How to get rid of scolopendra in the house: description of the insect, review of chemicals, reviews

How to get rid of scolopendra in the house: description of the insect, review of chemicals, reviews
How to get rid of scolopendra in the house: description of the insect, review of chemicals, reviews

Scolopendra is a species of small centipede that often lives in residential buildings, causing people to be shocked and confused by their appearance. This is unpleasant, such an insect causes much more disgust and disgust than even cockroaches. Of course, finding a person who can live under the same roof with such a pest is very difficult. Therefore, anyone who is faced with this situation will sooner or later wonder how to get rid of centipedes in the house. We will provide detailed information about this in our article.

Fighting scolopendra
Fighting scolopendra

General Description

Scolopendra looks like a worm, which has developed many limbs. Some people call these insects centipedes, but it should be understood that these are completely different types of insects. Scolopendra's first pair of legsperforms the function of claws, which the individual uses to capture prey. On the limbs are spikes saturated with poison. The length of one individual can be up to 10 cm, for example, the Crimean centipede has this size. How to get rid of this insect in the house?

Before answering the question, you should pay attention to the fact that centipedes love to live in damp and warm places, from which they go in search of food only at nightfall. In the wild, these insects live in piles of fallen leaves, construction debris and other similar places. Creeping individuals are looking for the same shelters in the living quarters, most often they settle in the bathroom, in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Scolopendra get there through open windows and doors, as well as through cracks and crevices in the sewer and ventilation systems.

scolopendra insect
scolopendra insect

What attracts scolopendra?

Speaking of how to get rid of centipede in the house, you should also figure out what specifically attracts these insects. Thanks to this, you can avoid such a problem in the future. The following conditions favor the appearance of a centipede in a living space:

  1. Excessive humidity in the room. This is the most important factor in the appearance of scolopendra in the house.
  2. Availability of food. This should include other domestic insects that live in a residential area.
  3. Comfortable air temperature for living scolopendra.
How to get rid of scolopendra
How to get rid of scolopendra

Is scolopendra dangerous?

The appearance of the scolopendra is terrifying. But is this insect dangerous to human life and he alth? The bites of an individual that lives in the house cannot be called dangerous to people. Scolopendra bites only in case of self-defense. The poison that enters the wound provokes swelling, redness, slight pain and burning. However, after 1-2 days, such symptoms disappear.

Prevention measures

In order to never wonder how to get rid of centipede in the house, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

  1. Fight against moisture. The fact is that centipedes are very afraid of a lack of moisture. Drying the room is considered the most global and simplest method, since where it is dry, light and clean, insects will not start. That is why it is necessary to regularly ventilate your apartment. You should also eliminate all plumbing breakdowns, stagnation of moisture under the bathtub or sink.
  2. Insulation. Another important rule is to seal small gaps, cracks, cracks, voids through which centipedes can enter the house.
  3. Window protection. Windows are best protected with mosquito nets. After all, they are most often the main way insects enter the house.
  4. Fight against other domestic insects, where ants, fleas, cockroaches should be included, as they act as food for centipede.

Cleaning the local area from various deposits of garbage, as well as from fallen leaves, which can serve as a shelter for centipedes.

What does a centipede look like
What does a centipede look like

How to get rid of skolopendra in the house?

Do not try to get rid of an unpleasant insect with a slipper or other improvised means. This is quite difficult to do, because the body of the centipede is covered with a very dense shell. It is also necessary to take into account the evasiveness of the insect, which makes it very difficult to hit it.

How to get rid of scolopendra in a private house? The fastest way would be to catch it with your hands, a shovel or a brush, and then take it out into the street away from your home. This method is relevant only if you notice only one pest in your home. But how to get rid of skolopendra in an apartment if there are a lot of them? To do this, use the most effective and proven methods.


How to get rid of scolopendra in a private house or apartment? The most effective are chemical agents in the fight against insects. Most often, broad-spectrum drugs are used, which are designed to destroy various harmful insects. These should include:

  1. "Medilis Ziper".
  2. "Dichlorvos".
  3. "Raid".
  4. Starex.
  5. Henkel Kombat.
Methods of dealing with scolopendra
Methods of dealing with scolopendra

Before you get rid of scolopendra with insecticidal preparations, you must put on personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, a respirator, and maximum closed clothing.

Folk ways

You can fight the pestalso with the help of folk remedies. For these purposes, some people take the well-known boric acid, which is used in the fight against many domestic insects. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that centipede is considered a predator, so it cannot be said with certainty that boron powder will attract its attention. If the centipede gets into the apartment through the ventilation, then the grate must be treated with boric acid.

Another unusual folk method of insect control is the preparation of food baits based on chemicals. For example, if Prussians live in your house, then you can make balls to kill cockroaches. When a centipede eats poisoned food, it will die itself.

domestic centipede
domestic centipede


Answering the question of how to get rid of homemade scolopendra, traps should also be mentioned. To do this, in a specialized store you can buy sticky structures that are placed in the places where these insects appear. The result of the fight against scolopendra can be seen very soon.

Specialized Services

If there are a large number of centipedes in your living quarters, it is best to seek help from a specialized service staffed by employees who use professional tools to solve this problem. It should be noted that this method of insect control is the most effective at the moment. However, this service costs a lot of money.

Scolopendra crawls onwall
Scolopendra crawls onwall


To avoid the bite of this insect, before going to bed, you should carefully inspect your bed. It should be noted that small centipedes can hide even in clothes, so things must be shaken out each time before putting on.

As mentioned earlier, in the case of independent use of chemicals, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment. After you poison the insects, you should also ventilate the living space, and wipe the surfaces in the house with a damp cloth.


Reviews on the fight against centipedes that live at home indicate that this insect does not cause much harm to humans or housing, but its appearance is still awesome. To combat them, many use ordinary dichlorvos. In order to prevent the spread of scolopendra in a residential area, it is necessary to adhere to the preventive measures that were described in our article above.

Final information

So, we have examined what a scolopendra is, from where such an insect most often enters a dwelling. However, the main question was how to get rid of this pest at home. Of course, the most effective way would be to contact a special service. But if the number of insects at home is small, then chemical agents can be used to fight. In order to prevent the spread of scolopendra in a residential area, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures that were described inour article above. Finally, it is important to note that you should not be afraid of the centipede, as it is not dangerous to human he alth and life.
