Japanese larch: photo and description

Japanese larch: photo and description
Japanese larch: photo and description

Under the name "larch" a whole genus of coniferous plants from the Pine family is combined. In total, it has about 20 species distributed in the Northern Hemisphere.

Species larches are fast-growing, powerful trees with a through, transparent crown. Due to their very large size, they are rarely used in gardens. But varietal larches are the most suitable option. They are neat, variable in size, color of needles, etc. The ancestors of the varieties are Siberian and Japanese larch (Kempfer).

Japanese larch
Japanese larch

In decorative terms, the last species surpasses the rest both with its long needles of the original color and with a beautiful storey crown. Unpretentiousness and rapid growth have made Japanese larch a desirable plant for many gardeners. In the article we will tell you about its features, the most popular varieties and growing rules.

Japanese larch (Kempfer): habitat

The name of this species speaks for itself. homeland of Japaneselarch is the island of Honshu. It is endemic, that is, a plant found only in this area, and nowhere else in the world. However, we note that the tree was naturalized on Sakhalin.

It grows at an altitude of 1600-2700 m above sea level, in the upper mountain belt, in large mono-plantations or singly in forests of densely flowered pine, Sayan spruce, heterogeneous hemlock, Vicha fir, Erman birch. You can also find Japanese larch at lower altitudes in the company of beech, oak and hornbeam. It thrives well in cold and dry climates and is resistant to late spring frosts. Unlike other larches, the Japanese species tolerates shading better. It is successfully cultivated on chernozem and podzolic soils, but develops best on fresh sandy and clay substrates.

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Japanese larch photo
Japanese larch photo

Japanese larch reaches a height of 30 to 35 m and a trunk diameter of 50 to 100 cm. It has a relatively thin bark, peeling and longitudinally fissured. Young shoots are painted at the beginning of winter in a brown-yellow color with a bluish bloom, biennial shoots are red-brown. It is distinguished from other species by slightly spiraling branches.

The needles of Japanese larch are of medium length: from 15 to 50 mm, dull, bluish or bluish-green. Cones have a round-oval shape, 20-35 mm long, usually consist of 45-50 scales arranged in 5-6 rows.

The tree develops rapidly, the annual growth is 10-15 cm wide and 25 cm high. Like other larches, Japanesethe variety is characterized by durable and rot-resistant wood, which is easily processed. In this regard, it is widely used in the furniture industry and construction.

In their homeland, Japanese larch (photo according to the text) has been used in culture for a very long time. It is valued for its high decorative properties and resistance to diseases and pests. Grown in the technique of bonsai. The plant came to Europe in the 18th century, since 1861 it has been actively used in gardens, forest plantations and parks. Japanese larch spread in Russia in 1880-1885

We draw your attention to the most popular tree cultivars in the horticultural environment. They differ in size, crown shape, needle characteristics. Among the modern variety of varieties, you can always pick up something specifically for your garden.

Stiff Weeper

Japanese larch shtambe
Japanese larch shtambe

This is Japanese larch grown on the trunk of another tree (shtambe, in other words). The shoots of a plant of this variety are creeping, hanging. Depending on how high the graft is made, the weeping form can reach up to 1.5-2 m in height and 1 m in diameter. The needles of Stif Viper have a bluish-green hue, fall off in late autumn. Cones of standard size, female red, male - yellowish. The crown of the tree is neat with a small number of lateral processes. Japanese larch Stiff Weeper can be used in the most demanding and sophisticated compositions, surrounded by perennials and annuals, in a single planting.

From specialrequirements of the variety, sensitivity to drought and moisture stagnation should be noted. In this regard, it is recommended in the first case to water it quite often, and in the second - to ensure good drainage.


japanese pendula larch
japanese pendula larch

Low-growing Japanese larch Pendula is a weeping form that grows up to 6-10 m in height. The tree develops slowly, but this is more a plus than a minus, because in this way you can keep the original look of the composition longer. The larch branches are very drooping, after they reach the ground, they begin to spread along it with an even carpet.

This variety has soft blue-green needles. The fluffy effect gives a high decorative effect. Reproduction is possible only by grafting. The Pendula variety is not particularly demanding on environmental conditions, but it will still develop better on fertile and well-drained soils. Does not tolerate waterlogging.


larch japanese kempfera
larch japanese kempfera

If you are looking for an unusual coniferous plant for your garden that will surprise everyone, then let it be the Japanese Diana larch. Luxurious variety with effectively spiraling shoots. The shape of the tree is weeping. The needles in the spring-summer period have a pale green color, in the fall - yellow. Beautiful bright pink cones add decorativeness.

Diana reaches a height of 8-10 m, while the hemispherical crown grows up to 5 m in diameter. The bark of the tree is red-brown. In the first years, larch develops quite quickly, then growth slows down. This weeping form prefers alkaline moist soils.

Can be used as a tapeworm in a green lawn environment or in group plantings with other conifers, hardwoods or herbaceous plants.

Blue Rabbit

Japanese larch planting and care
Japanese larch planting and care

Blue Rabbit is a tall variety with a pyramidal crown. Adult specimens reach a height of up to 10-15 m. Young trees are characterized by a slightly narrowed crown. This Japanese larch has a characteristic blue color of the needles, which becomes golden-red in autumn. The tree retains its decorative effect throughout its life. The variety is suitable for regions with cold winters, as it has high frost resistance. In addition, it grows rapidly, is resistant to air pollution, and therefore can be used in urban areas.

Like other varieties of Japanese larch, the Blue Rabbit prefers moderately moist and breathable soils, a bright place and moderate watering.


Dwarf Japanese larch Wolterdingen is able to decorate any garden. Due to its size, it can be used on alpine slides, next to artificial ponds, in heather compositions. The tree develops very slowly and by the age of ten reaches only 0.5 m in height and 70 cm wide. The crown is dense, domed. The needles of a beautiful bluish-green hue, slightly twisted, 3.5 mm long, turn yellow in autumn. Short shoots are radial.

Japanese larch shtambe
Japanese larch shtambe

Wolterdingen prefers fertile and moist soils, as well as good lighting with access to direct sunlight.

Growing from seeds

As you probably already understood, not all varietal larches can be grown from seeds. Moreover, sometimes this process is simply not rational, and it is better to buy seedlings in a store. If you still decide to grow Japanese larch from seeds, then some recommendations will come in handy.

Before planting, be sure to soak the seeds for 1-2 days in water, the container with them can be put in the refrigerator. Sowing can be carried out on seedlings or in the ground when it warms up enough. Between plants planted in one row, it is enough to leave a distance of a couple of centimeters. Sowing depth - 3-5 mm (depending on soil structure). Seedlings usually appear after 2 weeks. Next year, in the spring, seedlings can be planted away from each other. For a permanent place, experts recommend determining them upon reaching the age of 1, 5-2 years.

Japanese larch: planting and care

If you become the owner of a Japanese larch seedling, then remember that the best time to plant it is the beginning of autumn or early spring. The planting hole should be prepared based on the size of the root system. As a rule, the width, height and depth are the same - 50 cm. Fill the plant with excavated soil, mixing it in equal proportions with peat. If the soil is heavy, clay, it is also recommended to add coarse river sand.

Larches are perhaps the most unpretentious coniferous plants in the northern latitudes. Tree care consists in proper watering, loosening, mulching the soil, pruning and processing from pests.

  • You need to water larch only in drought conditions. A large tree requires about 20 liters of water. Frequency - 1-2 times a week.
  • Loosening is necessary for young plants. Weed at the same time so that the weeds do not drown it.
  • Mulching is necessary for everyone - it improves the properties of the soil, prevents the evaporation of moisture from it and prevents the roots from overheating. Use sawdust, wood chips or peat.
  • Pruning is done only when necessary (sanitary) and very carefully.
  • Treatment with fungicidal and insecticidal preparations is necessary for prevention. In general, Japanese larch has excellent immunity.
