While waiting for the birth of a baby, parents have many worries. It is necessary to welcome a new family member with dignity. Arrangement of a children's room is one of the most important tasks. And the most important thing that is required from parents at this stage is to choose a quality bed. In it, the baby will have to sleep for at least three years. And then it will be possible to purchase a more versatile model.

What are the sizes of cribs?
Most often, baby cribs have standard features. For a child under three years old, a bed width of 680 mm is sufficient. Children at this age usually reach a height of 980-1000 mm. Therefore, the standard length of the crib is 1250 mm. This is enough to make the baby feel comfortable. The optimal dimensions have been determined after extensive research.

Today, many parents are looking for non-standard solutions for organizing a children's room. They want the baby to get used to the original and beautiful from the first days. More and more often seen insale of oval and round cribs. Some of them have a completely non-standard appearance. Today it is possible to order a bed for a baby according to your own sketch. In this case, the sizes of cribs can be very diverse. It all depends on the desire of the parents and the goal. However, in pursuit of fashionable and ultra-modern, one should not forget that a crib is not just an accessory for a child's room, but a necessary element for the normal development of a baby. Therefore, it should be not only beautiful and interesting, but also comfortable.
What materials are baby cribs made of?
Special stores for children's goods offer models of cribs for every taste and color. Wooden products have been the most popular for a long time. They are the safest and most environmentally friendly. Manufacturers offer cribs for children made of alder, birch and oak. The most expensive models are made of mahogany. Of great importance, by the way, is not even the material from which the furniture is made, but the method of processing raw materials. The bed should not have sharp burrs and bulges. It is better to purchase such a product in a store where a certificate of conformity will be provided.

Less popular are baby cribs made of plastic. Today, this material is also completely safe. Plastic parts are most often found in models of cradles for newborns or playpens.
Cribs fornewborns, assembled from metal parts. Such designs are the least practical. Although they are durable, they do not differ in comfort. The metal has a high thermal conductivity. In summer, in such a crib, the baby will be hot, and in winter it will be cold.
Focus on safety
Sleeping place for a child should be comfortable and safe. Mom cannot be near the baby all the time. The crib should be made in such a way that the baby, being in it, could not harm his he alth. In this case, the shape of the product plays a huge role. The sizes of baby cribs are also far from the last place in this matter. Particular attention should be paid to the height of the back. It should be such that the child could not fall out of the bed. The height of standard cribs is 1000 mm. In this case, the sleeping place itself should be no higher than 40 cm from the floor.
Special attention should be paid to the distance between the railing of the crib for the newborn. The baby's head must not fit into the opening. Babies are very inquisitive. Often they try to get out of the "imprisonment" on their own. If the baby gets stuck, at best, he will be scared. At worst, he will get injured.

Rocking bed
Many babies from birth get used to falling asleep under motion sickness. Holding a baby in your arms is not always convenient. In addition, he is growing and gaining weight. Manufacturers of cribs have found a way out. They offer parents to buy woodenbaby rocking beds. All models have different motion sickness mechanisms. The most popular are the options on the skids, when the whole structure sways along with the legs. Recently, models equipped with a pendulum mechanism have also become popular.
The sizes of rocking cribs are most often standard. These models are designed for children up to three years. In fact, it is no longer necessary to rock a baby older than a year. Therefore, the need for such a cradle is eliminated. You can purchase a small crib separately, in which the baby will sleep for up to six months. Next, you can purchase standard furniture.

Cribs on wheels
Not all babies sleep well at night. Some have to get up several times. It is for such crumbs that designers have developed special cribs: standard, but on wheels. Outwardly, they do not differ from other models. The only difference is that wheels are attached to the legs, with the help of which the crib can be easily moved around the room. If the baby sleeps very restlessly, the bed can be moved closer to the parents.
A wide variety of models of baby beds are equipped with wheels. A crib with a drawer is a universal solution. Such furniture allows not only to organize the baby's sleep, but also to store his first things. Models on wheels are most often made of wood. The most popular are oak and alder beds. This material is very durable and able to withstand temperature extremes and moisture. Owners of private houses in the summercan put the crib outside during the baby's daytime nap.

Practical furniture
The most versatile is the standard crib with drawer and no extras. Such models have generally accepted dimensions of 680 by 1250 mm and do not differ in originality. However, they are the most practical. Various auxiliary mechanisms often break. The standard model can last for several generations.
Universal cribs are most often made from inexpensive woods. Rarely on sale you can find plastic products. But they are definitely not practical. This material cannot be called durable. Models made of wood, although they are more expensive, can last much longer. The only downside to a standard crib is the lack of mobility. It is quite difficult to move it around the room. Therefore, this option is only suitable for truly calm babies.
Cribs-playpens have recently become popular. They differ primarily in the material of manufacture. The bottom can be made of plastic or wood. The side parts of the bed are covered with fabric. The model may have mesh windows. Such products are multifunctional. In them, the baby can not only sleep, but also play during the waking period with his favorite toys, while mom cooks or cleans.

The sizes of cribs-playpens most oftenstandard. Such a model can easily be placed in a small apartment. Another advantage of this product is the ability to quickly unfold it. The crib-playpen is lightweight and is assembled as a designer. You can easily take it with you when you travel. Pediatricians still do not recommend using such models daily. The child must clearly separate the place for games and for sleeping. There are accessories, developing mats, various devices (for example, walkers), and there is children's furniture. Cribs are not meant for entertainment.
Transformer beds
The baby is growing too fast. Small models of cribs are designed only for babies up to three years old. Then parents have to purchase a special sofa or forge with large dimensions. Manufacturers have come up with how to surprise consumers. They offer to purchase a unique model that can transform. Initially, this is a rocking crib. Then it is easily converted into a full bed for an older child.
Transformer beds can be equipped with many removable elements. These are various boxes and railings. Often these models are expensive. They cannot be called practical. Removable elements quickly fail. It will be much cheaper to purchase a bed for a child according to age.
Crib for two
There is a huge range of baby crib models on sale. But a quality option for twins is not always possible to choose. Many parents prefer the standard solutionand purchase two universal cribs. In fact, you can choose the right option. In extreme cases, a bed for twins will be made to order.

The bed for twins may differ from standard models only in width. Most often these are products with dimensional characteristics of 1300 by 1250 mm. These are overall models that can be successfully placed only in a large room. You can also pay attention to the bunk beds. They are a great space saver, but suitable for older kids. A bunk bed for a child of 3 years old will fit into any interior without any problems. Babies enjoy sleeping on them. Many still have to fight for the right to sleep on the top bunk.
If the child has grown up
By the age of three, you have to remove the first bed from the children's room. Despite the fact that the baby is used to it, it is no longer suitable for sleeping. The child has grown, and he needs to purchase a bed with suitable and age-appropriate dimensional characteristics. And so that your son or daughter likes the new bed, it is better to choose it together.

The child already has his own preferences and fantasies. The sleeping place must be organized in accordance with them. For boys, cribs made in the form of cars are popular. Girls are also not averse to falling asleep in a glamorous pink Cadillac, but most still strive to organize a bed so that it resembles a princess bed - with transparent curtains and a canopy. Ifparents have such an opportunity, why not please your beloved daughter?

And yet we must not forget that the bed should be not only original, but also comfortable. The width of the bed for an older child can reach 900 mm, and the length - 1700 mm. The product must be made of environmentally friendly materials.
Where to buy a crib?
Any products for babies must be purchased in specialized stores. It is very important that the seller has a license and can provide a certificate of conformity for the goods. It is not recommended to buy furniture in spontaneous markets. The cost of a crib there will, of course, be cheaper, but the quality is likely to leave much to be desired. And it’s not worth saving on the he alth of the crumbs.
Quality models today offer numerous online stores. Here, most often, all the necessary licenses are also available. But the store does not need to pay for the rent of the premises. This means that the cost of production may be slightly lower.
Fans of non-standard solutions will have to turn to a furniture maker. But it is impossible to be sure that only environmentally friendly materials will be used in the product. Therefore, it is still better to give preference to standard models in stores.

How much does a crib cost? The price depends on several factors: this is the material of manufacture, and the shape of the product, and dimensions, and design, etc. The most expensive are cribs -transformers made of durable wood. For those who want to purchase a really high-quality model and at the same time save money, it is better to pay attention to a universal crib made of alder or birch. The cost of such a design will be about 8,000 rubles. The least expensive are plastic baby cribs. Their prices start from 5000 rubles. But such products cannot be called durable and practical. You will have to pay more than 10,000 rubles for the original model of a non-standard form.