The woodlice came to visit - an insect that should be got rid of

The woodlice came to visit - an insect that should be got rid of
The woodlice came to visit - an insect that should be got rid of

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This unpleasant insect had to be observed, perhaps, by each of us. Someone - in the bathroom, someone - in the toilet, someone - in a country house. The scientific name for wood lice is silverfish. They are relatives of shrimp and lobster, although this seems incredible. Unlike their relatives, wood lice have adapted to life not in water, but on land, just in its wetter corners. A leaky faucet, a damp bathroom, and even a pile of damp old laundry can be a great habitat for wood lice. However, despite such unpleasant external data, the insect will not cause any harm to humans.

wood lice insect
wood lice insect

What does a wood lice like?

Insect is, as mentioned above, not indifferent to moisture. Dry air is deadly for wood lice.

They prefer to lead their existence in the dark. That is why the sharp click of the switch causes them to scatter in different directions. They try to quickly get into any available cracks.

The favorite food of creatures is detritus, in other words, garbage. Woodlice can be found in the trash can, whichdid not last long. The dust accumulated in the corners will not cause disgust in the silverfish.

How to get rid of wood lice?

wood lice insect photo
wood lice insect photo

The first measures to combat these insects are dryness. Repair the faucets, check the hood, leave the door open after taking a bath to dry the room. It will become dry - wood lice will leave. The amazing thing is moisture absorbers. They are sold in stores for a ridiculous price, but the effect is one hundred percent.

Woodlice - an insect that does not tolerate the smell of boric acid. You can buy it at the pharmacy and spray the corners, baseboards in the toilet and in the bathroom. Boric acid will not cause any harm to humans, but it is harmful to many types of insects.

Also woodlice - an insect that does not tolerate the smell of red pepper, tobacco and calcined s alt. Dissolve these ingredients in water, pour into a spray bottle and spray all corners and hot spots. After that, you need to wait a third of the day and wash the treated areas with bleach.

There is another poison that woodlice are afraid of. The insect will definitely leave your house after such a massacre. Take one hundred grams of alum and dissolve in a half-liter jar of warm water, mix vigorously. Now spray the contents in places where insects accumulate.

Categorically do not want woodlice (insect) to be your regular guest? How to get rid of it quickly and effectively? Just poison. Pour quicklime into a basin or bucket, pour water over it and leave the room. Doors and windows must be closed tightly. In three days all pests will be dead.

wood lice insect how to get rid of
wood lice insect how to get rid of

The woodlouse (the insect whose photo you see), like all other domestic pests, is afraid of special chemicals. For example, "Taraks" is quite effective in the fight against most uninvited guests. You can buy it on the household market or in a veterinary pharmacy for only 90 rubles.

The appearance of insects in the bathroom in the first place indicates the wrong microclimate of the premises. In clean and dry houses, the appearance of wood lice is almost impossible. Even if they come through the ventilation from the neighbors, they won't stay long!
