Dutch tulips: photo, varieties, cultivation, planting and care

Dutch tulips: photo, varieties, cultivation, planting and care
Dutch tulips: photo, varieties, cultivation, planting and care

Today, the largest supplier of tulips in the world is the Netherlands. For a long time, these luxurious flowers have become a symbol of Holland. No other country in the world has such a large variety of plants in terms of shape, color and duration of flowering.

Dutch tulips are the standard of the highest quality and beauty. And a few centuries ago, their price was fabulous. For example, for one bulb of a plant they gave a brewery. Two solid stone houses had to be given for three bulbs of beautiful flowers.

dutch tulips
dutch tulips

Pride of Holland

Little Holland has achieved unprecedented success in breeding these exquisite flowers over four centuries, becoming the main exporter of tulips, which many associate with the beginning of spring. Every year, this small country earns more than twenty-five billion dollars from floriculture. Dutch tulips, photos of which can be found in all publications for gardeners, are sent from this country to different states. Their number is 3/4 of all tulips soldin the world.

A kind of Mecca for flower growers is the Dutch Keukenhof park. It can be safely called the flower kingdom. Every year a magnificent exhibition takes place here, where the newest varieties of Dutch tulips are presented, original flower arrangements are exhibited. And some lucky ones even manage to bring new Dutch tulips from the exhibition.

dutch tulips photo
dutch tulips photo

However, it is not at all necessary to go so far to get them - a huge number of different varieties can now be bought in Russian flower shops.

A bit of history

In 1554, the Austrian ambassador was on a visit to Turkey. The amazingly bright carpets of delicate tulips that adorned the courtyard of the Sultan's possessions pleased the ambassador so much that he bought several bulbs and sent them to Vienna. In those days, the director of the Vienna Botanical Garden was a Dutch botanist, Clusius, who enthusiastically engaged in plant breeding and quickly achieved outstanding results.

Bred new varieties of tulips Clusius gave his friends, he did not deprive his homeland of magnificent flower bulbs. In the city of Leiden (Holland), a botanical garden was opened in 1587, in which a talented breeder continued to work on breeding new varieties of tulips.

varieties of dutch tulips
varieties of dutch tulips

The appearance of tulips from Holland in Russia

To our country (then the USSR), Dutch tulips, photos of which you can see in our article, have become commerciallyact in the 1950s. In those days, the most popular varieties were Apeldoorn, Diplomat, Parade, etc.

The quality of flower bulbs has always been impeccable, the terms of the contracts Dutch producers adhered to very strictly, so every year the purchase of tulips increased. Many varieties produced by D. V. Lefeber" was bred by its founder, David Lefeber, by crossing his plants with "wild birds" from Russia. Thus, such varieties as Yuri Gagarin, In Memory of Lenin, the Bolshoi Theater and others appeared.

dutch tulips growing
dutch tulips growing

Diversity of species and varieties

Listing only the names of varieties of Dutch tulips will take more than one page - in the international register their number reaches 2500. The main parameters of tulip varieties are flowering time, flower shape and height of the peduncle. According to the timing of flowering, they can be divided into:

  • early flowering;
  • medium flowering;
  • late flowering.

According to the height of the peduncle, they are divided into three groups:

  • up to 80 cm - tall;
  • up to 50 cm - medium height;
  • from 8 cm - dwarf.

Dutch tulips: planting and care

Like almost any plant, these flowers can be grown from seeds or bulbs. However, in recent years, Dutch tulips have practically not been grown in the first way. Planting seeds is a long and troublesome job.

For young bulbs in well-loosened soil, make a long furrow ten centimeters deep. earthshould be moistened with a s alt solution at the rate of two hundred grams per ten liters of water. Before planting, inspect the bulbs and remove damaged ones. Then the selected material is soaked for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate. Pre-treat the soil with a solution of foundation. Put the bulbs in the prepared furrow at a distance of four centimeters and sprinkle them with a thin layer of sand.

Dutch tulips planting and care
Dutch tulips planting and care

Dutch tulips are planted to a depth of three centimeters. If the soil is too dense, then you can plant a little higher, if it is too loose, then it is better to deepen the bulbs a little. Between rows, the distance should be at least twenty centimeters.

Pick up time

If you want to grow a flowering flower bed or get flowers for bouquets, planting bulbs is recommended in the fall. By the time of planting, the soil temperature should drop to +10 ° C. Planting dates are calculated so that before frost the bulb can take root within 2-3 weeks. If tulips are planted earlier, they may begin to grow rapidly. As a result, they will not winter well and will most likely die.

Later planting will result in the bulb not establishing roots and nutrition in the winter and early spring.

Dutch tulips planting
Dutch tulips planting

Spring planting

Dutch tulips are fun to grow and can be planted in the spring to mimic the natural cycle. Previously, the bulbs are placed in a refrigerator (temperature +5 ° C) for seven days. Then spendnormal processing before planting and planted as in the first case.

Dutch Tulips Care

These are moisture-loving plants. During flowering, frequent watering allows the plant to reach its maximum size. Keeping the soil moist for two weeks after flowering is complete will allow the bulb to grow and develop properly. Watering Dutch tulips from below.

dutch tulips care
dutch tulips care

Water getting on the leaves can sometimes provoke the development of gray mold and other fungal diseases.


During the season, tulips are usually fed twice. After the first leaves appear on the plant, it is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, for example). But remember that an excess of nitrogen can reduce the plant's immunity and damage the root system.

During the formation of buds, tulips need trace elements. Therefore, you can use complex fertilizers ("Kemira-Lux"). Concentration - twenty grams per ten liters of water. Strengthens mullein plants.

New varieties

To the joy of flower growers, Dutch breeders annually indulge them with unique novelties. Many varieties have been appreciated by amateur flower growers. They decorate flower beds or use them to create magnificent landscape design. Nowadays, there are many different trends and trends in tulip breeding, but increased interest remains in shades of lilac and pink varieties (First Rosy, Cacharel, Jefgenia, Canberra, etc.). Below we present you some of the latest Dutchbreeders.


This is a classic white tulip. It has a neat and very compact bud. Refers to varieties of medium ripening. The flower has a beautiful goblet shape and a large bud. The stem is strong. The leaf is dyed deep green.

dutch tulips photo
dutch tulips photo


This amazing variety will not leave anyone indifferent. It has an interesting combination of colors. The white goblet-shaped bud has a spectacular bright pink border. The variety is strong and tall. The height of the peduncle reaches 70 cm.

dutch tulips
dutch tulips


This is new on the flower market. However, the variety has already found fans among flower growers. The tulip has a spectacular lilac color with a white border. The flower is very large, its height reaches ten centimeters. Stem - 55 cm. Belongs to the medium flowering group.

dutch tulips
dutch tulips


This variety should be noted among the novelties in pink coloring. The composition of the flower is delightful - the glass of the bud is painted in hot pink, with a delicate border of a lighter pink shade.


Another successful development of Dutch breeders. These flowers showed excellent results in the middle and early periods of forcing. The peduncle is powerful and strong. The height of the stem is 55 cm. The flower has a beautiful goblet shape, its height is 9 cm. The color is crimson, with a light edging.

dutch tulips growing
dutch tulips growing


Plantwith a powerful stem, 60 cm high. Painted in a delicate pinkish-purple hue. A bud up to 10 cm high. These tulips are very popular in the flower market. Refers to varieties of medium forcing.


It is necessary to highlight this spectacular variety in red. It combines bright red and yellow tones. This is an early variety. Stem height - 55 cm. A sharp transition of tones gives a special visual effect. It is enhanced by the bright green color of the foliage.
