Panel housing construction is one of the methods of prefabricated construction. It is based on the use of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs or prefabricated panels. Such products are used for the construction of administrative and large residential buildings. Such construction in world practice has found its wide distribution, this was served by three main prerequisites, among them:
- need for mass construction;
- availability of an appropriate resource base;
- comprehensive preparation of sites for mass construction.
Panel housing construction is impossible without the presence of roadways, which must be distinguished by an impressive load capacity and width, since special equipment is used to deliver the assembly units. Powerful lifting crane equipment is also used, because the weight of the panels can reach 9 tons, and the boom reach is 30 m.produced industrially.

Panel housing construction is developing quite intensively today. Like any other technology, the one described is developing new engineering, design and planning solutions. For example, today the construction of houses with facades without seams is practiced. Whereas more recently, the possibility of using external insulation technologies has become known, which involves the use of single-layer reinforced concrete panels. Such thermal insulation does not delay the commissioning of the object as scheduled, since such work is carried out in parallel with the installation of utilities and the implementation of interior decoration of buildings.
If we take a closer look at the noiseless facade construction technology, it can be noted that each contour is assembled from single-layer panels, the thickness of which can vary from 120 to 160 mm. After that, a heat-insulating layer of materials that are characterized by a low coefficient of thermal conductivity is strengthened from the outside. In addition to such protection, the insulation acts as the basis for applying the plaster layer. A reinforcing layer is worn on top of the adhesive composition, the thickness of which can vary from 2 to 4 mm. The fiberglass mesh is pressed into the adhesive, and then a primer coat is applied.
The final stage of the exterior finish is the use of polymer, mineral or decorative rough plaster. Such a perspective of panel housing construction made it possible to give the buildings a modern look,improve their thermal insulation characteristics and close interpanel joints, eliminating cold bridges. This eliminates leaks that could cause freezing of the outer walls.
Facades have received an individual appearance, now they can have a rich color scheme and can be easily repaired if necessary. The prospects for panel housing construction also include the use of a ventilated facade, in the process of which porcelain stoneware panels are used, which are strengthened using the seamless finishing method. Such a rapid spread of such technology is also due to the fact that the panels are of higher quality compared to monolithic structures.
Key Benefits

Considering the advantages of prefabricated housing construction, it can be noted that such buildings are quite cheap. Housing in buildings of this type is more profitable, and if we compare the price of an apartment in a panel house with living space in a brick building, the difference will be significant. The speed of construction can also be called a plus. For example, a team of specialists can build a 17-storey building in six months, while it will take 2.5 years to build a monolithic building.
Ready reinforced concrete structures are delivered to the construction site, which reduces the time of work. The outer panels already have window blocks, and inside there are ready-made channels for laying electrical wiring. If you are interested in the advantages of panel housing construction, then you can also pay attention to evennessinternal systems. The panels are made in a factory, so the owners will not have to suffer for a long time with applying plaster. It is not necessary to bring surfaces to perfect smoothness.
Such buildings almost do not shrink, so the owners can immediately begin repairs after construction is completed. And in a newly built house there will be no distortions and other shortcomings. Among other things, the construction of such buildings is constantly being improved and modernized. Already this year, construction is planned according to new requirements, new building projects will have a free layout, and facades will have a variety of designs.
Main cons

The biggest shortcomings in panel housing construction can be considered the presence of seams, which to this day remain between the panels, if the construction is not carried out using innovative technology. If small gaps are present at the joints, then moisture will enter the room, as a result of which the walls will become damp, and mold will appear on their surface. The downside is the low ability to accumulate heat. In winter, the walls cool down quickly, while in summer they heat up rather quickly.
Construction of panel houses today is still carried out according to old technologies, so such buildings have some disadvantages, among them:
- poor layout;
- roof leak;
- uniformity of houses;
- lack of opportunity to do redevelopment.
Main types of panel buildings

If we classify the described buildings, we can distinguish frame and frameless buildings. The first type includes frame-panel houses, while the second type includes large-panel houses. Frame-panel can be divided into two additional design schemes: with a full and with an internal frame. If we are talking about a full frame, then the building is formed using external supports and ribbed panels in the form of ceilings. Panels and internal partitions are fixed to the racks. If the building is being built using the full frame technology, then the method of longitudinal and transverse arrangement of the frame can be used. In frame-panel houses, the span length can vary from 5.6 to 6 m. There are columns along the building, the distance between which can vary from 3.2 to 3.6 m.
Features of frameless buildings

Large-panel housing construction can be attributed to frameless construction. Depending on the number of storeys and the purpose of the building, several structural schemes can be distinguished, namely: buildings with load-bearing internal and external longitudinal and transverse partitions, buildings with self-supporting external and load-bearing transverse partitions, as well as houses with load-bearing external and longitudinal internal walls.
If we are talking about buildings with transverse partitions, then in them the load-bearing elements are internal transversely located partitions on which the ceilings rest. The outer panels in this case are lightened and strengthened, theyact as enclosing elements, since they do not perceive the load from overlapping.
Technological process

Panel housing construction, the technology of which is described in the article, provides for the production of elements at specialized enterprises, which are called frame-panel and large-panel housing construction plants. The formation of the elements of a large-panel building is carried out by one of three main methods, namely: vertical formation in cassettes, the use of an aggregate-flow or conveyor method, as well as the vibro-rolling method. In the latter case, a rolling mill is used.
At the next stage, the finished panels are transported; for this, panel carriers are used, which are a semi-trailer or trailer. Their carrying capacity sometimes exceeds 24 tons. Modern panel housing construction usually involves the installation of elements on a connection system. The construction of buildings consists in the use of external and internal load-bearing panels and floor slabs, which are installed next to each other, so that after pouring concrete, the joints and seams are as small as possible. As a result, it is possible to create a stable structure.
Additional advantages and disadvantages of panel housing

Components of a panel house, which look like reinforced concrete slabs, are manufactured in the conditions of house-building factories. In terms of quality, such products will always compare favorably with those designs thaterected directly on the construction site. Frame-panel housing construction resembles the assembly of a children's design kit. The built-up area is smaller than that used in the construction of a brick house. Such labor-intensive and time-consuming processes, such as the installation of reinforcement or concreting, which are typical for monolithic housing construction, are excluded. Experts see this as the main advantage over other types of construction.
Frame-panel housing construction has its drawbacks, which are expressed in the impossibility of producing a wide range of similar structures. This is especially true for a variety of forms that are limited to standard formwork. Only those designs that require mass application are manufactured at factories. The widespread introduction of precast concrete technology leads to the emergence of a huge number of buildings of the same type, which leads to the degradation of the architecture of the region.
Features of private panel housing construction
Private panel construction may involve the use of SIP material, the quality of which must be checked before purchase. If low-quality polystyrene foam or glue was used in their production, this can reduce the life of the house. You should not buy panels that were made using the manual gluing method, although such products are cheaper, they are of poor quality.
Low-rise panel housing construction must be carried out after checking the documentation, which confirms the quality of the products. The strength of the panels is determined by the qualitypolystyrene foam. For the construction of such a house, it is recommended to form a columnar foundation using piles. Sometimes a shallow strip foundation is equipped. Such a foundation becomes a reliable support even for a multi-storey building. If such a foundation is not suitable for the reason that the soil is heaving, then it is best to opt for a deep strip foundation, it should have an expanded lower part. When building a house, where there will be a basement or basement floor, it is worth stopping at a slab foundation. It is suitable for almost any soil and has high performance.
Building Technology
Houses from panel slabs begin to build with the construction of the foundation. The technology of its installation will depend on the type of base chosen. Among the advantages of the foundation on screw piles, one can single out the speed of work, as well as their all seasonality. This comparison is relevant if we take into account the slab or strip base.
After the foundation is completed, you can start waterproofing it, which will protect the foundation of the house from moisture. If there are elements made of steel or wood, they should be treated with special compounds that improve the quality and duration of the service life. If screw piles were installed, then a strapping beam is laid on them, but before that, roofing material must be laid in 2 layers. The installation of the beam is carried out in relation to the project prepared in advance.
Work methodology
Constructionpanel houses at the next stage involves the installation of the floor. The lower part of the SIP panels is treated with a waterproofing solution, which prevents the material from being exposed to moisture. To splice the panels together, you can use a tongue-and-groove connection with a bar. Each side is reinforced with a self-tapping screw.
Before installation, the tongue and groove side of the panels must be covered with mounting foam. After that, the panels are sheathed with wooden boards. At the next stage, you can begin to mount the first floor. Work is underway on the bottom strapping. The smallest deviations from the project are unacceptable, as this will affect the correct installation of subsequent floors. The walls at this stage must be marked, to assemble them, corner panels must be installed. Next, the panels are mounted in relation to the perimeter of each room.
Panel housing construction provides for the completion of the assembly of the first floor in the corner. To close the end section, elements in the form of racks are used. The next step will be the installation of floors, as well as the construction of the roof. In this case, there is no need to build a truss system. For the installation of the roof, special SIP panels are usually used, and there is no need to lay a layer of heat and vapor barrier.