Diseases and pests of the apple tree: how to deal with them

Diseases and pests of the apple tree: how to deal with them
Diseases and pests of the apple tree: how to deal with them

Today, for a producer who is seriously engaged in horticulture, and in particular apples, the problems of diseases of fruits and trees are very relevant. What are they - common diseases and pests of the apple tree? In this article, we will look at the causes of their appearance, and also try to suggest ways to protect and treat.

tree diseases
tree diseases

Tree diseases

So - scab. A characteristic sign of the defeat of this disease are spots of olive-brown color, turning into black, which appears on the surface of the leaves and on the fruit ovaries. As a result, the leaves dry and fall off, and the fruit becomes unusable. This also reduces the frost resistance of the tree. The disease is treated by spraying trees and soil in the spring with 7% urea or 10% potassium chloride. Re-treatment should be carried out with 5% urea and 0.5% potassium s alt, and after 10-15 days, the leaves must be sprayed several more times. In the autumn, it is worth once again processing the same composition at a concentration of 5%.

The danger thatthreatens young seedlings - this is a bacterial or root cancer. This disease is characterized by the formation of brownish growths on the root necks, which gradually darken and harden. Such a formation on the roots can still be cut out very carefully, but the affected root collar can no longer be saved. The best protection against such a disease is to prevent the acquisition of already affected plants, because pathogenic bacteria can be stored in the soil for quite a few years. But even if the disease overtook the seedlings, it is necessary, when cutting the affected areas, to disinfect with 1% copper sulfate for 5 minutes (100 g per 10 liters of water), and then rinse in clean water. To prevent the disease, it is worth making the introduction of phosphate, potash fertilizers and manure into the soil. Looking ahead, it is worth saying that all diseases and pests of the apple tree affect it less if you properly care for the plants, that is, feed and water, inspect and prune the trees in a timely manner.

Powdery mildew

A disease that appears due to an excess of moisture in the summer and is characterized by the presence of a grayish-white coating on young shoots and leaves. At the same time, the affected shoots dry out, and the leaves begin to curl and fall off.

apple pests and diseases
apple pests and diseases


It appears immediately after the flowering period by the appearance of orange-reddish spots on the inside of the leaves with characteristic cone-shaped outgrowths. In the presence of severe damage, the leaves fall prematurely, which reduces the frost resistance of the tree.

The above have been describedmain diseases and pests of the apple tree. I would also like to introduce pests that affect both the fruit and the tree itself.

The hawthorn moth is a small butterfly hibernating under fallen leaves. Caterpillars of the hawthorn moth damage apple leaves by eating passages in them. To control moths, trees must be sprayed with insecticides before flowering. For example, ash, metation, nexion, cyanoxm, phosphamide, or others. And in the fall, you should clean the fallen leaves and dig up the soil.

Hawthorn (a large butterfly with light wings), the caterpillar of which also affects the foliage. Pest control measures are similar to the control of apple codling moth. Before the beginning of spring flowering, trees can be sprayed with insecticides: phosphamide, karbofos, ash, metathion, etc.

Brown fruit mite infects apple stems. As a fight against it, spraying with oleocuprite or nitrafen is also carried out. And in the spring, during the appearance of pinkish buds, the plants are sprayed with any acaricide.

apple diseases and pests
apple diseases and pests

As you know, many diseases and pests of an apple tree can affect it several times a season, as their new generations and mutations appear. Therefore, it is desirable to resort to biological control measures, as they are safer than chemical ones. Chemical treatment is best used in emergency cases. This article does not describe all the main pests and diseases of the apple tree, but if you are vigilant and carry out regular prophylaxis against these parasites, you will almost completely eliminatethe appearance of others. Happy harvest!
