Children love to fiddle with paper since childhood. Such activities develop motor skills and imagination. Yes, and adults will not find it boring. Making flowers using glue and paper is a very exciting pastime. Having gained some experience, you can learn how to make crafts of amazing beauty. It will be fast, low-cost and, most importantly, handmade.
Paper Techniques
Paper crafts are such an interesting hobby that craftsmen have come up with various techniques for working with this material.

The main techniques are as follows:
- Origami is a way of folding simple paper figures without glue and scissors.
- Modular origami - the technique consists in connecting identical fragments by inserting one into another into one common figure or composition. You can create three-dimensional models of animals and birds, complex geometricshapes.
- Wet origami - a technique similar to origami, only to give products smooth lines, the paper is wetted with water.
- Kusudama is a type of origami in which all parts are spherical and can not only be nested into each other, but also glued together.
- Quilling - consists in the fact that narrow strips of paper are twisted in layers in the form of a wheel, and then these separate parts are glued together into various shapes. In this way, you can create paintings, postcards, Christmas decorations, vases, boxes and the like.
- Papier-mache - to create an item, you need the original, which is pasted over with several layers of finely chopped paper, and then removed from the resulting cocoon.
- Decoupage - items are decorated by gluing thin painted paper, most often napkins, then covered with a layer of varnish.
What to do, tools
Using the paper technique, you can make a huge number of all kinds of products:
- figures of animals and people;
- various flowers and arrangements;
- Christmas tree decorations and snowflakes;
- congratulations on the holiday;
- dishes;
- gift boxes;
- various interior decorations.
Any kind of crafts can be made in 3D.

To make crafts you will need the following tools:
- glue for paper - silicone, PVA, pencil, glue gun;
- colored paper –plain or velvet;
- glue brush if the bottle does not come with one;
- pencil and ruler;
- scissors;
- paints with a brush or markers.
Making water lilies or daisies
Chrysanthemum and chamomile will be the easiest flower option for a beginner needlewoman.

The sequence of steps to perform using origami scissors made of paper and glue consists of the following steps:
- To make petals with a diameter of ten centimeters, you need to cut colored strips of paper ten in length and half a centimeter wide in the amount of fifteen to fifty pieces. The more stripes, the more magnificent the flower will turn out. For chamomile, a minimum amount will suffice.
- Further, all the strips must be bent in half, slightly smoothing the fold to make a rounded loop, and glue the edges at the base.
- From green paper cut out an asterisk with a diameter of three centimeters with five to seven rays, which will serve as the base.
- Stick the prepared petals one by one on the base, placing the glued edges in the center of the base. Distribute rounded edges evenly over the outer circle.
- After pasting the first layer, continue to add the next ones from above until the petals run out. Cut off rounded petals.
- Finish the work with the middle of the flower - cut a circle out of yellow paper and glue it in the center, covering the tips of the petals.
As a tip:
- you can make a dense stem from glue and paper,attach a flower hat to it and add leaves;
- the petals of the flower are made both plain and multi-colored;
- the composition can be made in two versions - flat or voluminous, which will depend on the method of attaching the flower to the stem.
3D postcard
You can make voluminous greeting cards with glue and paper.
Step by step, such crafts with a floral theme are created like this:
- Prepare the base for the postcard of the desired size, mark the fold.
- Decorate or paint the base on both sides.
- For the internal composition, make flowers in the amount of 7-10 pieces. To do this, cut a square with sides equal to four centimeters in the middle from four sides, not reaching the center. Glue each cut to form a flower cup.
- Glue all the flowers together by the tips of the petals, giving the desired shape to the composition.
- Glue the resulting bouquet at the base of the flowers in the middle of the fold of the base.
- Use felt-tip pens or paints to paint the centers and petals of flowers.
- Cautiously fold the card along the fold, adjusting the flowers inside.
Tip: you can finish or make decor in the form of leaves, streamers, confetti for a postcard.
Hare figurine
Making a schematic three-dimensional hare figurine is great as a family activity with the little ones. This very simple craft will bring joy and pleasure to the child.

Step by step instructions for working withusing glue and paper is as follows:
- Cut out a rectangle of the desired size from colored paper - the height of the sheet will be equal to the height of the animal.
- Lubricate the short sides of the paper and glue together to make a body.
- Cut out a strip of paper with a length equal to two heights of the body of a hare, and a width of one centimeter.
- Bend the strip in the middle and fix the fold with glue. Lower the ends down and glue on the sides on the inside of the hare's body. The ears are ready.
- Use paints or felt-tip pens to draw a mouth, mustache and nose.
- Eyes draw or glue white and black circles of different diameters.
- Decorate the hare with a bow, for which cut a rectangle, fold it like an accordion, fix it in the middle and stick it to the body.
Tip: Eyes can be made from buttons or taken from an old toy.
Christmas decorations
Making paper and glue Christmas decorations is a fun and exciting activity, especially on the eve of the holiday. And hand-made toys are sure to please the child on holiday.

The easiest thing to make is an earring:
- Cut colored strips half a centimeter wide from paper. The longest strip should be twenty-one and a half centimeters, and the rest - each one and a half centimeters shorter than the previous one. The shortest is five centimeters.
- Grease the edges of the smallest strip with glue and glue together. Next, take a strip of one and a halfcentimeter longer, circle around the previously obtained figure and glue the edges in the same place. Repeat the same steps with all stripes.
- It remains only to fasten the thread and the colorful decoration is ready.
Tip: you can hide the place where the thread is fixed with a decorative bow, and attach a shiny braid instead of the thread.
Making a beautiful vase
Quilling makes it clear what can be made from glue and paper. This technique is used to make unusual things and jewelry.

The original vase is made as follows:
- prepare multi-colored strips of various lengths half a centimeter wide for crafts, the amount is regulated by the size of the vase;
- twist each tightly into a wheel using a rod, fix the edge with glue;
- make the base of the desired diameter by laying the wheels horizontally and gluing them together;
- to assemble the vase cylinder in the same way, only gluing the mugs vertically;
- at the top at the desired height, glue the wheels not over the entire diameter, but in such a way as to form triangular petals of different heights.
Tip: to make the vase more beautiful, you can take strips of different colors for one mug, then the wheel will turn out to be multi-colored.
Newsprint pot
Papier-mâché made of paper and glue allows you to create various shapes and figures, if you can stick paper around the original as accurately as possible. In this case, the presence of many small parts will not work.

The sequence of steps for making a flowerpot in this way looks like this:
- cut thin paper (usually newsprint) into squares with a side of one and a half centimeters;
- Coat the vaseline with vaseline and stick the first layer of squares around so that an open seam one millimeter wide remains through the entire product;
- using a brush on top of the paper, apply a thin layer of PVA glue;
- stick the next layer of paper squares in the same way as the first one and continue working until ten to fifteen layers are applied;
- cover the last layer of paper with glue and leave to dry for a day;
- remove both halves of the product along the seam, connect and glue with three layers of squares;
- decorate the flowerpot with paints, let dry, varnish.
Tip: before varnishing, the surface of the flowerpot can be decorated with a relief pattern of twisted moistened napkins or quilling figures.
Making paper crafts is an exciting activity that will allow both adults and children to enjoy communication.