A lot of fruits grow in the Urals, including pears. Some trees are better and more resistant to the conditions of this region, some of them yield more than other fruit plants. Pear varieties for the Urals, which were bred by selection, are now more suitable for growing in such conditions than they were before.

More about their cultivation
The most popular variety is "Sverdlovsk". In addition to being most often grown in the Urals, it is also known throughout most of Russia. It is grown in Omsk, Abakan, Saratov and other cities. It differs from all varieties in that it simply does not have any special flaws. The fruits are large, sweet, with a rich taste, the trees bear fruit in the summer, they are practically not affected by diseases. Storage is possible for about a month and a half; in cold summers, "Sverdlovsk" is more reliable to grow on high boles or skeletons.
For planting and the best growth of any variety of pears for the Urals, andof the above, too, they choose places higher, and so that it is precisely the eastern slope. This is done due to the fact that this region is characterized by severe climate conditions. To prevent western winds from reaching the trees, eastern hills are chosen.

Some varieties of pears for the Urals require shortening of the branches. For example, "early Sverdlovsk". She has long branches, and this adversely affects fruitfulness, so they should be cut at a young age of the tree, then its crown will be compact and the wood will be prolific. When transporting seedlings, you need to be careful not to dry out the roots of the tree, otherwise, after planting, such a plant may not grow and not give the desired result.

There are not so many winter-resistant varieties in the Urals, but work is underway to breed them. The best varieties of pears that have adapted to these conditions have already spread throughout the region and are popular with gardeners. These include "September", "early Sverdlovsk", "careful". All of them are quite winter-hardy and fruit-bearing.
Pear varieties for the Urals differ in shape and maturity. "Early ripening", for example, fruits are more like apples, and they ripen earlier than others, so for those who cannot wait for the harvest, it is better to choose this option. For those who are not in a hurry in this matter, another one is suitable - "careful". This variety bears fruit every year, and very abundantly, despitegrowing in harsh conditions.
Many varieties are well suited for winter preparations - jams, compotes, dried fruits. And almost all Ural pears are suitable for making wines. These drinks have a rather tart and rich taste. If you need additional information in order to grow Ural gardens, the catalog of pear varieties, which is updated every few years, will be very useful to you. If you want to get an excellent result - follow the updated information. Before you start planting trees in your garden, study the characteristics, as the variety you like may not take root in the existing conditions.