How to fix the countertop on the kitchen set?

How to fix the countertop on the kitchen set?
How to fix the countertop on the kitchen set?

Kitchen set will seem unfinished, and unusable in the absence of countertops. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to choose the right work surface, and even more responsible - to learn how to install it. After all, it happens that the owner himself assembles the kitchen set without the help of installers and very often, no matter how sad it may sound, makes mistakes that result in damage to property and the need to purchase new furniture.

how to fix a countertop
how to fix a countertop

When using kitchen furniture, the countertop takes all the blow, since it is it that serves as a working surface for cooking. As a result of active use, it is subject to wear and therefore needs periodic replacement, which can also be caused by frequent contact with moisture.

Replacing this part of the headset involves the complete dismantling of the top cover, which does not affectload-bearing walls and partitions.

Before you figure out how to fix the countertop, check out their main types.

What are kitchen countertops

Furniture manufacturers offer several types of surfaces, but not all of them are suitable for self-assembly at home. For example, stone surfaces require only a professional approach, and their installation cannot be done without specialized equipment.

From the total variety of countertops, experts identify common types, the characteristics of which are described below.


This type is not made from a single piece of plastic, as you might think, but from a chipboard or fiberboard sheet laminated with a high-strength compound. This material is characterized by low price and ease of installation. A wide range of colors and staining technologies has led to the peak of popularity of laminated chipboard, which, of course, makes the range more diverse.

From the shortcomings of this kind of material, they distinguish:

  • low strength;
  • no heat resistant plastic coating effect;
  • low resistance to mechanical damage.

Thinking how to fix a plastic countertop at home? Don't worry, this kind of product is easy to install.

fix the countertop in the bathroom
fix the countertop in the bathroom


Traditional furniture design. This material is characterized by its shortcomings, which experts rank as significant:

  • he is afraid of water;
  • mechanical damage;
  • hot.

But all of the above can be negated by covering the surface of a wooden tabletop with a special protective layer and then polishing it. It is also interesting that even an old countertop that has lost its appearance can be reanimated by carrying out restoration work.

how to attach a countertop to a kitchen cabinet
how to attach a countertop to a kitchen cabinet


This type of worktop is no less popular than the laminated version for the worktop of a kitchen unit. The metal coating is practical, because you can put hot dishes on it and not worry that the surface of the countertop will be damaged.

How to fix a metal worktop, you don’t have to think long, because you are familiar with this kind of surfaces: the area around the sink is also often made of stainless steel. In addition, the metal surface is inexpensive.


This is the most expensive, but also the most chic option. Differs in high cost and complexity of installation. Therefore, being interested in the question of how to fix the countertop, try to study this topic not superficially, but pay more attention to it. This type of countertop is characterized by durability, therefore, having bought such a product, you can be sure that it will be in your kitchen for ages.

For the manufacture of countertops, natural or artificial raw materials are used, which does not harm the quality, because they are almost identical in their properties, and outwardly the differences are hardly noticeable.

how to fix table top to wall
how to fix table top to wall

Why artificial stone is better in this case

According to experts, an artificial surface option is preferable for the kitchen, since this kind of raw material has no pores, is easier to clean and does not form bacteriological foci on its surface.

Now you know which types of countertops are preferable to others, according to experts, and are more popular with buyers. It remains only to figure out how to fix the kitchen countertop.

how to choose a countertop
how to choose a countertop

Surface installation steps

Installation at each stage is characterized by its own nuances. This process directly depends on the type of tabletop chosen, its size and shape, and other table configurations. Please note that for corner worktops or structures with an irregular shape, the installation process is more complicated. If you are going to mount them, then you will first have to figure out how to fix such a countertop in the kitchen. In general, this process consists of ten stages:

  1. Align the floor cabinets strictly horizontally using a spirit level.
  2. Cut holes in the countertop with a jigsaw for protruding elements along the edge of the wall, if any. Do not forget about the gap between the wall and the edge of the countertop up to 5 mm, which will later be closed with a plinth. Check all gaps and grooves by attaching the product to cabinets.
  3. Measure the length and width of the product and fit it to the size of the cabinets. When working with a hacksaw, make markings on the front side, when using a jigsawor reciprocating saw, mark the wrong side. To prevent the tabletop from bursting during sawing, it is pasted over with masking tape.
  4. On the outer edge of the tabletop, an edge tape is glued, which is attached with an iron or glue, after which the cut is polished with fine-grained sandpaper.
  5. If you don’t know how to fix the countertop in the kitchen at all, then you have to prepare a place for the sink and hob. They, having applied from the inside of the tabletop, are outlined, making marks for the places of cuts.
  6. Further, holes of 10 mm each are drilled at each of the points. If you have a round sink, cut the groove around the perimeter by inserting a jigsaw blade into the groove and sawing smoothly along the line.
  7. Now we come to the step that directly explains how to fix the countertop to the kitchen set. For installation, special fasteners and tires are used, the latter of which are fixed on the underside of the countertop (one side) and mounted on the upper end of the cabinet in the hole (opposite side).
  8. When installing, it is important to observe all measurements exactly to the millimeter, especially to monitor the correct calculations of the holes for the sink, hob, etc.
  9. At the penultimate stage, end caps are attached, which are fixed with self-tapping screws.
  10. When the countertop is in place, it remains to mount the sink and hob, having treated all joints with sealant, and you can begin to conduct communications.

Having de alt with the question of how to fix the countertop in the kitchen, in the bathroom you will be able todo everything without problems.

how to fix a kitchen countertop
how to fix a kitchen countertop

Now for you the installation of countertops on the kitchen set is not a problem. After all, you know how to fix the countertop to the wall and how to install it yourself.
