Aucuba flower: home care. Japanese aukuba care

Aucuba flower: home care. Japanese aukuba care
Aucuba flower: home care. Japanese aukuba care

Aukuba has become a decoration of many rooms. Golden blotches on the leaves make the plant especially attractive. These unusual spots gave him a second name - the golden tree. During the flowering period of the plant, small red flowers are visible among the marble leaves, and then berries of the same color appear. But which aucuba prefers home care? Caring for this unpretentious plant is really easy.

aucuba home care care
aucuba home care care

This flower is good because it suits even people who don't really like to mess around with different kinds of plants. It fits into almost any interior and does not require the creation of special conditions. Of the several varieties of the plant, the most popular is the Japanese aucuba. Despite the reluctance of the Japanese to share their green treasure, it still pleases the eyes of residents of many countries today. let's talkin more detail, which Japanese aucuba prefers care and reproduction at home.


Japanese Aukuba is very unassuming. The natural zone of its growth is the subtropical forest, which means that it is adapted to survive in conditions of deep shade. So what kind of light regimen does aucuba prefer to care for at home? Plant care should include providing diffused light.

That is, the plant can be placed anywhere in the room, but taking into account access to at least some part of the sunlight. For the juiciness of the color of the leaves, it is desirable that the flower still does not stand in the farthest corner from the window. But the direct rays of the sun can be very detrimental to the golden tree.

Temperature in summer

The only difficulty that involves keeping an exotic aucuba at home is adjusting the temperature. The plant simply does not tolerate very high air temperatures. Moreover, such for him is the temperature, which exceeds 20o C. Too hot air can cause early aging of the aukuba. This will manifest itself in the fact that she will begin to lose her marble leaves.

aukuba japanese home care
aukuba japanese home care

But in order not to drop the leaves, what kind of care does aucuba require at home? Care, if the temperature in the room cannot be reduced, should be to transfer it to the street. If we are talking about an apartment, you can take out a flower for the whole summer on the balcony. If there is no balcony, it is time to move the pot to the farthest anddarkened corner. It is better to let the leaves lose their color than to fall off completely.

Temperature in winter

Ideally, it is better to change the temperature of the air surrounding the plant gradually. Aukuba tolerates winter well under thermal conditions, which range from 7 to 15o C. Temperatures below 5o C are unacceptable. And if it is much higher than 15, it is possible that the plant will shed its leaves.

It is clear that for a person +15o indoors is too cold. Try to at least place the golden tree as far away from heating appliances as possible and in the coolest room in the house. Otherwise, the Japanese aukuba is not so capricious. Even a child can take care of her at home.

Water and fertilize

And in terms of air humidity, what should aucuba care at home? Caring for it requires an unequal amount of moisture all year round. In winter, the flower needs to be watered occasionally, it is better to spray it with water more often. If at this time the aucuba is strongly poured, the leaves will become covered with black spots. Instead of frequent watering during this period, it is better to try to moisten the golden tree more often through a spray bottle. In winter, when the flower ceases to actively grow, it does not need top dressing.

aucuba home care and reproduction
aucuba home care and reproduction

In the summer, aucuba, on the contrary, needs nutrients. You need to feed her once a week. For a good effect, you can alternate organic fertilizers with mineral ones. In summer, there is no special need to spray the plant, butit must be watered whenever the topsoil dries out.

Pruning and transplanting

It is best to start forming the aukuba crown in spring. In order for the bush to have a beautiful shape and sufficient splendor, pruning and grafting are carried out. Cut parts can be used for reproduction. In addition, the Japanese aucuba flower also needs a regular transplant. Care at home means choosing the right time for this and providing the right soil.

While the plant is young, it should be transplanted into new soil every year. If you have to deal with a perennial flower (over 5 years old), you should change the soil a little less often. In this case, it is best to navigate by the root system. When it penetrates all the soil in the flowerpot, it is necessary to transplant.

aukuba japanese care and reproduction at home
aukuba japanese care and reproduction at home


Getting aucuba seeds is extremely difficult, because to get them you need to have a female and male plant. But there is an easier way to reproduce it. This can be done with cut cuttings. The best time to cut them is August-September or March-April. It is better to stop your choice on a lignified cutting with several leaves and buds ready to open.

In order for the cuttings to take root, they must be planted in sand or a sand-peat mixture. After that, it is necessary to build a so-called greenhouse. For this purpose, cover the cutting with a jar or plastic bag. Don't forget to waterspraying and airing the cuttings. If everything goes right, then a good root system will develop by spring. Around April, the flower can be planted in prepared soil.

keeping exotic aucuba at home
keeping exotic aucuba at home


Aucuba, which is easy to care for at home, does not require any special approach to prepare the soil in which it will grow. It would be nice to observe such approximate proportions: for 600 g of clay-soddy soil, take 200 g of leaf and 200 g of peat and add about 100 g of sand to the mixture. In this composition, the aucuba will feel great.

In another case, you can mix peat, leaf and humus soil and sand in equal amounts, and then add double the amount of sod to them. Drainage is necessarily placed at the bottom of the flowerpot, since the aucuba, whose home care and reproduction is simple, does not like excessive moisture. Another possible option is to grow the plant in a nutrient solution without the use of soil.

It's important to be aware of the danger the aucuba poses. Caring for a plant at home, in the garden or in the office is sometimes associated with he alth risks. All parts of this beautiful and seemingly harmless flower are poisonous. The ingestion of this poison into the body can cause an inflammatory process in the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, and lead to the appearance of blood in the urine. It is very important to keep your children and pets away from him.

flower aucuba japanese care inat home
flower aucuba japanese care inat home

The pride of the Japanese, aukuba, can decorate any room. This flower is appreciated by designers and people who do not like to take care of plants. All that is required for a golden tree to have a lush crown and beautiful leaves is to provide it with suitable soil, transplant and prune once a year or less often, try not to expose it to critical temperatures, and remember to water and feed periodically.
