Thermostatic mixer - a tribute to fashion or a necessity?

Thermostatic mixer - a tribute to fashion or a necessity?
Thermostatic mixer - a tribute to fashion or a necessity?

Surely many people know such a phrase as "thermostatic mixer", but not everyone knows what it means and what this item looks like - a miracle of technology.

thermostatic mixer
thermostatic mixer

If a traditional faucet is not uncommon for us, civilized people, then the definition of "thermostatic faucet" has recently become common among domestic buyers, unlike in Europe and America. After all, every self-respecting hotel is equipped with such equipment according to the standards. And this is not considered an unaffordable luxury or an element of a chic life. But in our countries, where the choice of ordinary faucets is striking in its diversity and mass character, options for shapes, prices, colors, sizes, designs, coatings and quality, thermostatic faucets are still rather wary. Let's see if it's worth immediately rejecting everything new and unknown?

thermostatic mixer
thermostatic mixer

Probably, everyone has experienced drops in water pressure or a decrease / increase in its pressure when someone uses it in parallel with you. In such a situation, we find ourselves under a chillingshower or, conversely, under a stream of boiling water. Here, in order to avoid such a not very pleasant moment, a thermostatic mixer was created. It consists of the control levers known to us, only they work a little differently than we are used to. One regulator is needed to adjust the desired temperature, and the second one maintains the pressure that you set. When the flow of water changes its pressure or temperature for various reasons, the thermostat will immediately restore the balance. This is the main difference between the new plumbing market and traditional devices. In addition, these faucets are equipped with a specific limiter that will automatically block water if its temperature rises above 38 degrees. This useful quality becomes especially relevant if the thermostat is used by children.

Among the disadvantages of this device, it can be noted that when any water (hot / cold) is turned off, the thermostatic mixer will not function. It should also be noted that when buying it, you will have to fork out significantly, since this pleasure is not cheap. But the thermostat significantly saves water consumption, and this is important due to the constant increase in utility prices.

There are more nuances: when installing a thermostatic mixer, please note that you cannot swap the cold supply (usually on the right according to European standards) and

thermostatic mixers
thermostatic mixers

hot (left) water, as it will not work properly. If your eyeliner is designed differently (which is usually the case in our standardapartments), then you will either have to abandon the purchase, or redo the design of the water supply.

What about the range of thermostats? It is diverse and is not limited to the same type of device. You can put a model of any size on the bathroom (with or without a long spout) and in the shower, on the washbasin and in the kitchen, even a bidet mold is provided. It is possible to install this equipment both on the plumbing itself and on the wall. There are thermostats that are mounted in a closed type (hidden mounting inside the wall). Well, for very demanding customers, you can choose an electronically controlled mixer. It consists of touch buttons and a kind of display containing an infrared sensor.

It is clear that thermostatic faucets, like conventional ones, are not eternal, they can become unusable from the quality of the water used. But you should not rashly blame the manufacturer for this, but you just need to think over the water purification and filtration system before installation. By doing so, you will save yourself from further problems arising in this connection.

So after all: to buy or not to buy? Only you can answer this burning question! We hope, for our part, we have helped you to understand a little about the subject that concerns you.
