Kitchen set for a small kitchen: photo, design, optimal colors

Kitchen set for a small kitchen: photo, design, optimal colors
Kitchen set for a small kitchen: photo, design, optimal colors

Choosing a kitchen set is one of the most difficult decisions. The purchase of a headset must be approached with all responsibility, especially if the kitchen is small. The most important thing is to choose the best option, in which your kitchen will become visually wider, cozier and more practical.


When choosing a kitchen set, you need to find a "golden mean". It is necessary to be guided not only by the color palette, the style of the kitchen and the choice of furniture, but also by the correct arrangement of the kitchen set. In this article, we will discuss all the features that you need to consider when choosing an inexpensive kitchen set for a small kitchen. It will also tell you how best to make decor and furniture with your own hands. Among other things, the article will feature photos of a kitchen set for a small kitchen.


Proper layout should provide the comfort that every kitchen needs.

Kitchen set for a small kitchen
Kitchen set for a small kitchen

The kitchen set consists ofcupboards for storing dishes, places for certain appliances (microwave, gas stove, dishwasher, and so on) and hidden facades. In order to properly position the kitchen set for a small kitchen, you must be guided by the technical parameters of the room: battery location, gas outlet, exhaust system, windows, and so on.

Some will think that it is possible to change the layout of the kitchen, but this will take a lot of time and, most likely, financial costs. A wise decision would be to purchase furniture that will not only add sophistication and sophistication, but also help hide some of the flaws. This will take a lot of time to correctly calculate the location of dining furniture, household appliances, and most importantly, to achieve comfort not only for the hostess, but also for guests. You also need to determine the basic requirements for kitchen furniture, such as how often the dishes are washed, food is prepared, how many guests you invite and how many groceries you buy daily/weekly.

Corner kitchen set for a small kitchen will be the best option. In order to save space, it is necessary to place the sink or other household appliances (microwave oven, electric kettle, toaster, etc.) in any of the available corners. A small family of two can use the kitchen as a seating area or study. With this choice, you need to take into account not only the correct lighting, but also the convenient location of the computer desk.

Optimal color solutions

Choosing the color of the kitchena headset for a small kitchen is a very important point. The most important thing is the color of the walls. Furniture must be selected in accordance with the color of the wall. In principle, there is not much difference what color scheme of furniture you choose. It can be both dark and light colors. Both of these options will not visually take away a small space. A red kitchen set or bright green will look equally interesting and stylish, even in a small kitchen.

Kitchen set for a small kitchen photo
Kitchen set for a small kitchen photo

Color is one of the most important features in a small kitchen. If you repaint the walls in a dark color, then the whole room will automatically become even cramped. The recommended wall color is white. Thanks to the neutral white background, things like a painting, dishes, wall decor or the floor itself will look perfect even in dim lighting. The white color of the walls not only visually expands the room, but is also ideal for almost any kitchen set.

But for the white color, you also need to choose an additional background, or even two. Some experts recommend combining three background reflections. The main background should stand out by at least 60%, the auxiliary one by 30% and the accented one by 10%. For example, the main white color can be matched with a background of tropical wood, which is often used as the main material of kitchen furniture. And the third color can be almost anything you like. With these two dominant bright backgrounds, the third color will be a small addition. It can be red, blue, green oreven a purple hue.

Color design features

In addition to the white background, you can use cream color and many of its shades. Cream is one of the softer options that will provide a more modern kitchen unit design for a small kitchen. However, such a tone should not be too saturated. The ideal colors that you can choose are mother-of-pearl, pearl and milky. It is this color scheme in combination with other shades that will help visually expand the space.

Kitchen design for a small kitchen
Kitchen design for a small kitchen

In a small kitchen, you can also use pastel shades of blue, yellow or green. In this case, the colors should be combined not only with neutral, but also with slightly saturated tones. If the color of the wall has a pistachio hue, then the kitchen set for a small kitchen should be either white (cream) or creamy. It doesn't make much difference what the main color is in your kitchen. It must be remembered that any duet with a neutral shade will always be the most successful.

Combination Palette

The most important thing is to choose the right colors and shades to maximize the space in a small kitchen. In order for its design not to change, you need to choose the right palette combination. If a small kitchen has a light palette, then a few additions can be applied to it.

A budget option for kitchen decoration will be wallpaper with a small pattern or embossed surface. As a rule, such wallpapers have a neutral color. Also their drawing is oftenmatches some shades of kitchen details: countertop, decorations, kitchen towels or aprons.

The worktop can have the same palette as the set, but the color should be exclusively textured, that is, look like wood or natural stone.

If all the furniture is made in the same tone - without bright colors, decorative handles or glass facades, then in this case you can diversify the apron a little. For example, you can find the perfect image to match your small kitchen style. It can be a picture of coffee beans, sketches made with a pencil, beautiful landscapes of cities, or macro photography of buds. Budget aprons may look very simple and sophisticated, but the material from which they are made is of poor quality.

If your choice fell on colors such as coffee with milk, beige or pastel shades of green and yellow, then you can improve the furniture with glass doors. There are many different models, ranging from transparent to stained glass with matte figures. Naturally, this kitchen will not belong to the economy class, but budget options are often made from low-quality materials, and therefore they are not durable. It is better to spend money once than to change furniture again later.

Optimal style for a small kitchen

The right color for a kitchen set for a small kitchen is great, but we must not forget about its style. The best cuisine is the one where there is nothing superfluous. A small square kitchen will look very ugly if it is decorated in style."modern". This style, which originated in the 19th century, implies space and does not have strict geometry. It is also worth refraining from the classics, because the classic interior in a small kitchen will look very ridiculous and rather banal. Kitsch, eclecticism and similar styles immediately disappear. For such options, additional decor is needed in a huge amount, and if the kitchen is very small, then without proper decoration the view will be rather unsightly.

Minimalism and simplicity

One of the best options you can find is minimalism. But it is not so easy to understand it in words, it is still better to see once than to hear a hundred times. The article presents a photo of the design of a kitchen set for a small kitchen.

Colors of kitchen sets for a small kitchen
Colors of kitchen sets for a small kitchen

It is worth noting that this option is considered optimal, since instead of the usual equipment there are mini-versions that help save a lot of space. As you can see from the photo, in Khrushchev, the kitchen set in a small kitchen looks very beautiful and, most importantly, stylish. This photo shows an example of modern design for a small space. Below is a photo of a corner kitchen set for a small kitchen.

Kitchen set in a small kitchen in Khrushchev
Kitchen set in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

A set of matching furniture

Due to limited space, you need to choose kitchen furniture not only for its color, but also for its functionality. At the same time, the shape of such furniture and its correct location should be not only comfortable, but also ergonomic. Often, a kitchen set for a small kitchen (6 sq. M.) Choose L-shaped. Such specific furniture can be not only budget, but also premium.

There is another option - this is a U-shaped kitchen set. For example, if the work area has a large space, then you should not create a huge dining room from a small kitchen, just choose the right furniture shape (U-shaped). But there is one drawback: if your kitchen has dark tones and you want to purchase U-shaped furniture, then it is imperative to repaint the walls in a lighter shade, as dark tones significantly reduce the space.

For a small family, you can install a bar counter. It will not only be a great replacement for a dining table, but will also contribute to a modern look. Such a plan can be implemented by a large family, which is not customary to stay in the kitchen. Corner elements can be located from the window or from the exit. A window sill extension may be needed for a bar counter or other corner countertops that have a wider surface.

The main parts of the kitchen set

If your kitchen is small, then most household items will not fit. And if the house was built in the Brezhnev era, then even the dishwasher will not fit. In such a situation, it is worth seriously considering what exactly needs to be installed in a small kitchen?

  • The most important thing is the kitchen worktop, which is simply indispensable.
  • A certain number of cabinets for dishes or other items. Here you needbe guided not only by the size, but also by the number of products purchased.
  • Another irreplaceable thing is a gas or electric stove. If funds allow and you have a large family, then the best solution would be to purchase an electric stove for 4 burners.
  • On request, you can purchase a dishwasher. Of course, it will take up a lot of space, but it will be easier to keep order and cleanliness in the kitchen.
  • Refrigerator is best to choose miniature sizes. It is not as roomy as others, but it is small and consumes less energy than others.

This is what every kitchen needs. Also, if possible, you should think about purchasing an electric kettle, microwave and washing machine. But where does all this fit? You just need to carefully look around - look for free places and occupy the necessary devices. The main thing is to distribute free space in such a way as to create the most comfortable atmosphere.

Sets with closed doors

One of the most standard options for kitchen furniture is closed doors on the bottom row and hinged doors on the top. Such lockers in the form of a designer are small in size, and therefore it will be difficult to install any equipment. If there is a desire and time, then one large one can be assembled from several blocks and placed there, for example, an oven or a washing machine, but then such a kitchen will look very banal. It is best to use these places for their intended purpose.

Kitchen set for a small kitchenphoto Khrushchev
Kitchen set for a small kitchenphoto Khrushchev

Sets with open doors

In Europe, kitchens with open long shelves are considered popular. The lower part has a standard look, and the upper part is adapted to accommodate long cabinets with open doors or glass. Such furniture allows you to visually expand the room - to make it more free and spacious. On such shelves you can place jars of cereals and the necessary utensils that will come in handy when cooking. Almost every housewife likes when all things are at hand. There is only one point - if plates or other utensils have a shabby old look, then it is best to store them not in an open place, but on the lower shelves with closed doors.

Diy headsets

Before you buy a cheap set, it's best to think about your own handmade furniture. Such furniture not only looks beautiful, but also costs significantly less. Also, to create such a headset will not have to spend a lot of time. It is not necessary to plan furniture or cut it to the smallest detail. For example, in hardware stores there is a wide selection of modular furniture (fittings, parts, etc.). All that is needed is to purchase a fiberboard sheet, place it correctly in the workplace (in the kitchen) and cut it to the desired size there. Then clean it and seal the edge - it will not be difficult.

Kitchen sets for a small kitchen corner photo
Kitchen sets for a small kitchen corner photo

But the doors for the headset should not be done on your own. In the store it is better to buy them for a fairly low price.price and choose not only the appropriate size, but also the color.


This article contains a lot of photos of kitchen sets for a small kitchen. It can also be noted that kitchen furniture does not always have to be banal or ugly. If there is enough desire, then you can easily pick up the right items, their color and the correct arrangement. The cost of items such as a kitchen set depends not only on the size and complexity of manufacturing, but also on the material and style (design).
