The basis of any building is a well-created foundation. To ensure its strength, you will need high-quality building materials. The foundation wall block (this is FBS decoding) will help to achieve success in creating a reliable structure at low cost.
What is FBS?

Foundation blocks, created to form the foundation of the house, perfectly withstand the load and give confidence that the house will be strong, despite possible mistakes in construction. They are made from reinforced concrete. Technical characteristics allow the use of FBS for both the construction of walls and the installation of a building support.
The products are used in various types of construction, and they are very popular. FBS are durable, strong.
What are they made of? The basis for the foundation wall blocks (FBS decoding) is concrete - both light and heavy grades. With the help of reinforcement, they are strengthened, turning into a reliable building material. The shape is a box.
Such blocks are good because with their help it is easier and faster to build the foundation and walls, you can reduce financial expenses. They help to properly distribute the load on the base of the building and make the walls strong, frost-resistant.
Mounting Featureswalls
The construction of buildings from blocks must be accompanied by the control of each stage of work. The most crucial moment is the technology for making seams between the components. Their thickness should not exceed 2 cm, it is desirable that it be equal to 1.5 cm. It is necessary to monitor their filling, the correct creation of expansion joints. FBS blocks (deciphering the abbreviation - foundation wall blocks) are not allowed to be laid so that the seams between their first row coincide with the foundation jointing.
Lay on cement mortar. In this case, the technology is similar to the method of laying bricks. To prevent the blocks from deviating from the vertical during work, use a plumb line. For the correct and even location during the construction of the first and subsequent floors, the axes of the building are guided. Using the drawing, the location of the lighthouse blocks is outlined: for the construction of the building, they are first placed in the corners and at the intersections of the walls of the future building. After that, you can lay the rest of the FBS.
Installation of the foundation

At the beginning, the axes are broken for the future base of the building. Prepare pits and trenches, level them. If the blocks will be laid on the sand, no additional work is needed. In the case of work with a different type of soil, sand spillage is required, wider than the blocks themselves. The bottom of the pits before laying the FBS must be dry - without snow and rainwater.
During installation, follow the drawings. At the beginning of work, lighthouse blocks are laid, the top is leveled with a level. Fasten with cement according to the principle of bricklaying. It is necessary to monitor the quality of the seams. Alignment of the basement walls and walls made of FBS occurs along the inner surface. The seams must be embroidered and filled. The foundation is strong and prefabricated.
Advantages and disadvantages

First of all, the speed of erecting a building from foundation wall blocks (FBS decoding) is of particular importance. The material is easy to handle and comfortable. Blocks may have mounting loops, but FBS is produced without them.
There are different strength classes of the material, depending on the concrete from which it is made: B 7.5, 12.5, 15. There are options for block surfaces: for painting, for tiles, invisible when used, front. FBS is a durable material that is resistant to wear. It is easy to predict how he will behave in different conditions. FBS installation results in strong, thick walls that are resistant to damage.
The disadvantages include the high cost of the material. In addition, FBS blocks are highly sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity levels. The cost is offset by the fact that the material gives the result quickly - the building is built without delay, without difficulty.
Foundation wall blocks (FBS decoding) make it possible to build a reliable, durable building in a short time. It is only required to follow the main rules for working with the material and adhere to the technology.