Mixer is an electrical appliance used for preparing a wide variety of products, or rather for beating, mixing, kneading them. This appliance can become an assistant in any kitchen and serve you faithfully for a long time. With it, your ordinary cooking will turn into a more exciting and interesting activity, and your dishes will turn into real culinary masterpieces that will surprise all your guests.

Mixer selection
From time to time, many fans create something tasty and original, and even professionals in this business have a dilemma - which mixer suits them best. Concerning criteria such as ease of use, dimensions, complexity of storage, the quality of this product and its price, disputes constantly occur. So which mixer is best? Ordinary manual - some cooks will say; mixer with bowl - even more people will confirm.
Appliance control

Yes, a hand mixer is probably more convenient, takes up much less space, cleans up faster, and it can cook everything in a variety of utensils that you have and that are convenient for you. But is it easier to use and more efficient, you ask? Is it worth turning a blind eye to this with a sufficient number of its other advantages? Of course not! This is the biggest and main disadvantage of hand-held household appliances. With such a mixer, your hands will be constantly busy, and you will no longer be able to do other things while preparing dinner.
Moreover, any housewife knows that for many dishes the ingredients need to be mixed one by one, in a special order, every couple of minutes, carefully and on time. Then the minus of this mixer pops up again - you need to turn it off and put it somewhere while adding the next product to the dishes. This will add to the hassle of choosing a specific container for this task, despite the fact that you already need to find a suitable bowl in which you will mix everything. If you take a cup of insufficient height (and it is unlikely that you will be able to "guess" it the first time), you will end up with a mountain of dirty dishes, dirty walls and furniture in the kitchen, even if you only need to beat a couple of egg whites.
Good value

It's a completely different thing - a mixer with a bowl. It is better to prefer it. Let's take a closer look at the types and descriptions of these household devices. A stationary mixer with a bowl is much more powerful than a manual one, designed for mixing cream, whipping proteins, maximum- making medium density dough.
If you need to prepare a very thick dough, or whip egg whites into a cream, but more quickly and simply, without dirtying extra dishes and without staining everything around, then mixers with a bowl will be a wonderful find - professional assistants to every cook. Such a device must be in every home. If your husband or children love a variety of pastries and other delicious dishes, and you often spoil them with this, then this mixer will be indispensable in your kitchen. Convenient and easy to use, despite its versatility and practicality, it will suit anyone.
Features of bowl mixers

Such mixers are electromechanical equipment and may vary in the volume of their bowl: one liter, one and a half, two or more liters. Differences may be present in the material of manufacture. For example, there are plastic, sometimes even glass bowls, a mixer with a metal bowl is more common and practical.
In step with the times
The latest in home appliances is the planetary mixer. This is when the rims turn in one direction, and the entire electric drive moves, unlike them, in the opposite direction. Such a device is even more powerful, strong and fast. With it, you can cook literally anything your heart desires. The most popular is the bowl mixer, which has only positive reviews.

They also have disadvantages, unfortunately. A mixer with a bowl has a higher price and larger dimensions, which sometimes repels a potential buyer from purchasing this product. But this can be argued. The disposal of funds for the acquisition of such a purchase is a purely subjective matter. For someone, the simplest and most ordinary mixer is enough, which would be inexpensive, since he uses it several times a month or even a year. And some people need a mustang in the world of household appliances, fast, beautiful, high-quality, expensive and multifunctional.
Question of price
Let's take a closer look. On average, the cost of a conventional hand mixer is one and a half to two thousand rubles, or two and a half. But a better Bosch hand mixer with a bowl can also be found for this money. It will make cooking more convenient and varied.
For example, a mixer with a stationary bowl from the same Bosch company will cost from 2500 rubles - reliable, having two or more nozzles, five speeds, including a turbo mode, high-quality European assembly, very powerful, with a rotating bowl.
As for planetary electrical appliances of this type, the situation is somewhat different with them. Their prices are quite high. But if you really like to create edible masterpieces and often do it, you should not skimp on this miracle of technology. You will have to spend money, but then you will forget about constant overheating, as happens with his "manual" colleagues, and about some restrictions that must be observed when using a stationary device. An excellent example would beserve mixer "Kenwood" with a bowl. It has many advantages: original design, power from 400 to 1000 W, large metal bowl, whisk and bowl of planetary rotation, 12 speeds. An indispensable assistant in every kitchen.
Currently, there are a lot of manufacturers of consumer electronics, and they produce a sufficient variety of models. Because of this, often, as they say, "eyes run wide" when choosing a mixer. We have already said that there are completely simple manual ones, there are stationary ones, and that most often the consumer tries to choose mixers with a bowl - professional or amateur. Another question arises about a specific company (most likely, you have already encountered a variety of products from certain manufacturers and have a good idea about them).
We have found out that the most popular requests in Internet search engines are requests from those people who want to buy a mixer, but have not yet decided which one is better to buy. According to consumer reviews, the Bosch mixer with a bowl is more in demand.

Also leaders in this industry is the mixer "Kenwood" with a bowl. Such firms as Kitchenide, Philips, Brown, Mulinex, Scarlet are also popular.
When choosing a mixer with a bowl, you do not need to focus only on the brand, and you should not consider the price of the product as the most important criterion (the more expensive, the better), it’s right not to forget about your preferences and proceed from your ownwishes.
Your faithful servant is a mixer with a bowl, reviews of which are mostly positive. Real housewives or even professional chefs say that you should not even think and rack your brains when choosing. The only thing worth thinking about is for what purposes you need a mixer, and from this you can already make a choice. Yes, and you should choose only among mixers with a bowl - an ordinary stationary one, without a particularly wide variety of functions, or the latest planetary one, which has a stainless steel bowl, many attachments and modes. After all, in fact, the age of hand tools, it seems, has already passed. Such a mixer can even be compared a little with whipping a protein with a kitchen whisk. And this, you see, is not very convenient, not to mention the cooking time, which increases significantly. New appliances, the latest technology have given us the opportunity to cook more complex and tastier and more original dishes in a very simple way, with the help of new generation electric mixers.
Mixers with a bowl. Professional approach

If the mixer is planned for use in a restaurant, cafe, bar, then in this case you absolutely cannot do without professional assistants. After all, we are talking about an excellent result in a short time. Imagine how long you would wait for dessert to be prepared when you came to a restaurant for lunch or dinner, if the chef whipped cream or cream with a whisk or the most ordinary mixer with a small power! That's right, a very long time. And with newer, professional mixers withbowl opens up new opportunities, saving time and effort.
Any housewife will be able to put the necessary components to create her dish in a bowl, press just one button - and then enjoy watching her favorite TV series or doing other things, because every woman is preparing dinner at the same time, washing clothes and all over the apartment children are running around demanding attention. It is with such a mixer that everything will be much easier to do.
Please yourself and your loved ones - if you already have a similar mixer, cook with pleasure with it. And if you don't have it yet, now that you know and appreciate its benefits, purchase it with confidence and enjoy using it!