Persian cyclamens are plants that live only three months. The rest of the time they are in a calm state. In total, sixty varieties of such flowers are known in nature, but only two take root at home: Persian and European. They delight the eye with beautiful, bright flower buds in a boring, gray and cold season. The European species, on the contrary, rests in winter, and begins to bloom in summer.

There is an opinion that Persian cyclamens are a rather capricious type of flowers. However, in fact, their cultivation does not require much effort - only those that other houseplants do. It is enough to know a few secrets, and the flowers will delight the eye and decorate the windowsill. This species prefers that its tubers are not completely covered with earth, a third of them feel better above the soil surface. Also, the plant likes to develop in small containers, because large pots can contribute to rotting tubers and poor flowering. It is better to provide them with sufficiently bright diffused light at the time when the Persian cyclamens bloom, and after the plant has faded, place the pot back in a shady cool place. Water itit is necessary by lowering the pot into the water (to prevent water from entering the rhizome, buds and leaves). With proper care and well-created conditions, cyclamen will delight with its flowering every year. Persian cyclamens are very beautiful flowers, they are compact houseplants with patterned leaves strewn with luxurious moth-like flowers in white, red, pink and crimson, with simple or fringed leaves. Every hostess tries to collect more varieties of such beauty at home.

In nature, Persian (and European) cyclamen usually blooms in autumn or spring. Home species also alternate flowering periods. Many flower growers are looking for ways to preserve the tubers of a dormant plant in ways such as placing it in absolutely dry soil or storing a flower pot in the refrigerator. However, tubers rarely wake up after such procedures, especially young ones. It is more expedient during the fall of the leaves (this is a sure sign that the plant has faded) to simply reduce the amount of watered and do not feed it. After some time, the plant will release leaves again. The flower loves loose soil and sufficient drainage.

The difference between the Persian and European species is that in the first one the roots grow from the bottom, and the top should be visible above the ground, while in the second they develop over the entire surface of the tubers, so the root can be safelydeepen The Persian cyclamen flower propagates with the help of seeds and baby tubers. It is also possible to reproduce by dividing the tuber, which rejuvenates the planting material well. A tuber at the age of 3-4 years is divided with a knife, but each cut part must have a kidney to resume growth. It is very important to sprinkle the slices with charcoal to dry for a couple of days, and then place them in the ground and water. It is better to transplant them in August, during the growing season. Pests of cyclamen are not afraid, only with excessive dryness of the air environment, a spider mite may appear. The flower feels best on the north and east windows. The direct rays of the sun contribute to the appearance of burn spots on the leaves. With proper care, the plant will delight its owners with original and beautiful flowers.