Tomatoes in our latitudes grow very well. Breeders have bred many varieties, among which there are early ones. It is this type that is popular, as most gardeners want to harvest as quickly as possible. The value of early maturing varieties should not be underestimated. After prolonged cold weather, the body is in dire need of vitamins, so tomato salad will not only please the taste buds, but will also be quite useful. Interestingly, this vegetable crop contains a very important substance - choline. It can lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood and prevent the development of most diseases.
But does everyone know which varieties should be planted? This article is intended to help gardeners, which will describe the best early varieties of tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse and open ground. Surprisingly, even those who do not have plots can grow them. In this case, organize a small garden on the balcony. If apick up low-growing varieties, then they will develop well and bear fruit even in a flower pot. So, let's get down to reviewing the best strains.

How to choose early varieties of tomatoes for open ground?
Choosing a variety of vegetable crops is necessary not only in terms of ripening. The fact is that there are no less important criteria. These include the type of bush growth and purpose. As for the latter, breeders breed special varieties that are only salad or are intended for canning. You can also pick up such tomatoes, from which juice is made. However, this does not mean that these vegetables cannot be used for salads.
Below will be the best varieties for outdoor planting with a brief description of their characteristics.

When choosing varieties of early low-growing tomatoes for open ground, you need to pay attention to the excellent early-ripening variety bred at the Vavilov Institute - Valentina. It is distinguished by a small height - the aerial part of the bush does not grow above 55 cm. It begins to bear fruit already approximately three months (100 days) after sowing the seeds for seedlings. The yield is high. A maximum of 10 kilograms is collected from one bush. The fruit reaches a weight of 80 g. It is very similar in shape to a large plum.
In order to increase the yield of this tomato variety, it is recommended to pay attention to the distance between the bushes. It should be enoughbig. But feeding with fertilizers plays a non-primary role. The main thing is the availability of free space for the development of the bush.
Valentina variety is mainly used for winter preservation and juicing. These tomatoes also make delicious sauces.
- small bush height;
- good moisture tolerance;
- not prone to disease;
- no need to trim stepchildren;
- high yield;
- the fruits are quite dense, so there will be no problems with transportation.
As a disadvantage, only the need to tie up the bushes can be distinguished. If a large area is planted with this variety, then this process will take a lot of time and effort.
Parodist is another of the low-growing early tomato varieties. The bush grows in height from 38 to 50 cm. In order to collect ripe fruits, it will be necessary to wait about 90 days. Unfortunately, the small size of the bush affects the amount of the crop. From one it will not be possible to collect more than 3.5 kg. However, the fruiting of this variety is stable. It is not affected even by bad weather conditions. The uniqueness of Parodist is in the rather large size of the fruit. Tomatoes can reach a mass of 160 g. They are round in shape, slightly flattened. When fully ripe they have a rich red color. Bushes are very easy to care for. No need for a garter or pinching.
Let's highlight the benefits of this strain:
- compact bush sizes (six plants fit on one squaremeters);
- not afraid of a sudden change in weather conditions;
- cladosporiosis and fusariosis are not terrible for this variety.
Unfortunately, Parodist has a few downsides. Naturally, the most significant is the low yield. In addition, the fruits are difficult to transport, as they are not dense enough.

Many early varieties of tomatoes for open ground fell in love with gardeners. But not all of them can grow in cold climates. Those who live in such an area are advised to choose the Alpha variety. It perfectly tolerates temperature changes and other cataclysms.
Fruits ripen after sowing in about 80-90 days. Bush type - determinant, standard. Its height does not exceed 55 cm. From one bush, the yield reaches seven kilograms. Alpha tomato fruits are small in size. On average, their weight is 60-70 g. They have a bright red color when ripe. Density is average. There are few seed chambers. Ideal for preparing various dishes, including salads.
Alpha is a super-early variety. Tomatoes can already be harvested 65-70 days after planting. These terms correspond only to a warm climate. In the southern regions, it will be possible to enjoy ripe fruits already at the beginning of summer. The uniqueness of this variety lies in the fact that a high yield in the early stages is achieved even with seedless cultivation.
Consider the benefits of tomatoes Alpha:
- fruits of excellent quality;
- resistant to fungal diseases;
- quite unpretentious.
- poor preservation (cracks appear on fruits when ripe);
- difficult to transport.
Studying the varieties of early tomatoes for open ground, it is necessary to talk about such as Gina. He attracted the attention of gardeners with very large fruits. Although the bush is quite small (45-55 cm), tomatoes weighing up to 250 g are tied on it. This variety is not yet very popular, as it was bred relatively recently. Harvest can be harvested one hundred days after seed germination. In total, the bush gives about 3-3.5 kg of tomato. In warm latitudes (southern) it is planted in a seedless way. You can use the fruits for any purpose, but can not be preserved whole in jars due to their large size.
- fruits have the correct shape;
- can be stored for a long time;
- have resistance to fungal diseases;
- do not crack when ripe;
- simple care that does not require garter bushes.
Despite the fact that the aerial part of the plant is small, it is important to keep the distance when planting bushes. It is allowed to grow only three bushes per square meter. And this is the most significant drawback of this variety.

Amur Shtamb
What other early varieties of low-growing tomatoes are popular? For open ground, the Amur Shtamb is perfect. By the way, these tomatoes are also grown in greenhouses. The distinguishing feature isfrost resistance and good tolerance to bad weather conditions. Thanks to these properties, tomatoes can be planted in Siberian regions.
The maximum bush grows up to 50 cm. Fruit ripening occurs three months after the appearance of sprouts. This indicator can be considered average, since many early varieties of tomatoes have such terms.
The yield is not very large - only 4 kg. However, this is due to the size of the fruit. Tomatoes of the Amur trunk are quite large, reaching 130 g in weight. They do not have any features in shape - the fruit is the most common, round. However, it is meaty, so it is great for making salads and other dishes.
Let's talk about the benefits. Among them:
- hardiness and resistance to frost;
- can be grown directly from seed;
- stepping is not required;
- resistance to fungal diseases, in particular verticillium.
Cons, by and large, this variety has no. The only thing that can be attributed to the disadvantages is low productivity. However, it is offset by the large size of the fruit.
There are such early varieties of low-growing tomatoes that are included in the State Register for the North Caucasus region. Marisha is one of them. The fruits ripen quite early - as early as 85 days after planting. Bushes are medium leafy. They have a small height of the aerial part - about 45-50 cm. It is necessary to plant seedlings grown in advance in the ground. Stepchildren required. In an adult bush, two main stems are made. The yield is quite normal, as for undersized varieties. Withone square meter can collect no more than 8.5 kilograms. Ripe fruits are red, small (up to 90 g), rounded. They have a characteristic sweetish taste with a slightly noticeable sourness. The density of tomatoes is good, which allows them to be stored for a long time and transported over long distances. Most often, this variety is used for making salads, but they can also be preserved. Fruiting does not depend on the stability of weather conditions.

Many gardeners prefer to grow Dutch early tomato varieties. In this group, there are those who begin to bear fruit by the 68-70th day, provided they are sown in open ground. In order to get this result, you need to choose the Benito variety. He is undersized. The bush grows up to 55 centimeters. The yield is excellent. On one hectare you can collect up to 90 tons of ripe tomatoes - one bush gives an average of 8 kg. The fruits are large (up to 120 g), have an elongated plum shape. They have a subtle sweet aftertaste. Quite fleshy, few seeds, not watery. The variety is universal. Suitable for both eating raw, and for conservation, processing.
The fruits of the hybrid early variety of tomatoes Benito F1 can be stored for a long time. Taste will not be lost. They also handle long hauls well.
What is their dignity? First of all, it is worth highlighting the wide range of regions in which this variety grows well. It can be planted from Siberia to the Black Sea region. The plant is also resistant tofungal diseases. And most importantly, you don’t have to tie it up. The last advantage will be appreciated by those people who plant quite large areas with this variety.
No significant shortcomings were found. However, it will be necessary to carry out preparatory work before sowing. We are talking about the treatment of seeds with a special agent that stimulates growth. Also, they are planted in the ground only by seedlings.
Don Juan
The best variety of early tomatoes for open ground is Don Juan. It has a rather interesting feature - the raspberry color of ripe fruits. Tomatoes are elongated in shape. The bush grows up to 70 centimeters. The yield is decent. Up to eight kilograms are collected from one bush. Medium-sized fruits - about 80 g. Harvest can already be done 95-98 days after planting.
The taste is excellent. Can be used for any purpose - preservation, juice, salads and so on. There are no problems with storage. Due to the high density, they are perfectly transported. This variety is unpretentious, but has a low level of frost resistance.
Early tomatoes: varieties for greenhouses
Often a greenhouse is used to grow early varieties of vegetable crops. Thanks to this design, it is easy to create optimal conditions for plant growth. It is especially recommended to choose this method for those who live in regions where temperature fluctuations are observed. The ability to independently regulate the microclimate inside the greenhouse is an indisputable advantage. However, unforeseen problems may also arise. The fact is that greenhouse air contributes to the development of harmfulbacteria plants. Of course, they can be de alt with with the help of chemicals, but it is better to immediately plant varieties of tomatoes that already have immunity. Let's look at which of them are popular among gardeners.
Although gardeners are somewhat wary of new varieties of early tomatoes, each of them still wants to try them. Breeders bred a greenhouse hybrid, which they called Druzhok. It has a good harvest, which can be harvested after 2.5 months. From one square meter, approximately 15 kilograms of tomatoes are obtained. The peel of the fruit is glossy, the color is rich red. The bushes are extended by an average of 70 cm. Formation is carried out by pinching. It is recommended to leave only one stem. Be sure to tie shoots to increase productivity and better ripening. The fruits are fleshy. Each of them has 3-4 nests with seeds. On average, the weight of a tomato is 100 g, but with proper care, it is possible to get fruits weighing up to 200 g.
This variety has a high level of protection against bacterial damage, unpretentious, endures temperature fluctuations. Outdoor cultivation is allowed, but in this case, three main shoots must be left. The harvest is collected in two approaches. And this is very convenient for those who grow tomatoes for sale.

Which advise to choose early varieties for greenhouses? Tomatoes Blagovest F1 will delight gardeners with beautiful large fruits. For them to matureit will take about 100 days, maybe a little more. Bushes are tall. They can stretch up to 1.7 m. Naturally, they must be tied up, since the fruits of this species reach a weight of 115 g. They are tied on a brush, where their number is 7-8 pieces. Of course, it will be difficult for a plant to hold such a weight on its own.
Tomatoes Blagovest stepson. To increase the yield, it is necessary to form two main shoots. It is also recommended to plant bushes infrequently - no more than three per square meter. This will help maintain the quality of the crop and increase its quantity. On average, up to 8 kilograms can be harvested per season from one plant.
Fruits are used for various purposes. They are completely universal. Great for marinades, sauces, pickles, salads.
Gold brush
Which early tomato varieties are considered unusual? These include the Golden Brush. The variety is called so for a reason. The fact is that the fruits have a beautiful yellow color. They bear fruit in bunches. In one string, there are up to ten pieces. Tomatoes ripen in 3-3.5 months. The bush is quite tall - it stretches approximately 1.5 m.
Not only the color of this variety attracted the attention of gardeners. It has a rather interesting fruit shape. Tomatoes are somewhat similar to pears. They are small. The mass of one fruit does not exceed 35 g. They can be preserved, used for salads, used as a decoration for dishes.

Mandarin duck
The list of the best early varieties of tomatoes adds another racemose variety. It's called Mandarin. After planting, the first ripe fruits can be tasted after 3.5 months. This variety needs good care. Bushes grow quite high - more than two meters. It is necessary to tie up not only the main shoot, but also the stems where the brush has formed. The fact is that the fruits of the Mandarinka variety reach 110 g, so it will be quite difficult for the plant to hold the ovaries on its own. The yield is very high. From one bush you can collect an average of ten kilograms. A ripe tomato has a characteristic orange color and dessert taste. The shape is round. Outwardly, there is a similarity with tangerines, hence the name. Those who have already grown this variety recommend pinching the growing point at the end of the growing season. Also, do not forget to cut the stepsons.
Mandarinka variety differs from many others in that it contains a large amount of a substance such as beta-carotene. Breeders have instilled in the culture protection against diseases. Tomatoes are not afraid of bad weather conditions, so they bear fruit steadily.

Sweet Bunch
Another interesting early greenhouse tomato variety is Sweet Bunch. Does not grow under other conditions. Attention should be paid to one detail. The packaging indicates that this variety is also planted in open ground. But it will bear fruit only in areas with a southern climate. The crop is harvested in 3.5 months. The complexity of care may arise due to the height of the bush. The plant stretches up to 2.5 meters. Bushes must be tied up so that the branch can hold the brush with fruits. The clusters are verylarge. They can have up to 50 pieces of tomatoes. The weight of each fruit is up to 25 g. They are remotely similar to cherries, not only in shape, but even in color. During the season, 4 kilograms of crops are harvested from one bush.

Ultra-early varieties for polycarbonate greenhouse
What new ultra-early early varieties of tomatoes do experienced gardeners recommend paying attention to?
- Amber is an unpretentious variety. It can grow in latitudes with any climate. It got its name due to the golden fruits. They are of medium size - 60 g. They ripen on low bushes (up to 35 cm), which do not need to be tied up. They also don't need pinching.
- Mishka in the north is a tomato variety that can be grown even in cold regions. The bush is quite strong, but low, which greatly facilitates its care. The fruits are distinguished by a delicate sweetish taste. As they ripen, they turn bright red.
- Junior is a variety whose ripened fruits can already be tasted on the 80th day after seed germination. Full-fledged fruits reach a mass of one hundred grams. Even when overripe, they do not crack. They have a red color, and quite bright. The yield is low - no more than 2 kg.
- The joy of summer. Tomatoes of this variety are attracted by an interesting shape of the fruit. They are slightly elongated and flat. Weight can reach 120 g. Color red.