Where should handrails be? At what height and what diameter should there be handrails for the disabled (GOST)

Where should handrails be? At what height and what diameter should there be handrails for the disabled (GOST)
Where should handrails be? At what height and what diameter should there be handrails for the disabled (GOST)

If people lived to a very old age and remained he althy at the same time, the entire human society would not need to develop and implement a number of assistive devices that make life easier for patients with impaired functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Perhaps the simplest, but no less important, is a device such as handrails for the disabled.

Why do we need handrails?

Handrails for the disabled
Handrails for the disabled

Usually handrails to help people with limited mobility are structural elements of the fence, which are equipped with stairs and ramps used for support during descent or ascent. All self-respecting European countries consider it their duty, even during the design and construction of civil or industrial buildings, to take care of the availability of such aids for people with disabilities. Equipping homes and offices with handrails makes it clear thatthe owner of the building or his tenant takes care of the convenience for all his clients without exception. Transport infrastructure facilities also need to be designed taking into account the fact that they will be used by people with limited mobility.

Places of mandatory installation of handrails

Height of handrails for the disabled
Height of handrails for the disabled

A building is considered to comply with all European standards if a person with limited mobility is accompanied by wall handrails for the disabled throughout the entire journey, allowing him to do without outside help. Stairs and ramps must be equipped with such structural elements. In this case, it is advisable to install fences at two heights: 70 cm for wheelchair users, 90 cm for accompanying people and all other people. If possible, all frequently visited places of the dwelling should be provided with these aids. The ideal option is when a disabled person with the help of handrails can safely move around the house even in complete darkness.

Security Guarantees

Wall handrails for the disabled
Wall handrails for the disabled

Handrails for the disabled will be fully safe and comfortable only if the installation work is carried out by a professional with many years of experience in this field. Only such a person can correctly navigate the variety of handrail models offered to consumers and choose the most appropriate option for each specific client. Indeed, in the selection process, it is necessary to take into account at the same timeseveral important factors: the installation site, the area of the room and the individual characteristics of the user - a person can be tall or short, thin or overweight, move independently or in a wheelchair. For a non-specialist, combining all these parameters can be quite difficult.

In addition, today two types of handrails are offered to consumers:

1. Supplied with a complete set of fasteners. They have the advantage of being able to be fixed in any desired place, because the mount is suitable for walls made of a wide variety of materials.

2. Without fastener. They are in less demand, because the mount will have to be chosen independently. But the cost of such handrails is lower.

Only a specialist can correctly evaluate all the pros and cons and give preference to one or another option that will provide comfort and convenience in each case.

Possible handrail options for bathrooms

Folding handrail for the disabled
Folding handrail for the disabled

The bathroom must be equipped with handrails in the dwelling of a disabled person. Departure of natural needs is an intimate process, and a person with limited motor functions will feel much more comfortable if he can visit the toilet on his own, without outside help.

Depending on the area of the bathroom and the physical capabilities of the patient, handrails for the disabled in the toilet can be installed stationary or folding. The former, as a rule, can be mounted in rooms with a sufficiently largearea. Usually, for a comfortable and convenient arrangement of a toilet for a disabled person, 3-4 handrails may be required at different points in the room.

Handrails for the disabled in the toilet
Handrails for the disabled in the toilet

A folding handrail for the disabled is installed in bathrooms of a small area, so as not to severely limit a very small space.

Toilet for the disabled

To improve the quality of life of people with limited motor functions, the modern plumbing market can offer a whole range of devices. These can be toilet nozzles with or without handrails. If the person's condition is such that he cannot be moved to the toilet room, it is possible to purchase a toilet chair. The preference for the first or second option should be based on an analysis of the physical condition of the disabled person, his age, the capabilities of those who care for him, the size of the bathroom, and its technical capabilities. In one case, it may be enough to purchase a nozzle, and sometimes you can not do without a toilet chair.

Basic requirements for a disabled toilet

Toilet for the disabled with handrails
Toilet for the disabled with handrails

Toilet for the disabled with handrails allows you to increase the height of the seat and must have certain characteristics:

1. Durability (capable of supporting up to 136kg).

2. Hygienic (devices of this direction should be easily cleaned with water, soap or powder).

3. Inert to water.

4. Mobility (light weight, the ability to disassemble and, if necessary, transport).

5. Stability (impossibility of sliding, reliable fastening).

6. Versatility (can be placed on standard sanitary ware of any shape).

7. The handrail nozzle has been designed with all the rules of ergonomics in mind.

Main regulations

The design of elements such as handrails for the disabled, their installation are regulated by two regulatory documents: GOST R51261-99 and SNiP 35-01-2001. These documents detail all the necessary parameters of handrails (shape, dimensions, design, materials allowed for the manufacture of handrails). Compliance with all requirements will make it safe and comfortable for disabled people to use ramps and public toilets. The owners of the buildings will fully protect themselves from punishment for violating the law “On Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation.”

GOST and SNiP requirements for handrails for disabled people

The shape of handrails for disabled people should be dictated not only by aesthetic considerations. Convenience and safety during operation should also be taken into account. GOST handrails for the disabled can be made from tubular products. The cross section of the pipe can be round, square or rectangular. An invalid handrail should end with a bent branch, a hemisphere or a flat plug. The fundamental rule is to be able to comfortably wrap your hand around the element.

GOST handrails for the disabled
GOST handrails for the disabled

The standard height of handrails for the disabled is in the range from 70 cm to 1 m. If we are talking about stairs and ramps, then the distance betweenhandrails should be at least 1 m so that the wheelchair moves without any difficulties and inconveniences. For manufacturing, a rectangular or round pipe is used. Rectangular rolled products should be 25-30 mm in size, for round ones, the diameter of the handrails for the disabled should be within 30-50 mm. If possible, these elements should protrude 30 cm beyond the first and last steps of the stairs so that a person can stand on a flat surface without losing support.

For visually impaired people, handrails should be marked at the beginning and at the end with a contrasting color (usually white or yellow). Fencing must have a high degree of fire resistance. In order for disabled children to safely move along the ramp, it is planned to install enclosing handrails at a height of 50 cm.

Handrail materials

From materials suitable for the manufacture of handrails, preference is given to stainless steel. Enclosing steel structures are durable, have a long service life and are inert to regular hygienic treatment. Aggressive detergents, which are used for daily disinfection in public bathrooms, will not cause tangible harm to steel handrails. In addition, stainless steel is used successfully both indoors and outdoors.

Handrails for the handicapped are just a small part of what a he althy society can do for people with mobility disabilities who live nearby. The presence of such auxiliary structures will instill ina person deprived of nature, self-confidence and capabilities.