised to keep pelargonium in the bedroom.

geranium meaning in the house
geranium meaning in the house

The most important thing is the weather in the house

What else can geraniums offer you? The value of this plant in the house is difficult to overestimate. Some do not like the specific aroma that it exudes, but it is thanks to essential oils that the plant can take on the function of an ecologist. It can help neutralize unpleasant odors, which is especially recommended for homes that are located near highways. This plant perfectly cleans dirty air, which means it is perfect for city apartments.


That is, we can say that this is a universal plant that should be in every home. It will help not only purify the air and disinfect it from all kinds of bacteria and viruses, but also normalize the atmosphere in the house. It is geranium that is recommended as a universal plant for the bedroom and living room, nursery, as it is able to calm and reconcile all household members. Beautiful flowers can ignite the cooled feelings of spouses and connect separated people. In addition, geranium is able to increase the creative cognitive abilities of children, eliminates quarrels and other children's conflicts. Thus, if you do not already have a pelargonium, be sure to get several copies.
