The bathroom is no longer just a room where you can hastily rinse after work or hastily clean yourself up. Today, the bathroom is a place where you can retire, relax and focus on your problems and worries.
Which bath to choose? After all, I want it to become a source of pride, in which all the imagination, design solutions and ideas were invested, so that being in it brings pleasure. This will help the interior itself as a whole and the smallest accessories in particular. But the most important thing is to take a responsible approach to the choice of the bath itself, so that it does not disappoint you in the future during its operation, but only brings you satisfaction. Which bath is better to choose, what needs to be considered. What to pay attention to, how to approach the solution of this complex and interesting issue?

Which bath to choose? Previously, people used massive cast-iron bathtubs, curtaining them with a plastic curtain. A cast-iron bath has a number of advantages: it has a high thermal conductivity, is not afraid of corrosion, and is very stable, as it has a lot of weight. This is both its advantage and disadvantage. The weight of a cast iron bath can range from 100 to 300kilograms, so it is very difficult to transport it. There is a very wide variety of cast-iron bathtubs of a domestic manufacturer on the market. However, often the quality of the enamel on them leaves much to be desired, so before purchasing such a bath, you need to carefully examine its surface.

When choosing a bath, first study the characteristics of different types, their advantages and disadvantages.
Which bath to choose? Steel bathtubs are not very expensive, in addition, they are much lighter than cast iron ones. But this is also their disadvantage. When taking a bath, do not be surprised that it can sag under the weight of your body. In addition to this minus, the water in it cools very quickly, so if you decide to lie in a steel bath for a long time, you will need to maintain the temperature by constantly adding hot water. The thickness of the steel of such a bath directly affects the quality. This, in turn, may affect its price.

Which bath to choose? The most recent bathtubs on the market are made of plastic sheet, the so-called acrylic. A sheet of plastic is heated to a certain temperature by placing it in a vacuum chamber. In it, he is given the desired shape.
The best is an acrylic bathtub, the acrylic sheet in which has a thickness of 5 - 6 mm. It will also be the most expensive. The quality of the material can be different: if the acrylic does not bend well, then it will be better. By tapping on the surface of the bath, you can check the number of layers and qualityacrylic - the more layers, the sound will be muffled. One of the advantages of an acrylic bathtub is impact resistance. It can be easily restored in case of various defects.
I hope our description of the baths will help you decide which bath to choose. Now it's all up to you.