Construction is a complex process, sometimes lengthy and very difficult, especially physically. And, of course, manufacturers of various construction tools and equipment have long come up with many different useful things that make work much easier. And the concrete mixer is no exception. By the way, the statement that for private use this equipment is an unjustified luxury is just a myth (if you know how to choose a concrete mixer specifically for a home or a small work team).

General classification
Construction can be of different scales. And depending on this, there are several main types of equipment. First of all, these are large-sized concrete mixers. They are indispensable for large-scale construction, for example, a multi-storey and apartment building, and are completely useless for private construction. For this, there are compact models. They are designed specifically for private teams and home use when a large volume of solution is not required. And working with them, of course, is several times easier. How to chooseconcrete mixer for private craftsmen? You need to rely on several criteria.
Just thinking about how to choose a concrete mixer for construction work, immediately decide for yourself what type of control you need. For example, at small-scale (private) construction sites, manual equipment is quite enough. It is an order of magnitude cheaper than automated counterparts, but requires physical effort to work. On the other hand, small-sized automatic concrete mixers for a moderate amount are an indisputable assistant for private construction. Here everyone decides for himself what exactly he needs. A manual concrete mixer is not just a waste of physical strength, but also a significant investment in time, which not every builder can afford.

Bowl size
Concrete mixer drum is one of the main elements to pay attention to. The volume of the bowl up to one hundred and fifty liters is suitable for private construction. At the same time, those who are just thinking about how to choose a concrete mixer should remember that the volume of the solution will be 2/3 of the volume of the drum. This is due to the peculiarities of the process of both the mixing of the building mass itself and its extraction from the equipment. Do not believe the sweet speeches and promises of sellers that you can get 100 liters of mortar from a 130-liter concrete mixer.
Engine and its power
It is widely believed that the more powerful the device, the better it works. Regarding concrete mixers, this is a myth, nothing more. The smarter you areuse the equipment, the better and better it works - that's a fact. And performance is not so much affected by engine power. Although this criterion cannot be discounted completely. How to choose a concrete mixer, focusing on power? For private construction, equipment up to 1 kilowatt is usually offered. It is considered unprofessional, lightweight. At the same time, when buying, always pay attention to the required voltage. For example, there are models of concrete mixers that operate on a 220V network, and there are those that require more - 380V and higher. In this case, an additional stabilizer or generator may be required. And, of course, when wondering how to choose the right concrete mixer for your home, remember that a long time of work requires a lot of power. If the period of use of the equipment does not exceed 12 hours, then 700 W is quite suitable.

Discharge solution
It is also important how the finished solution is extracted from the drum. Of course, powerful and large construction concrete mixers are equipped with an automatic supply of the finished building mix. Are there any for private use? Usually loading and unloading takes place manually if the drum volume is less than 300 liters. But some manufacturers go to meet their customers and make small concrete mixers with a semi-automatic system for supplying the finished solution - for example, due to the pedal. That is, you still have to apply physical force. If you want to chooseconcrete mixer for the home, then pay attention to just such models. This will significantly save energy during construction.

It would seem that it is simpler: I loaded cement, sand, poured water, turned it on, and let the solution interfere with the equipment. But everything is not as it seems at first glance. There are two types of concrete mixers, regardless of their size and power. Each of them has its own advantages, disadvantages and purpose.
Gravity action
This type is considered universal and suitable for construction of any scale. The key feature is that the mixing and preparation of the solution occurs due to the blades that are located inside the drum. They carefully mix cement, sand and water to a homogeneous mixture. Thinking about how to choose the right concrete mixer? Consider how it works.

Forced Action
This type of agitation is more suitable for equipment designed for large-scale construction projects. A serious volume of the drum, impressive power - all this requires the most thorough method of mixing the solution. Thinking about how to choose a concrete mixer according to the principle of its operation? Remember that forced mixing equipment is an option for liquid concrete. That is, kneading a steep mortar in it (for example, for laying a basement or walls) is unlikely to succeed. In addition, there are not so many models on the market.small volume with the specified kneading type.
Reduced options
Concrete mixers of gravity mixing are divided into two types - gear and coronal. The first has earned a good reputation because it is reliable and durable. But it has not received wide distribution. A fly in the ointment is a complex repair. If a concrete mixer of this type breaks down, then replacing the gearbox will be problematic, and in some cases even impossible.
Thinking about how to choose a concrete mixer with gravity mixing method? Pay attention to the whiskers. They have a lot of advantages.

In another way, they are also called crown. Their service life is somewhat shorter than geared ones. But when repairing equipment of this type is less whimsical, all elements are easily replaced. What you definitely shouldn't do is lubricate the mechanism from the inside, which can affect the work, slow it down or stop it altogether.
An important thing to do when choosing is the material from which the body of the concrete mixer is made. For example, the drum itself may be metal, but the mechanism is covered with plastic. Why is it bad? Plastic tends to wear out quickly. Good hardware is metal. This significantly adds weight to it, but you don’t have to take reliability and solidity. Pay attention to how securely the control device is hidden if the concrete mixer is electric. Yes, and manual should be protected from rain, snow, ice.
Some good advice
However, the manufacturer and the country in which the equipment is made do not always guarantee quality. Before buying, it will not be superfluous to ask the owners of similar models about the quality of the concrete mixer. Even from the conveyors of some eminent foreign manufacturers, such models come off that are completely unadapted for working with a solution. And, of course, you can always make a concrete mixer yourself if you have time and a little ingenuity. Suitable materials can be found in your own bins or in specialized stores. The cost will be cheaper than buying ready-made equipment.

How to make a concrete mixer?
It doesn't take much to assemble a stirrer that will work in manual mode:
- drum (can be purchased in a small volume in a specialized store or adapt the tank to a suitable shape);
- relay (the handle that will scroll the drum);
- rack (the tank spins on it).
Additionally, blades may be required to be welded into the tank, if you have not purchased a special drum, of course. Install the structure on the rack, insert the relay so that it scrolls easily, swinging the tank. Of course, such an impromptu concrete mixer will not differ in the special quality of the solution, but it is quite suitable for home use.