Varieties of indoor plants. Names, cultivation and care

Varieties of indoor plants. Names, cultivation and care
Varieties of indoor plants. Names, cultivation and care

Indoor plants can be seen in the interior of almost any apartment. Each of us knows perfectly well that flowers in pots are only beneficial, saturating our home with such necessary, especially recently, oxygen. They are able to decorate any room, whether it is a nursery or a kitchen. Varieties of indoor plants can confuse a beginner. Therefore, when choosing flowers for your home, it will be useful to find out which plants are best for you and how to properly care for them.

Varieties of indoor plants
Varieties of indoor plants

Variety of indoor plants

Indoor plants can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  • Blooming. Such plants, as a rule, have a special aesthetic value only in a certain period. Proper care of them will ensure regular flowering, which can last from several days to several weeks.
  • Decided. This group of plants practically does not bloom. Most often, they attract with an unusual structure and color of leaves.
  • Bromeliads. These plants differ from the previous ones in hard, and sometimes prickly leaves.
  • Cactiand succulents. The main advantage is that they require minimal maintenance and watering. It is believed that cacti absorb radiation from the computer, so they are often placed on desks.
  • Ferns. These plants do not bloom, but are distinguished by lush greenery. Very often they can be seen in large rooms.
  • Bulbous. Beautiful flowering and unpretentious care makes bulbous plants very popular. Their distinctive feature is that these flowers can grow both in pots and in beds.
  • Palms. They require a lot of space, as they grow not only in height, but also to the sides.
  • Fruit and berries. Recently, it has become very popular to grow fruit and berry plants right in the house. With proper and proper care, they will bear fruit every year.
Flowers in your home
Flowers in your home

Characteristics of individual species

We have given a general description of all groups of indoor plants. Now let's take a closer look at some of them. Fortunately, varieties of indoor plants allow us to do this.


People call this plant a bottle tree because of its unusual bottle-shaped trunk. This plant is native to Mexico. There it reaches a height of 10 meters and blooms with beautiful white flowers. The hard leaves of bokarnea are used by locals in the manufacture of hats and baskets. In our climatic conditions, the "bottle tree" does not grow above 1 meter and does not bloom.

Bocarney photo
Bocarney photo

Bokarneya - plant care

With the rightCare and timely watering of a bokarney can live for about 7 years. This plant is unpretentious, takes root in apartments and easily tolerates the heating season. The only thing that can significantly harm a native of Mexico is drafts. In nature, there are three varieties of bokarnei, which differ in the length and shape of the leaves.

If you follow the simple care instructions, your plant will look as chic as the bokarney pictured above. So, a few tips that you should listen to if you decide to breed this unusual plant in your apartment.

  • Firstly, being a native of a hot area, bokarneya loves light very much, so it is better to put a flower pot on a windowsill on the sunny side, and take it out to the balcony in summer.
  • Second, sometimes it will not be superfluous to spray the plant and wipe the leaves with a damp sponge, especially if the room temperature is very high.
  • Third, bokarney does not require frequent watering. This should be done only when the soil dries up, about once a week.
  • Fourthly, the plant must be fed during the period of active growth. Fertilize the land 1 time in two weeks after watering.

The above tips will help everyone who decides that their apartment must be decorated with a bokarney. Photos of this beautiful plant do not convey all its beauty. Therefore, we advise you to see for yourself.

Date palm

The date palm at home can develop beautifully and delight with its green leavesowners, if certain care requirements are met. This tropical plant loves sun, warmth and frequent watering. In winter, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature in the room does not fall below +15 degrees. The plant is best placed near a window that faces south. If there is not enough light, you can periodically use a lamp for supplementary illumination.

In the summer, make sure that the plant does not stand in a draft. At this time of the year, the date palm must be watered every 2-3 days and sprayed daily. If the summer turned out to be too hot, it is better to remove the plant pot from the window to avoid direct sunlight.

date palm at home
date palm at home


Asparagus is an indoor perennial flower. With proper care, it will decorate your home for at least 10 years. Let's start by choosing a place for asparagus. A window that faces east or west is best. Here the flower will receive enough light and at the same time will be protected from direct sunlight. Asparagus is a heat-loving plant, so in the summer it will be useful to take it out into the yard or onto the balcony. If the flower is in comfortable conditions for it, you yourself will see it - its leaves will be saturated green. If the asparagus began to turn yellow and crumble, then it is worth reconsidering the methods of caring for it.

Asparagus room
Asparagus room

Varieties of indoor plants amaze with their diversity. Today we have only touched on a few of them. Flowers in your home are a great decoration solutioninterior. When choosing indoor plants for your home, be sure to pay attention to where it will be located, how often you can water it and fertilize it. For example, for a large living room, it is better to choose potted palm plants that require a lot of space. Deciduous plants are suitable for the bedroom, which will not irritate you with a pungent smell. But in the kitchen you can safely put blooming ones. It is better to put pots with cacti near the computer in the children's room, which will absorb harmful radiation.
