Video intercom: connection, diagram, cable, instructions

Video intercom: connection, diagram, cable, instructions
Video intercom: connection, diagram, cable, instructions

Safety has always played an important role for a person. Since ancient times, when building their home, everyone wanted to protect it as much as possible from both the effects of weather conditions and the arrival of unexpected guests.

Today, thick walls, armored doors and powerful locks no longer create a complete sense of security.

color intercom
color intercom

Security systems are used for this. It can be both professional video surveillance and simpler devices, for example, a video intercom or a “smart” peephole. Such gadgets are able not only to fix the attacker, but also to avoid the crime itself. In this article, we will dwell on the second devices and consider connecting a video intercom in a private house.

Introducing the gadget

Video intercom is an electronic gadget that allows you to remotely open and close doors. You can also see the guest on the monitor inside the house and communicate with him. In fact, this is an ordinary intercom with the presence of a camera, which greatly expands the functionality of an ordinary device.

Complete set and components may differ for such gadgets depending on the manufacturer,its features and capabilities. For example, there may be a color video intercom, or it may be black and white. It is also possible to have additional gadgets, ports, etc.

video intercom kit
video intercom kit

What do you need?

In order to assemble a security system in the form of an intercom, you need:

  • control monitor;
  • intercom cable;
  • call panel;
  • power supply;
  • electromagnetic or electromechanical lock;
  • key reader;
  • controller;
  • tools (depending on installation location: drill, puncher, hammer, etc.).

You may notice that there are quite a few different devices, but not all of them are required, for example, a controller and a key reader.

The equipment listed above is often not included in the video intercom due to the high cost, because of this, some sellers sell goods in parts, and not in a group. You may also need to assemble this system in parts. However, at the stage of buying equipment, you can make a mistake and purchase devices that will not be able to interact with each other. Therefore, it is advisable to consult the sellers so that they tell you what type of equipment this or that gadget can be connected to.

If you have the opportunity and you have found a video intercom kit that is suitable for functions, then do not hesitate and buy this option, as this will greatly simplify the installation task.

Next, consider the main points of proper installation of the gadget at home.

Video intercom: connection, diagram

In order to install this product yourself at home, you need to have some knowledge of electrical engineering and the ability to work with tools such as a drill, screwdrivers, hammer, tongs, and other similar equipment that may be needed during installation.

Assume that you bought all the equipment, including the video intercom. Connection (diagram below) of devices is not too complicated, look at the picture.

video intercom connection diagram
video intercom connection diagram

We see a simple circuit without the use of a controller and a key reader. So let's get started with the installation. Basically, problems with installing a monitor never arise, since this gadget can be hung anywhere, as long as the wires reach out. And there is absolutely no difference whether it is a color video intercom or not.

Although if you bought a model that transmits data via a wireless network, it will be even easier - you will only have to connect the monitor to the network.

The door panel of the video intercom is somewhat more difficult to install, as it will have to work with solid materials of the wall or fence. This is due to the fact that at the installation site it is necessary to make a small recess and cut a hole large enough to pass wires through it. Installation is carried out at a height of about 160 cm from the floor.

Although the recess is necessary to protect the panel from external influences, we advise you to pay attention to the “anti-vandal models” when choosing a gadget, which have a strong case to protect against intruders.

Establishing a monitor-door panel connection

It is necessary to use a suitable cable to connect the entry panel and the video intercom. The connection (diagram shown above) may be different and depends largely on the distance of the devices from each other.

So, you can use the SHSM wire at a distance of up to 30-40 meters. The color and number of cores may vary, but most often these are three conductors:

  1. Orange.
  2. Yellow.
  3. Blue.

Orange is used for power, yellow for video transmission, and blue, respectively, for audio transmission. You may have a question: “But the diagram shows 4 connection points?” We answer: one of these cores will be covered with insulation, and on top with copper or other wire, which acts as a ground.

If the distance between devices is more than 40 meters, then information should be transmitted using a coaxial cable for intercom.

connecting a video intercom with a controller
connecting a video intercom with a controller

Connect the lock and power supply to the system

So, the video intercom door panel and the monitor are connected to each other, what's next?

There is little left to do, but do not rejoice ahead of time. Next, you need to connect the lock, power supply and video intercom. There is nothing abstruse here. The connection (the diagram clearly illustrates this) is carried out thanks to a simple circuit: network-power supply-lock-intercom-network.

The lock can be electromechanical or electromagnetic. Which one to choose is up to you. However, please note that the electromagneticwill work if the network loses power, and the first one will completely fulfill its tasks, but you will need to use a key to open and close.

You can connect the lock, power supply and intercom with a two-core cable with a cross section of at least 0.75 sq. mm. Usually craftsmen use the simplest wire SHVVP: one core is used to transmit power to the lock, the second - for the signal.

Installation of the key reader system

The ability to read the keys is one of the features that make the system that includes a video intercom more practical and safer. The connection, the diagram of which is shown below, will change slightly and will look like this:

intercom cable
intercom cable

As you can see, this scheme has a key reader, an exit button and a microcircuit, which is called a controller. In fact, all equipment, except for the monitor, closes on this circuit element. In red, we highlighted those strands of wires that are responsible for powering the devices. As you can see, they are connected to the same place.

How to connect the chip? Don't worry, each of them has markings, thanks to which it is clear where to connect the power and where the lock, etc., so connecting a video intercom with a controller will not be a big problem.

connecting a video intercom in a private house
connecting a video intercom in a private house

Things to remember

Installation and connection of an intercom, as well as other electronic equipment, with the appropriate knowledge, is carried out without problems. However, they will certainly arise if you do notpay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. There should be no high power electronic equipment, power line or wiring in the vicinity of the routed circuit. This may cause interference and interruptions.
  2. You should try to create a circuit with solid pieces of wires, and not sculpt one cable from several small pieces, since each twist or spike leads to a slight, but still loss of signal.
  3. It is necessary to observe the polarity and symbols that are indicated on the equipment.
  4. It is necessary to finally tighten all the bolts on the equipment after the system has been assembled and its performance has been checked. This will make debugging and tuning easier.
connecting a video intercom with a controller
connecting a video intercom with a controller

Summing up

If all the recommendations in this article are followed and nothing is mixed up, then you will succeed. Of course, there are individual cases, a variety of equipment that can be connected differently.

But the above schemes will work in 99% of cases. When installing the system, carry out all operations slowly, carefully, otherwise you may damage fragile equipment.
